Was it worth it, Sega...

Was it worth it, Sega? Was it worth pissing off the developers of your product and your paying customers just to implement shitty DRM that got cracked a week after release?

There's already a thread about this

Not only was it worth it, but we're going to keep the useless DRM in the game just to punish our paying customers even further. Fuck you guys for leaving negative reviews on our game because we dalayed it for two weeks to put in a rootkit that nobody wanted.
Stop being so entitled.

Hyuck! It sure was.

I don't really have a problem with the DRM, but delaying the game for 2 fucking weeks was a fucking slap in the face and a really bad call. The numbers on Steamspy aren't looking good.

Seeing as delaying the game resulted in a larger console sale base, I'd say so.

>bought the game on steam
>played an hour
>denuvo annoyed me so much I'm considering refunding and waiting for them to drop denuvo

Anyone know this feel? I'm not going to pirate it, but there's something inside me that tells me not to buy denuvo games.

How can Denuvo even annoy you?

DRM annoys me on principle

Paid 20 bucks for the game anyway.

I just don't know why people think this isn't better than S3K. We're in 2017, not 1921.

That's fine, but what exactly happened? You were playing for that hour and then suddenly you were like "no, fuck this, I can't stand the underlying DRM systems of this executable" and just dropped it right there?

Jesus. Just fucking enjoy the game man, sacrificing enjoyment because of something that is completely outside of your control isn't healthy.

then why even buy it in the first place?

>You were playing for that hour and then suddenly you were like "no, fuck this, I can't stand the underlying DRM systems of this executable"

That's actually what happened tbqh, I know it's not logical

you admit you're a retard, yet you puzzled yourself.

It's a bit silly user, but at least you stuck to your principles.

The main thing 3&K does better then Mania is story and zone journey consistency. Also it's true ending is better.
Guess now it's been cracked though, someone will actually mod in their own levels or something at some point or even a new ending.

Be more individualist. You are sacrificing something you could be gaining for a "movement" that isn't going to be anywhere near impactful in your life.

Shill. Nobody is going to feel good about a purchase that restricts freedom. Just get rid of Denuvo, it doesn't even benefit you.

>The main thing 3&K does better then Mania is story

People play sonic games for the story?

>Nobody is going to feel good about a purchase that restricts freedom.

Yet consoles are a thing.

3&K had a totally fine story you could follow without words. Mania's was messy as fuck and nothing meant anything aside from "The Phantom Ruby did it."

I'd say the levels are probably a bit better in Sonic Mania. Not that 3&K has bad level design at all.

Don't you remember when the xbox one was revealed by microsoft and it had all of that shitty DRM like always online, and anti-game sharing?

microshaft removed all that shit when people complained

Its logical. You as a customer did not like the product you purchased because it contains something you don't want.

Others are willing to take it in the ass and come up with excuses as to why its not so bad, but you decided not to take part in that. Thats perfectly logical.

Nostalgia googles, that's it.
My fav in 3 was hydrocity.
I was a bit saddened by Mania act 1.
Then after time attacking it, I realized it's actually better then its original counterpart.
>waaaaaaaa I hate bubbles I hate boats!
Git gud.

>story and zone journey

I played S3K for days. Storywise it's just seconds of transitions from one level to another.

SM fucking rocks in animation, detail and subtle platform and boss battle details. It fucking rocks to play it. It even takes robotnik bots to a whole new level, "story"wise.

and to think Sega was doing pretty well with the port of bayo 1 reguardless if Wii u emulation more focused on bayo2 around that time. and vanish as well.

I want to see a stupid about of mods for mania

Favorite stage?

For me Studiopolis, least favorite probably Lava Reef.

Oh for sure. It has longer stretches of good levels to play through compared to 3&K. I'm just saying the story/zone transitions were weaker then 3&K's. It's no doubt a better game gameplay wise overall.


I'd agree with him that the transitions in S3K are pretty cool compared to the weird eggman/robotnik causing sonic to teleport or whatever the fuck is supposed to be happening in Sonic Mania though.

>dumb frogposter's frogpostersense was tingling while he played the game
i played the game minutes after it was avaliable for download and i didn't even realize the game had denuvo until Sup Forums memed about it

>DRM annoys me on principle
Yet you're using steam

Favourite? Either Press Garden or Studiopolis.
Least favourite? Probably Flying Battery.

I'm not saying it didn't have a decent story, I just have no idea why that'd be an important factor in a sonic game. That'd be like saying Super Mario World has deeper character development than SM64. I mean, maybe, but who fucking cares?

Is this another thread of PC overestimating its importance?

what the fuck are you even talking about?

It is a lot better. We learned a lot of lessons of about the platform category. lessons that weren't prevalent in S3K's day and age.

Sonic Mania takes all that we learned from Sonic platform slips and corrects them.

Sonic Advance games and Sonic Rush games don't even hold a candle to this baby.

DRM cannot piss off customers since PC has none

Vanquish you faggot

>not buying it on Switch

they had a week of no piracy and guaranteed 100,000+ sales on PC so far so yeah probably

I'm a fan of every new level. Studiopolis Act 2 made me bust a nut, Press Garden is fucking beautiful, Mirage Saloon was great (as Knuckles) and Titanic Monarch is my favorite final zone now.

It might not matter to you as much, but I like consistency when it comes to how you get to each level. Most of the levels don't have transitions and the other half they just get teleported. Only like three zones had non-teleport transitions.

>hush sweetie, it's past your naptime.

How is that comparable to Denuvo when that is (currently) completely playable offline and can even be family shared?

My original point though was that people are satisfied by things that restricts them in some way (read everything related to console gaming that matters much more than DRM such as not being able to choose your input device of choice) if the enjoyment they get are a net positive.

>It might not matter to you as much, but I like consistency when it comes to how you get to each level.

That's far. It is cool how the zones bleed into each other.

That 2 week delay really killed all hype. Most normies with zero attention spans have completely forgotten about it and moved on by now.

Most normies already bought it on their consoles.

>Steam user


We're talking the PUBG Rocket League kids here

Studiopolis is just a badass zone. The theming is great and fits in nicely in a sonic game.

Sonic please don't judge me for this....
God what tragic misstep did we make for people to feel so entitled about video games. So they stick a DRM on there. Steam is one big DRM and noone cares about that. You got a new sonic the hedgehog. THE BLUE BLUR. Our friend is back from the FUCKING dead and you guys only care about some small addition the devs made to secure the safety of their very risky business move. GET OVER IIIIIIITTTT. When Sonic becomes a real hedgehog that runs fast and lets me suck up his hot blue cum then you FUCKS would probably complain about how theres no cupholders on him.

it's not "completely playable offline". You have to launch the game while connected to the internet once a week.

It's definitely the most polished as it was the first zone made for the game.

studioplis is shit

Source this up fampai.

So now the Denuvo's been cracked, does that mean people can mod the fuck out of the game now? Add their own zones and such?

Dunno about Sega, but watching autistic children sperg out about something so trivial because of "principle" where they RP as victimized freedom-fighters going against dem ebil corporationz has been priceless.

Just check the steam forums and everywhere else. It's well documented.

>t. paid for shit drm that didn't even work

Right, I'll do it later, but for now I'm talking it with a grain of salt.

Not going to buy a console just for Nintendo to shit me up with new versions.

that means a fag or two are going to poke at the exe, then leave it forever in favor of continuing hacking genesis games that are known inside out or making fangames with perfectly accurate physics without restrictions imposed by modding

lol no, I'm not a jew and/or poorfag who has to use a PC to play console games. I bet you emulate fucking handhelds on a computer too, don't you,

>lol no
>says a bunch of defensive shit

pshhhhh nothin personell kid


Sounds like I was completely right.

Class A trolling. How did you get so good?

Good for you guys that waited for the crack I guess. Enjoy the game. It's very, very good.

I'll let you have that one. I feel bad for you now.

enjoy your chinese bitcoin botnet

I kissed my dog until my pee pee got erect but I was told that was a sin so I came here to post instead. Oh shit I gotta go the peanut butter around my anus is getting crusty

If you enjoy the game, pay for it so we can have a Sonic Mania 2.

It would be great.

This too. The team deserves your money.

nah man, I already pirated a Get Out of Jail Free card

>mfw Jewish Publisher got owned again


I bet it does now.

It only affected PC fags. So no one who matters.

And now the "fight" against Denuvo is going to die in 3 days. You guys were literally complaining that you couldn't pirate. And you guys are leeches at that since none of you are going to fuck with the game after you beat it. Way to stick it to the man, though?

Pissing off pirates is always worth it. Also, anyone who buys sonic games deserves their misery.

I love it when PC niggers get cucked. They always shitpost everday until release on how they'll have the best version then this happens.

>He doesn't know shit about the Mania engine
I forgive you, user, for those uncouth words. Whitehead made his own easy to use devkit for the Sonic 1/2/CD ports which was slightly modified for Mania, so if he can use it easily then so can others.

I'm not even mad.

Thanks CPY, can finally run it in Wine

Get fucked SEGA, put Sonic Mania 2 on GoG and I'll pay.

user, both Aaron and Whitehead have both said to send reports to Sega of Europe who are the people that put the DRM in the PC version in the first place without their consent. Don't throw them under the bus as well, send SoE a report telling them how retarded they were.

>waaaaaaaa I hate bubbles I hate boats!
Wait really? This is what people complain about?
The bubble sections are fucking neat though.
And the boat is easily avoidable.

Someone make a new thread about the torrent
SEGA can suck a cock.

>tfw I actually keep the water as high as it can be now because the routes that can be accessed when no water has been drained iare much, much faster then the dry route

hey can i get the link to this crack?

Literally check pirate bay

Everyone sent those reports, and they still dragged their feet.

I have waited 3 weeks after all my friends to play this, dammit they don't deserve my money anymore. Please try again.

Do the devs have a patreon or something?

What's even the point of these threads, we all know we're gonna inevitably pirate it like little piggies as soon shit's cracked.

Won't affect Sega's sales in the slightest, but maybe it might if fans take this DRM thing personally. To which that I say

>Buying PC games

Switch and other console owners have no problem with the game, but only because there's no possible way for Sega to implement fucking Denuvo in their correspondent console versions in order to make it a fucking slug.

Best thing about it is the steam discussion board turning to shit for the whole duration of its release.

You do realize that half of Sup Forums is filled with PC poorfags?

Switch hack soon r-right?

It isn't logical at all

He purchased a game with DRM, on a distribution platform that's essentially DRM to begin with

Why does he even have Steam?

holy shit I missed this followup fucking wow

[v] rekt
[ ] not rekt

Stealth has one to fund his own engine