Sony for fuck sake we want these guys not fucking Knack!
Sony for fuck sake we want these guys not fucking Knack!
>tfw no Jak, Knack, and Daxter
Reminder that Japan Studio planned Ape Escape 4 for more than a decade, then dropped it for spin offs, where only 1 or 2 were good.
Knack is probably a lot cheaper to make.
SLY 5 fucking when ? and as good as 2 if possible
And Mark Cerny worked on the PS4.
You got Ratchet literally last year you cuck
never played sly but jak should stay dead and ratchet is a former shell of itself
Good luck, I don't think Sony really knows how keeping a mascot character actually works.
The only one that still going on of these 3 is Ratchet and Clank and I'm sure there going to make another after Spider-Man is done with.
Oh Jak 2 and 3, what a fucking pair a mosterpieces...
What Ratchets are must-plays? And which Slys?
Theyll bring them back as linear, zombie survival, daughteru games set in some woods in Victorian England.
going commando, up your arsenal and a crack in time
deadlocked if you like intense action
Can't speak for Ratchet, but Sly's games are okay at worst.
Get the ps3 hd collections.
First 3 ratchets are great, first 2 slys are good.
Remember Jumping Flash?
Keep Knack away from them.
Makes sense for something that looks like it was made in chine.
Please Jak and Daxter are dead as hell.
Which is why they deserve a peaceful death and not getting their corpses raped, like Randy Bitchfork does with Duke Nukem.
Reminder that The Last of Us was originally gonna be a Jak and Daxter game...
>Which is why they deserve a peaceful death and not getting their corpses raped
I agree entirely with you but because of what happened to my baby (that being castlevania) I want nothing but the complete ruination of everything. Please forgive me.
My dear god, this.
My dick isn't ready for a PC version of Sly cooper. Let alone a PC version, a sequel is probably a pipe dream at this point.
Alright, gotcha. I've seen people say Tools of Destruction was good too, how's that one?
>Sly's games are okay at worst.
I didn't expect that. Granted, I know nothing about them, but I supposed they would be at least decent.
True, I'd rather them end on a high note, sadly that didn't even happen since Lost Frontier exists
>Lost Frontier
What were they thinking?
I can't believe I used to defend this shitty company.
all three of these are safe, don't worry
>Jak and Daxter games are getting released on PS4
>Sly is getting a tv series
>Ratchet & Clank PS4 remake was quite successful and a sequel might even be in the works already
I may be wrong, but I don't even think Naughty Dog were the ones who made that game, and it shows.
Mark Cerny also worked on Ratchet and Jak, even hinted that working on RC was the most fun he ever had as a dev
ToD is good, but crack in time is the absolute best of the future games
Where the fuck is Tomba?
What was wrong with AE2 or Pumped and Primed? Everything else there seems about right though.
both the first Sly and the original Ratchet are somewhat hard to get through if you played the sequels before so you might want to start with those to have them off your list already
>puppeteer trailer
Now I have to see that. Puppeteer was surprisingly good, I must say, I didn't expect that at all. Very charming too.
I wish something more would be done with the idea.
It's like they forgot the lack of the ponytail was a thing in MM/P&P and not the main series.
>Sony ported 2 instead of 1 or 3 to the PS4
Why is Sony so fucking retarded?
Did they even add anything in the remaster?
Why the fuck did they only remaster the first game?
On a /cm/ thread.
Anyone mad that the last brit video was one huge magnet for getting GCshitters out of the woodwork, completely fueled by contrarianism?
incompetence. And unless they patched it the sound/visual aspect is still fucked up, making playing accurately impossible.
>new Ratchet and Clank that has nothing to do with a movie tie in
>Sly 5
>Jak & Daxter sequel / Reboot
Why does this seem so unattainable? Those were arguably the three most iconic franchises of the PS2 era and made a strong case that Sony could compete head to head with Nintendo when it came to IP. And yet now, they feel almost forgotten aside from Ratchet and Clank.
R&C is still doing okay I guess but they really need to do something fresh with it to wash off what happened with the movie. Sly Cooper is getting a TV show but that doesn't necessarily mean a new game is coming. And Naughty Dog is going down the drain now that their leadership has left the company and been replaced with a bunch of retarded SJW college graduates who only care about LGBBQWTF and Donald Trump. They are on the path to being the next Bioware if Sony isn't careful, and at any rate they're not going to make another Jak & Daxter.
2&3 were published by Ubisoft in NA.
Wasn't it only 2?
I see. Any other remarkable titles? The Nexus one? I'm sorry for asking so much, but I like to make lists in case I come across a sale and such.
Of course, if I'm getting the collections I'll play them in order, that way I can also see the improvements and evolution. Thanks for the advice.
I think some of his points about UYA were fair, but at the end of the day, it was still a pretty good game.
I thought AE3 had to do with the MGS content.
Ape Quest and the Academy games were fine if you were just looking for some minigame games. It's like a game just comprised of Mario Party minigames and Ape Quest is that plus an RPG system.
Sony cycle:
>Good studio makes a game
>Sony lets them make a trilogy
>gives original game series to other shittier company, let's original studio make a new title
>people don't buy new studio's game because it's not as good as original trilogy
>"People don't like original game anymore"
>throws the series in trash bin
Cycle continues
Nexus is a fun game, just shorter
>Sony cycle
>when the most perfect example is Halo
When it comes to Ratchet the only games you should avoid are All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault, and Secret Agent Clank. All 4 One because it's a co-op game with no camera control, no secrets unless you count stuff off screen as being secret, and having to pay for upgrades. Full Frontal Assault because they focused all their efforts on MP which was dead from release so the singleplayer is pretty much three levels, one of which is a reskin, a tutorial area, and a boss area of the area that was reskinned. Secret Agent Clank because it's just terrible. Terrible weapons on Clank's side that barely do any damage even when maxed out, tons of minigames that just take forever and are usually reskins, really grindy Ratchet segments, and its only saving grace are the stealth segments.
Everything else is perfectly acceptable and fun, though people would most likely argue about Size Matters, but it sure as hell felt like another normal Ratchet game compared to Secret Agent Clank.
This kind of happens with a lot of publishers.
Let's just be thankful they are all playable on PCSX2 now
Is PS2 emulation still shit?
Only Sly and Ratchet was good.
Jak 1 was a generic platformer and mediocre as fuck.
Jak 2 was edgy poorly designed shit.
Jak 3 was the only good game in the series.
I don't want knack or those, I want new ips that are as good as the best parts of those
>trusting current Naughty Dog
>Sucker Punch has just been working on a new IP recently for the last couple years and passed over one Sly to Sanaku who then abandoned it
>Ratchet after post ACIT
Sony already has too many ip's, with some of them being obscure as fuck, that they deserve a comeback.
For fuck's sake, the people behind Syphon Filter are making a zombie game.
Its decent, some slowdowns here and there and Jak has this problem where the characters eyes are fucked up or don't match but it can be sort of fixed by going to software mode then back to hardware mode.
Will Knack 2 even be good?
Jak X is the GOAT cartoon racer though
reviews suggest it's ok
I sure hope so
I have never played any of those games. What series is good to get into?
I don't fucking want current Naughty Dog to release a new Jak game, leave the franchise where it is.
All three are fine, honestly. Myself, I prefer Ratchet, then Jak, then Sly, but you'll find plenty of people who prefer one or the other.
All 3 and you should give Ape Escape a chance as well.
All 4 One is actually pretty fun if you play with friends. Full Frontal Assault was okay for a spin-off game, it was there for the sake of Insomniac wanting to add another Ratchet game for the series 10th anniversary. The skins of that game has nearly all the past R&C characters and it even has classic Drek before they give him that ugly redesign for the 2016 remake. Secret Agent Clank was medicore that's for sure.
>All 4 One is actually pretty fun if you play with friends
I played it with a friend and it's actually worse because you need to coordinate who gets what bolt multiplier and grinding if you want to upgrade anything. I just plain old disliked it.
Full Frontal Assault's base stuff was fine, my problem was that they focused so heavily on multiplayer rather than singleplayer since the singleplayer stuff was enjoyable and the singleplayer stuff is so short even when going for Platinum.
shut up dunkey
I really loved the FFA multiplayer. Had some times 30 minute battles there.