Final Fantasy Dissidia
Best girl arrived

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>Best girl
That's not Quistis. A hot female is one of the very first people you see, Squall still falls in love with the plainest female available.

Holy mcufckity shit. Thanks user

>we will never get a main-line modern FF with these visuals and art-direction

Came in this thread to post this, fucking hell, QUISTIS IS MINE!

Yes we can. Because it's the direction FF took- Nomura characters shooting rainbow light shows at each other and flying through the air.

Well. At least this is a team game so this thing can't top tier all over me again

And it's 10x better then what XV turned out to be. I'd take a remake of 3-9 in Dissidia visuals over unlimited budget 7R shit or XV
It's all about consistency

nice tiddies

>Squall blows her off like the retard he is

I'm still mad.
They at least allowed you to be nice to Selphie, but Best Girl Quistis is treated like shit from beginning to end.


I wish 8 wasn't a chore to play so I could experience it and enjoy it

I always had a massive hard on for her. Everyone else loved Quistis - felt like a bit of an outcast.

Would fug

Read this if you haven't.
Makes too much sense to ignore.

I think everyone knows it by now.
I like the theory though. And the ending never really felt like an happy end to me


Never seen this FF8 character before.

Last i checked Dissidia did not just have characters from 8

Never saw her in Dissidia either

Very clearly director bias. Quistis really didn't deserve any of the shit she got. And doesn't she finish still alone.

>learn you're going to die for no reason
>try not to die
>become extremely cynical and jaded because your'e going to die
>try not to die
>create an elaborate plan to not die
>try not to die
>Fall into an obvious trap that you yourself were blind to
>die anyways

>no junction
Looks still pretty great desu.

And that's a damn shame

Dat The Extreme Jazz Mix. I supose Ultimecia too or something.

>Voiced by Bayonetta


Jesus, can a game series be more BLAND than this Dissidia shit? So bombastic and yet so unbelievably fucking dull?

lt's the new one really. Overall slower and less attacks. l don't know why they decided to abandon the winning formula that was Duodecim.

Is it a lot slower in actual gameplay?
I dislike duodecim, but I like fast.

Outsourcing to Team Ninja was a mistake

What a shitty moveset compared to the PSP game

Please. At least it's more balanced than duodecim.

Yes. There's dash meter so you can't overuse the dash. No cancelling from what l've played. Dodging is worthless since no iframes. Recovery after being attacked is also terrible. The only improvement l've noticed so far is you don't have to constantly press the dash to get anywhere, you can just hold it... that is if you don't run out of dash meter while doing it.

Squall has junction

.....why would you do this?

Better that than no new game at all. Square can't into FF anymore

Should have just graphically overhauled Duodecim, added new characters/stages, and rebalanced the game.

>dodging is worthless
Not true. It just doesn't have i frames so you can't dodge through attacks. The removal of i-frames on dodging is one of the few changes that I actually like.

Matches where you were at killing brave for 6 minutes was horseshit in duodecim. Made worse than either you or your opponent could wind the nanosecond the EX gauge was filled because you could then just ex-revenge them.

I hoped they nerfed this bitch this time.
Because the big selling point of this title at least in Japan is the 3v3 system. It's what the whole game is based around, what characters are balanced by, why they removed a majority of the EX related stuff and replaced it with summons that support your entire tram, etc. Even if it were better balanced, if the game had the speed of Duodecim it'd be a shitshow where two people can gangbang you to death in 5 seconds. At least here it takes 15 seconds so maybe your team can save you if they're competent.

this is dissidia in name only.

how did they fuck it up so bad?

>rebalanced the game
So removed ex-revenge, made several characters not use assists, outright delete exdeath, ultimecia, and prishe from the game, and block most summons from competitive play.

How top tier was Golbez ina ctuality, I wrecked a lot of shit as him back in the day.

Please tell me their not going to use that weird checker board effect to hide the choppiness of the game not having AA like they did with the PSP games.

>made several characters not use assists
What do you mean? All they need to do is fix Kuja's assist. He was the most broken one in the game and used at high levels.

Barely better than Garland in the competitive scene. So you're pretty good. I don't think anybody has a thing on the one bartz player though that showed up sporadically in adhoc party.

I'd wait for an actual tech article on it. Hard to say from a low bitrate YT video

I said several characters use assist not several characters as assists. Kuja Assist was outrageously broken but shit like emperor triple flare (which I used) was fucking hilarious.

>fastest infrastructure in the world
>web 2.0 and 480p videos upscaled to 720p

I don't get this meme.

True, but we can clearly see that the game no longer has anti-aliasing on it. I remember the early Arcade trailers looking a lot less choppy. I guess they may have downgraded some things to work with the PS4.

Confirmed non canon by the devs. It was always a trash theory though along with Rinoa is ultimecia which was also confirmed non canon.

why does she have a womb tattoo?

Probably. 3v3 online is more taxing on the CPU than a lot of people think.
It already looks better than most other TN games though, they never really made amazing engines

I'm pretty sure she's far more masculine than both of us.

'cause she a witch
How far lower do you think it reaches?

Because that's how she looks in FFVIII

I still would have preferred a PC version without the PS4 downgrades. This isn't even a "MUH PC master graphics" thing, just that I would have preferred to be able to play the game in it's definitive arcade version. It's not like we can buy mini arcades to play it, nor would it be optimal. There's just so much going on the in the backgrounds of the very first arcade trailer compared to the newer ones. Remember all that fucking grass?

Are you complaining?

Isn't the arcade run on some sort of modified ps4 shit to begin with?

>this is a ps1 model

>Square can't into FF anymore

Every fucking thread. Every single time.

It's fucking Koei Tecmo, What do you expect?

Think of the arcade version to be more like the PS4 pro of the PS4 pro. It's a bit more powerful and it only has one job to throw all it's CPU into.

I'm pretty sure these videos are for the arcade version, user. lf it was PS4, would have said Dissidia NT.

I personally consider 2 and 10 the two low points of the series.

Then maybe their building everything towards running properly on the PS4 while they add them to the arcade version? The game just looks a lot more choppy and less 'active' as the very first trailers we got. Remember how different the FF15 changes were when they finally started optimizing it for it's release?

>no "TIME!"
>no EX Bursts
>gameplay is slower
>no assists
Why do this, Square?

I don't.

Rat > rabbit

this fucking ui

Maybe for furfags like you

FFXIV is a passion project by Yoshi-P who actively plays his own game. Which hasn't been true for Square since Sakaguchi
XII was half a passion project
XIII was not But just so you know, I like XIII.

Beatrix did nothing wrong.

lt really does need fixing. So much unnecessary shit on the screen. Like, why do l need 2 huge colored bars to tell me how many times a player can get down'd? Can just have a number value instead?

>no assists

It doesn't need to be that big either. They should make it much smaller.

The map needs to be slightly smaller. The break bonus can be put somewhere else as it will never go higher than just over 1k in any game you will ever play.
Stocks and time are in the right place as is the summon gauge. Everything else is necessary information.

It's not pretty, but all of that shit is required to be able to play the game at the level it expects from you

>XIII was not
You say this when Lightning was literally the director's waifu?

>no Ex bursts
No ex revenge

Dissidia on the psp was an amazing 10/10 fanservice game but it was not competitive at all. I would really like if a dissidia on the vita existed but we already got our designated fanservice game in World of Final fantasy, so I'm not holding my breath.

yes but he was under supervision. Now Lightning Returns is a passion project. A game that literally only existed because he was unhappy with how Lightnings DLC chapter in 13-2 ended.

World of FInal Fantasy was way better than I even dreamed. Brandelis was fucking cool too.

>World of FInal Fantasy was way better than I even dreamed.
You and me both. I'm not one for cutesy stuff. I thought myself so jaded and edgy from my early adult years and development of a disease. But god damn it that game put such a smile on my face that I can just recall it and be in a good move.

How in the fuck did a spinoff that endearing get made. With music by Masashi Hamauzu no less that was just beautiful.
>that merging of zanarkand and the blitzball theme for tidus
Fucking beautiful

played the closed beta and was not impressed.

arcade game was a mistake

at this point dissidia's only value seems to be making gorgeous HD models of classic FF iconography and characters. except the game's not on PC so they are all trapped in this shit clusterfuck of a game

this remix is fucking atrocious holy shit.

also why doesn't the bottom of her dress have any physics? it looks stiff as fuck

to be fair though that was one of the best scenes in the game.

>i just need someone to talk to
>then go talk to a wall

>this remix is fucking atrocious
Holy fucking shit I'm so fucking glad. Like I like a lot of the tracks in DFFAC but that is not one of them. It's probably my least favorite track.

Anyways to answer your question about her "wardrobe", no. In fact a lot of that stuff is seamlessly part of her own body

Man fuck the arrange of The Extreme. They could have just used the black mages version from that third album. That shit is lit.

are you fucking serious still spreading this garbage?

the literal definition of seeking depth where there is none. both this stupid theory and rinoa-mecia theory were debunked thankfully.

True best girl when?


i don't know what happened to square but man their shit has become aesthetically unappealing as hell. it's like they fired the people in charge of making their UI decent

Incest>Tranny famalan


Hey man, i fnished the story and every single content the game has to offer, but if Square would really care they'd have something this good as a singleplayer game so more people will play it. Cause tons of people will just never pay it because "MMO gameplay sucks" and then they go back to pressing one button all day
Can't have good things. Get ready for Tabata to direct FF16

>tfw everyone draws/cosplays as her with boots, when they aren't

>it'd be a shitshow where two people can gangbang you to death in 5 seconds.
this still happens just fyi. i remember joining a match the other day and the entire enemy team backed me into a corner of the midgar stage and just BRV slammed me over and over and then hit me with a killing blow as i was trying to escape. fucking stupid

also, i don't know if this bothers anyone else but i HATE the unreal-engine thing where your character is fuzzy and see-through after getting hit. along with them loading into existence on the match setup screen it just gives this impression a bunch of ghosts are having a slapfight.

That's still a male hijacking that body, user.

yes and getting ex first was a matter of not just your equipment set up but also your strategy. now it feels like nothing you do really means anything, the opponent can just bully one guy on your team and keep killing him if they sense weakness and you still lose.

if there is one thing i fucking hate it's the idea of losing because of someone else's poor play

would still impregnate

you should stop playing with shitters desu

Still a female body,even after the transformation...dont see any bulge down there

>overly realistic despite no one asking for or needing that
>stealth gameplay
>real-time combat because turn-based is too "old school" (just keep ignoring the major success of tons of turn based rpgs surpassing you square!)
>release date of EPISODE 1 is almost certainly winter 2018 if not delayed well into 2019
>full game will be finished when nomura is on his deathbed

i'm done with FF. no idea how they fumbled the series this fucking hard. more budget and profits = worse products made by obnoxious "auteurs" like Tabata who want to be the next Hideo Kojima but are nowhere near smart enough or aesthetically talented enough