One hour to go lads, predict the metacritic

One hour to go lads, predict the metacritic

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reviewers will compare it to the abomination that is the first game and give it an 80-85

screencap this


96 MINIMUM. Best Shooter since Halo 3.

Screencap my post.

Alright let's stop the fucking shit for a second.

What did you guys think of it, really ?

Got an extra month to wait on pc so I can see what the general consensus is on it before I buy

already been out for an hour
there are now 4 threads about "Destiny" in the catalog

It's diabhalo if you like both of those games then you'll probably like this

87 best i can do



It is absolutely an improvement over the last vanilla release, which is what most reviewers have played. I don't think major reviewers ever went back to see the improvements in the DLCs

95 easy

68- Turns out its meh, Screencap this you fucking plebs

Probably 80ish

an exact number or fuck off.

last second 92


2 minutes to go here.

just 1176 hours to go!

Blizzard will pay them well but the game is ridiculously boring so they can't give it perfect scores



Idk about the console version, but the PC version is pretty nuts once you get past a certain level of player speed. This is one of those games that functions well when all the enemies are aided by your slow speed with a controller. With a mouse, the fuckers barely have time to get into formation or even land a few shots on you by the time you've headshotted all of them. Even though it felt like D2 had little to no aimbotting for KB+M control, it just got really really easy after a second or two. While the game looks goddamn good, I can't see the story shaping up much either.

I'm really interested to see how Destiny 2 goes. The issue with the first one is that people were expecting something totally different from what the game turned out to be so public reception was pretty bad. Now that people know what to expect, it'll be interesting to see what the response is.

I have to wait for the PC version to play which fucking sucks but the game runs so well that it's worth the wait.

Reviews in progress faggots

embargo is lifted, but I'm not seeing any scores. looks like reviewers have to review it with the public launch ala Destiny 1

That being said, I still want to play it, because Destiny with friends is wonderful, but I'm either just going to get the console version, or wait and see what happens on PC. I hope I am wrong about that story though - I pray it blows me away, but I'm not expecting a goddamn thing.

of course women are reviewing it. fucking unreal.



Probably 88
It's too big to fail

>have to wait a month to buy it on PC
Lol for what reason? I ain't buyign this shit. Either start releasing things on all platforms at the same time or fuck off.

HURRRR ItS T0 biG To fAil! Kill yourself underage.

But I still want the game they advertised
What the fuck is the allure of someone like me who played OG Destiny for like a year and dropped it after the first crap expansion


I hope they go bankrupt, fucking pieces of shit

cool, Ign has a male doing the review. go there.

Nevermind you answered my question, wait at least a year until the game is complete and they've put all the microtransaction actual content back into the game

I'll buy it depending on how many hours I can get out of the vanilla content without DLC bullshit.


The Gamespot review states they were invited over to a special three-day event to review the game.

The whole thing is Activision bribing critics again with fancy hotel visits and gift shops.


Hmm I wonder who benefits from a delayed release to a superior platform by roping in inpatient gamers and fans to their platform while the hype is still high. I have no idea why devs delay games on pc for no reason


Australians got it already?

Yeah I just cancelled my preorder on Amazon. Maybe I'll pick it up on sale.

Good, Fuck PC.

dont do this

Between 77 and 82

Because tons of people will buy it twice because they can't wait, works everytime

Buy it on ps4

Nah. GTAV on PC was still pretty good though, I feel like you'd be mad about that one still.

Activision is going to open up their wallet and pay for a 85 score, in reality it's worth a low 70s.

extra strike and pvp map. i have gtaV on pc.

Streamers are already playing it on Twitch

Wait, are they doing that console exclusive shit again? Why? And still, no, I have a Xbox and it gathers dust, what makes you think a PS4 won't do the same?

some extra content but for the trade off of the game looking worse, running worse and a worse control scheme. I'd still get it on pc.

>PS4 has more content
>but have to pay for shitty ps+ which i wouldn't use for any other game

99 borderlands2-like jokes / 10
How long until new hollywood writers will stuck forced sjw-memes into it? My bet is on a 2nd dlc.

80 flat

74 pc release

Why the fuck would anyone be mad about gta on pc?

So much this. Enemies and world scripts rely on player using a joypad a lot.

I will buy 5 people on Sup Forums the game if the thing actually breaks 85 with at least 80 reviews.

ps4 exclusive content lol.
meh, it looks and runs fine for me. really don't give a shit about a very slight difference

Imagine being this sad individual

You tell me! There were metric butttons of fucking mad consolefaggots bitching about how they deserved exclusives like GTAV. You have to wonder where the logic is, like who does that hurt?

30fps and 70 fov to 60fps and 105 fov is not a slight difference.

PC version?

Every review I’ve seen so far has specifically called out the 20 hour review event and not given a score, because they couldn’t finish the game. We probably won’t see scores til a week or so in.

That being said, I already preordered

Ahh, this guy predicted my 84, so I'll say 85.

Since when does any game have 80 reviews on metacritic? Pretty much everything is in the 40-60 range.

>an extra 5th of the content you're expected to grind endlessly until the death of our sun

It's literally a Destiny DLC's worth.

it actually is.

>reviewing an mmo

Better debate, should consoles be allowed to use Keyboard and mouse.

Is that Destiny concept art or just some random image? Looks neat.

Congrats, you've said possibly the most retarded fucking thing I think I've ever read in discussion about video games.


Sony won't allow it

the only way you would claim this is if you've been confined to consoles your entire life.
Is there really so little content in the game?
what part of that fact confused you so much?

the only way you can die in this game is by getting killed by the boss massive AOE spells or by letting trash mob accumulate and spam at you

Here's your (You), don't spend it all in one place.

don't you think that's bullshit?

nice meme!


A hot, sloppy 76.

Destiny 1 has a score of 76 with with 95 reviews. It is a AAA sequel to one of the most high profile, high budgeted games of all time, from a famous developer and the largest third party publisher in the industry. Getting at least 80 reviews is easy.

Sure unless there's a way I can gift XBOX or PSN games. No I will not just give you a $60 PSN wallet code and assume you will buy the game.

>Is there really so little content in the game?
Yes. To get certain items (or to enter engram RNG after weeklies) you grind strikes. Which are basically standard Halo missions. So we're talking running the same 5 halo missions hundereds of times over each, with 0 differentiation. There's no reason for them to have so few and its ridiculous they make some of them console exclusive.

1 guy was retarded. game sucks everybody.

Yo knack 2 reviews are out babby

What are you guys talking about
There are still over a month left till PC version.
You guys are not playing on console right?

It is FPS Diablo
It is literally the very same notion

Where do i find thicc dwarfs like this?

How to unlock Voidwalker, fuck this solar shit.

How did you get hit so many times? lmfao seems you're a console baby too

89 screencap

i was trying to see how much damage it did, not that i was expecting otherwise, but then again, i'm answering to bait

You got hit while trying to avoid THAT?

Good luck on the raid

You were clearly trying to avoid it

Plus, the beginning of the webm shows how you were in the middle of regenerating health, which means you already "tried to see" how much damage you took

Worse than casual

Damn, that takes me back.

>good luck on the raid
buy the game for me and i'll let you know :^)

Better to dodge that reddit spacing than a bullet tbhfamalam

>i-i-i-i-i-i just wanted to see h-how much damage it did!

So you're not only bad at the game you tried to shitpost about, but you're also a poorfag.

Good shit on the backpedaling, and thanks for being an example of the kind of hypocritical retards that try to shit on the game while being shit themselves

It’s (probably) concept art for Leviathan, the raid.