Wait a minute, that block...
Wait a minute, that block
What the Hell? Dude, I'm jumping.
>introducing dash and long jump both at the same time
bad tutorial
My 5 year old wife's son could jump over that shit.
>my five year old wife
Sorry man english is not my language and i'm pretty fucked up right now.
Have a great day.
No you're right that faggot just took your words out of context
No I should have said My wife's 5 year old son.
This is correct
>apologizing on Sup Forums
holy shit never change, user. you're alright
It's my birthday and I love you.
Happy birthday user.
Happy birthday, user!
thanks user
Closer to death, every day.
The guys playing is dumb as a rock, but they really should have added another small block after the first one and after the onscreen instruction. Or at the very least, have the instructions mention the prior block somehow.
thank you user :)
you are right, great suggestion user
> i'm pretty fucked up right now
sure you are
Why the troll posting? You know I'm right. It's the tutorial, you have to assume the playing the game knows absolutely nothing about the game or platformers in general.
I apologize if I sounded sarcastic this wasn't my purpose at all
have a good day
>pandering to 5 y/o retards
That's the way to go you are right.
Why do you keep shilling this game?
That's kinda what you need to so. It is the tutorial after all. You need to teach anyone playing the game the basics and assume a literal 5 year old is playing. What happens in the main game is no longer a concern but the tutorial has to be dumbed down.
Happy birthday user, have a good one
>hmm i can't get quite high enough
>maybe if I tried using the smaller block in the immediate vicinity
Fucking chimpanzees figure this kind of stuff out, friend
Happy birthday, we love you too yes homo
I do agree the tutorial should have taught you tap jump on that short block, hold jump over a medium block, AND THEN hold jump/dash to get on top of the tall block.
HOWEVER, you'd still have to be retarded to not get this
And yet, all they had to do was add another arrow between the small block and the larger one, showing you're suppose to chain the two segments together. One single curve arrow leading into the dash arrow. Or just add another smaller block. Chimpanzee or not, the tutorial could have been made a bit better. This is the tutotial after all.
Happy birthday user!
i don't know you but you seem like cool guys
This. If chimps can pass the crate + stick = banana test (without visual clues), it puts some of the "game journalists" below apes.
maybe the purpose of the tutorial is to teach basic problem solving :^)
>tfw too intelligent to pass the tutorial
You do realize those chimps didn't figure all that out within a minute like the playtester did, right? Not defending the retard player, but you used a really shitty example.
even crows can solve multi-step problems and use tools, hunams are DUMB
Or maybe it's a worrying sign that if the developer aren't willing to spend a little bit of effort into designing the tutorial, the rest of the game will be just as unintuitive.
honestly the block being the only thing there aside from the wall (obstacle) it shouldnt take you more than 1 try to realize you cant jump over the wall so you need some extra height to pass.
its vidya logic 101
You know us very well. Real friends do not have to hold back or keep their opinions to themselves. We keep insulting one another over PCs and consoles, talking trash about waifus and favourite vidya genres, but would never trade this company over any other.
You don't understand, he went in cold!
>U N I N T U I T I V E
Oh god i'm laffin. Dean must be burning a whole year's salary paying you shmucks to astroturf away his incompetence.
It's pigeon, you fucking friend
>I cannot jump high enough
>I am trying everything I've learned and been taught and cannot jump high enough
>There must be something I am missing, some force that will help propel me high enough to get over this
>No wait, its the GAME'S fault
hahaha thanks ill repost this when needed
Why the fuck that rat didn't fly? Even if he is in a close space he should be able to do a double jump
reminder that this is an asian man playing the game
>torture the birb for weeks and condition it to "solve" the problem through brute force
>look at how smart he is!
To make this odds even, remove visual clues from the Cuphead tutorial, as well as make player move this first block to that position on himself. You can rest assured that most players would still figure it out in a matter of seconds while Dean would be stuck there for another 10 minutes, if not for good
The guy was barely able to finish the first level of the game. Making the tutorial longer just to accommodate the very worst of your players isn't worth it.
>All this naked insecurity over a bird solving a puzzle
What a board this is.
reminds me of Abe's Odyssey where the first level tells you things during your playthrough like using spells and you can miss secrets at the very beginning but it's still playable without being a total retard like pic related
You damn well know they should have either added another arrow or another small block to it. Retard or not, this is a flawed attempt at teaching the basics in a tutorial. Stop trying to defend this mistake.
Onus is on the speaker to be clear with their meaning.
"My wife's 5 year old son" would have been much clearer.
back to
>kohle rape in sight
who is playing? And btw why wouldn't the pigeon just flutter to get to the food?
Should they also have arrows at every point throughout the rest of the game to make sure the player never has to think? The game had literally introduced 2 mechanics to the player, it's not asking too much for them to apply the lesson still on the screen.
He was not able to beat the first level.
Why didn't the journalist just ask the developer to tell him how to beat the tutorial?
While they're at it, why is there no explanation for how moving the stick makes you go left and right??? How can I honestly be expected to figure that out?
Furthermore, there's no indication that jumping while moving will let me jump on top of other things and then remain on them! This game doesn't explain shit!
Also, how am I even supposed to read the instructions? The game never taught me how to read. How the fuck am I meant to know what those squiggly lines mean?
imagine being so bad at video games that you don't understand mechanics that have been around for 15-20 years
Because it deserves it.
To be fair, that guy did just try that out soon after, but couldn't get the perfect jump to dash chain to get over and assumed it was the wrong method. He was probably assuming you could dash in any direction, or dash into breaking the wall. Not saying he wasn't a retard, but he did try the small block to jump method after the initial failure.
You must be retarded. Once you realize that the dash alone won't get you over the cylinder, bc your jump is just not high enough, you should be able to come to the conclusion that maybe you need to jump and dash from a higher position. The block is the only higher position. If you struggle this hard at this part you are a retard.
they probably clipped his wings and the fact that he didn't even try to fly makes me think that they clipped very early on
DO NOT support evil animal testing
>My 5 year old wife
It's the fucking tutorial. Of course you'te suppose to hold their hand during this segment. When else are you suppose to do that? Not at the tutorial? Stop being a dumbass.
Nor soon enough
He did just that, and tried that a few times but failed because he mis-timed his button presses. He went on to try other things because he thought that was the wrong method. He eventually went back to it after exhausting all those other ideas.
If you notice in second 0:53 he stays put for a couple of seconds, im pretty sure someone was telling him what to do because inmediately he "remembers" how to dash
>Not My wife's 5 year old, son
smhtbh onii-chan
You're nice I like you
Happy birthday
Just put arrows all over the screen which show where to go with "YOU'RE GOING THE RIGHT WAY JUST KEEP WALKING" flashing whenever you follow the arrows while you're at it
It's the fucking tutotial. No matter how much you try to twist it, this is the one and only time any game should be holding your hand. Beyond that is fair game though.
You don't want them to hold your hand, you want them to pick you up and carry you. Less is more if you actually want players to understand how and when to apply a mechanic.
Nigga. It's the tutorial. You can make it SMB hard after this for all I care, but if there is any time for the game to be legitimately dumb down, this is the only time to do that. Why the fuck are you even arguing against this?
so you're a casual gamer, nice
>A is jump
>hold A to jump higher
>Y is dash
nigger if you can't combine 3 short sentences in order, while using your eyes, while being a middle age "game journalist" you shouldn't be reviewing video games
why are you fags so defensive?
It IS dumbed down. Games are supposed to teach you things organically, not spell everything out for you. The tutorial is simple and effective, it's the player who's retarded.
WTF? How was I supposed to know you could jump over the Goomba? The game didn't tell me that!
thanks Sup Forums good night
>Can see that at the peak of my jump I am high enough to be able to pass over the tall block
>Press dash after falling down below the top of the tall block
>Hit the block because I was too late pressing dash
>Instead of trying again and pressing dash at the peak of my jump this time, resume banging my face into the wall of the block, because surely that will work this time
good night user
Yeah, which is my point. You can make it as dumb as possible in the tutorial, maybe even the dumbest with the game showing how to do it first before letting you attempt for all I care, but that's perfectly fine because it's the tutorial. So hold your hand with fuckton of arrows, go all out, because this is the one and only time for the player to be as dumb as humanly possible. After the tutorial, you can go fuck off and die in a fire because it is no longer the game's job to hold your hand anymore.
Mine too! Happy birthday user.
did dsp really get dumped?
Sleep tight, user
There comes a point where, even in a tutorial, you have to rely on the player's own intellect to figure out what to do. If I tell a player "Press Y to dash", I shouldn't have to explain that "Y" refers to a button on the controller. I shouldn't have to explain what a button is. I shouldn't have to explain what the word "dash" means.
Eventually you simply have to rely on the player's comprehension skills to take over. What cuphead shows is more than adequate for anyone, but I guess they just didn't anticipate that their game would be reviewed by mentally retarded gibbons coming off heavy anaesthetics.
>torture the bird for weeks and condition it to "solve" the problem through brute force
>for weeks
>Dean "Human Kindness" Takahashi is a "gaming journalist" with 20 years experience
>20 years
>look at how smart he is!
Stop defending literal retards. People like you are why we can't have nice things
that's a nice frog
>Step 1: press the jump button to jump on to the smaller platform
>step 2: press the jump button again to jump towards the taller platform
>at the apex of your jump (note: that means highest point) press the dash button
>congratulations, a cookie has been mailed to your address
Which would probably have resulted in
>"the tutorial did not properly prepare me for the difficulty spike once i began the game proper"
considering that, according to this thread, he still struggled with the first level despite mastering basic spatial awareness and two button inputs
Most tutorial segments are usually self contained and brings all of those elements in a final training course. Not defending his retard ass, but he probably thought he was suppose to get over the large block without the aid of the smaller one as that's how it's suppose to be done and failure to do so is to fuck yourself over later without learning the supposedly proper way of doing it.
That is the nicest thread I've seen in years.
The guy playing is Dean Takahashi, look him up. He gave mass effect 1 a 1/10, because he completed it without realizing he could level up his characters