Amazing Eternals

Does this game have any chance of NOT flopping/DOA'ing

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Why is everyone so desperate for a piece of that pie?

pie of cards\deck games or pie of hero shooters?


i don't know. there are enough dick suckers from warframe to keep keystone a float for atleast a year

It looks very boring

lmao, they know it's gonna flop

What is wrong with it:
>Characters are boring and real hard to tell apart on the field
>Artstyle is ass and there is hardly any theme
>COD gamemodes

I really don't know, was Overwatch REALLY that succesful

>Digital Extremes
It's DOA on arrival.
looks like something you would play on a phone
>OW clone that looks like shit
>shit name

Both, I guess?

At least it's not Lawbreakers.

Oh look, it's another "developers commit financial suicide" game.

DE are a really stupid company.

They spend a ton of money trying to launch an overwatch clone instead of pumping money into warframe, now they have a guaranteed flop and have their core game in a shitty position with destiny 2 about to launch.

If the game had these retro asthetics it would have a chance. But it's just generic cartoony crap.

>he bought a founder pack

>tfw turret ray build has been nerfed so hard.
>even with 4 armor and a few shield uprageds most turrets get oneshot by pretty much any weapon

being ray is suffering.
should i try to build into laser guns instead?

>tfw keystone has huge potential but then agian its DE and steve "schekelgrubber"
sinclrair is gonna fuck it up like he fucked up warframe

Wasn't this shit called Keystone? Why would they change that

>naming yourself after a cheap brand of beer

supposedly being associated with hearthstone even though there are ccg elements was bad for them.
in the beta forum lots of people complained that this wasnt a cardgame but a shooter.

That's a good deal, it's worth $3000. You're stealing from them at that price.

You get to be on the design council, you get to pick what kind of font they're going to use to go on the soles of that one useless character's shoes. That's a bargain even for $3,000.

have the even showed anything expect that picture yet?

you can play it for like over 2 months now.
getting in the beta for free is easy as fuck. amazing eternals

dude it's so retro xD

thanks that is new.
I just remember googling about it a month ago or so and not being able to find anything
looks pretty boring like all of those hero shooters games to be honest

well it does have a certain kind of charm in therms of aesthetics. and the gameplay has potential.
the issue is DE is known for shitting on games hard. they always manage to make something with huge potential and they continue to make it worse and worse.
if theyd change the gameplay too be more objective based then it could find its niche besides all the other hero shooters.
but as it stands now its a glorified kill arena where objectives are so insignificant that they basically dont matter.
the only real objective the game has in terms of gameplay right now is go to this thing and survive for as long as possible while standing near it or go to this other thing and prevent the enemies from standing in it for as long as possible. after like 6 rounds the ones who managed to stay alive in the thing the longest win.

DL'd it & had fun for awhile. Started as Dread since being a skeleton with lightning powers is too awesome to pass up. While he does have style, he ended up being much weaker than the other starter. Winter is OP; Needs heavy nerf.

The gameplay is extremely narrow in scale & isn't anything you'd play past just trying it out. Card system is neat though.

Was in the beta for a day, was so incredibly FUCKING boring couldnt find a match after day 1

no hope for this

>survival horror
>Hero arena shooter
>card game based on previous franchise
>Battle Royale

What's the next trend from out of touch developers? I'm guessing the popularity of PUBG will sprout at least three other DOA outputs from big studios, maybe a stint by Activision deve'd by one of their slave studios or Square Enix done by Eidos.