I hope you only play social and complex games, Sup Forums.
I hope you only play social and complex games, Sup Forums
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I play them all excluding sport, rhythm and social media games. Some more and some less, but I do have played every single one from this chart
Everything but social/simple
Why is NFSMW under that category anyway
Why limit your experience instead of enjoying yourself, user?
>dmc games less complex than fucking sims
>racing under simple
o i'm laffin
Why does the non-social scale continue after we've tipped into singleplayer games? Why are some games more social than others even if you play them on your own?
I don't get this political compass meme
Name a game with a better and more talkative public community
protip you can't
>Single player games have a measurable social level with co op games being less socialable
>MMOs high on complexity even though designed to be skinnerboxes that appeal to lowest common denominator
>street fighter 4 lower complexity than world of warcraft
Whoever made this doesn't know video games or is straight up shitposting.
>social media games in social
>minecraft and halo above a fighting game in complexity
>Wow being near anything complex
Who and what womenstudy major came up with this one?
starcraft fag here, the game is incredibly anti social so i have no idea why it's not ALL the way to the left. also, >starcraft 2
>social media games not being at the absolute bottom of the simple/complex scale
Into the trash it goes
Why doesn't strangely have solo/multi split?
because some genres are inherently shit
If hope you only play games for adults.
I mostly play fighting games, not SF though. Related to that, how is a shooter more complex than fighting games?
Why do SC players hate SC2 so much?
depending on what category we count clash royale as I've either played all of them or all of them but social media games.
also how the fuck is shooter more complex than a fighting game? also add in roguelikes in the top left
How are they defining complexity to get such an arrangement?
Also, fuck them for calling DmC a "hack 'n slash", those games are fucking beat 'em ups. And fuck all you retards out there who insist on using that label incorrectly rather than admitting fault.
>Fighting games ranked below sandboxes and multiplayer shooters
>puzzle games on the 'Simple' axis when games like 'The Witness' exist
>Starcraft is a 'highly social' game
Assuming this came from an actual academic paper, I'd peer-review this by mashing my keyboard and printing the result as 'feedback', because they evidently expended about the same effort in their 'research'. What a fucking waste of funding.
>fighting games less complex than MMOs or shooters
as someone that's played competitive fps games since the 90s, that's just incorrect
>Hack N' Slash
>SP shooters and RPGs more complex than cuhrayzee games
One of my best friends was a huge BWfag, so I asked him once. Apparently SC2 is really poorly balanced and plays like ass compared to Brood War, but I'm not entirely surprised, considering D2 to D3 was a gun-to-the-head assassination of one of the greatest action RPGs and video games ever made.
>RPGs listed as complex
>DMC less complex than fucking shooters and sandbox games
>racing under simple
>rhythm listed as simplest
>Hack 'n Slash
>DmC: Devil May Cry
you've never played a single rhythm game, have you
Guitar hero has the simplest fucking mechanics. Complex and hard are two different things.
This. That's another beef I have with this figure; the 'complexity' scale isn't a good qualitative measure as it's almost arbitrary, especially if it's purely based on the researcher's preconceptions of a 'complex game'.
>Minecraft more complex than Street Fighter
Who made this shit
>fighting less complex than shooter
This compass is shit
wow isnt complex anymore tho
the solo games nearer the centre tend to generate stories you can tell others, further left and you're basically all getting the same solo experience
>being tethered to only human opponents
Sorry m80 but human opponents will never be as convenient as an AI is
>play online against humans
>limitations: lag, empty dedicated servers, shitty matchmaking in non-dedicated games, or trying to play the matching-game with your friend's schedules and yours
>play offline against humans
>limitations: couch co-op is dead, and even more severe schedule-match
>play against an AI
>various difficulty levels, no lag, no downtime seeking for an opponent
>limitations: much worse at co-op than humans, and game developers are increasingly lazy in implementing them
I hope you play all sorts of games, user. You aren't a casual are you?
To add to this - human opponents will never be as consistent as AI is.
Winning or losing against humans is basically meaningless because of human error and variance.
dude i'll fucking cum in your fucking asshole
This is pretty much the extent of what I play, except replace those series with God Hand, Castlevania, Puyo Puyo, and Bemani. Shmups as well but I imagine they'd fall around the same area.
>minecraft more complex than devil may cry
>Shooters are apparently more complex than Fighting games
wtf kys m8
>DmC repping hack and slash
At least they correctly nailed its complexity
I think they might be talking about how complex a game is at pretty much it's lowest levels, I guess? Like, MMOs tend to be pretty complex and difficult to get a hold of, to start with. Fighting games on the other hand you can just pick up and play.
Obviously anyone with any sense can see that complexity can be all over the place. Fighting games are intensely complicated at their highest level of play, but at the base? Pretty simple, really.
Kill yourself, social games are disgusting
Nope. Right now, I only play single-player games that are fairly simple and mindless. I always played single-player exclusively anyway, and my current mental state isn't great, so I have a hard time getting into something complex unless I've played it before and already know how it works.
I want to play that painting
>halo is more complex than mario party
these examples could easily switch places if they used halo 5 and mp 3, fuck this shit
That's fucking retarded