Local Serial killer here.
Just killed my 6th lovely today.
Can you recommend some games for a man/girl like me?
Local Serial killer here
hope you're using a proxy because I just reported this post to the fbi
You're next, kiddo.
Manhunt 1 + 2
Postal 1 + 2
Serial killers and rapists are not the same thing.
Little Witch Academia
>lol rape = murder
Killer 7
every musou games
you kill fucking +1000 people every stage
>LWA fags are degenerate serial killers
Not surprised tbqh
>The police use more technology and psychology in order to catch serial killers more easily.
>This only makes the serial killers adapt making them harder to find and well as making them more affective and killing people.
I love you
Why are serial killers never women?
Legit question.
Hi, I'm your fate today!
No More Heroes if you kill for money
If you kill for fun then just pick any game where you can go on a riot like GTA or something
Maybe they're just not caught
Women are too weak.
do me next please
Prove it
>mixing your hobby with your day job
not a good idea OP
They are but there's lots of bullshit loaded into this matter
You know how society deals with genders and even stuff like serial killings isn't immune from that bullshit
Women are too emotional & impatient
Also dumb so they get caught before they can even become serial killers
Men are fucked up by nature, that's why you don't see reverse traps, rapist women, etc, as often.
I remember reading an FBI statistic saying a lot of murders live through life and never get caught.
Many carry their secret to the grave,
>reverse traps
muh fetish
There's the old lady who keeps killing her husbands and the courts just giggle about how cute it is before releasing her in a week so she can do it again.
some of the worst ones were.
Monster hunter
Maybe some fallen london if you like reading
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
Why did you do this?
Ever seen the Granny cannibal?
Also yes this is real.
Yeah, the only female serial killer I'm aware of is Aileen Wuornos, and half of that was because she was delusional. As another user mentioned, women are emotional and impatient when it really comes down to it.
But that's gay.
What's your name?
>letting people live after you rape them
This is how you get caught.
Not Important
It's just an urge I guess.
Some days I feel fine and I don't need to kill but then out of the blue I get images flashing in my head.
Very violent ones, I need to scratch the itch otherwise I can't focus.
Luckily killing people is pretty easy in the city I live in.
Its filled with crime so I'm just a drop in the bucket.
>this thread
The FBI is coming on it's way to OP's house.
what the fuck are you talking about
Show your handiwork fampai.
That's actually not true. It's incredibly difficult to get away with murder these days.
Mind telling me what city sonny? I could use some murdering too! I do the murder all the time!
But she's literally a woman, unlike traps and trannies.
>Thinking this little thread is enouth to catch me.
The cops in my city are brain dead, they have to deal with crime 24/7.
They can't catch me because I'm always ahead of those pigs.
Dwarf Fortress. Hopefully you'll get so consumed that you'll stop killing people and stay put long enough for the proper authorities to find you