who you think would be the first journalist that describe this game as "the dark soul of"?
why we not make this a meme?
Are you ready for Dark Souls IIII?
Other urls found in this thread:
Quit shilling your game.
How much longer till the "the dark souls of" meme dies?
It's truly the Dark Souls of memes
Crash bundicoot was the 4th derk soulss man.
Why can't it be "the Demon's Souls of"?
At least we don't have to bear with " The Citizen Kane of video games " anymore.
"Bloobdorne is the Demons Souls of Dark souls"
cause people rather like a game that is shit 50% of the time. than a game that is 100% good (but actually 0% for these kinda people cause they never played it, so they only have dark souls as their first "souls" these poor fools.)
The something of someone is actually the something of nothing
i cant believe that idiot thinks you cant be good in a game in the first 26 minutes (or not suck like him)
I'm gonna try and make shitty 26 minute videos.
anyone wanna get in on this tiny train?
But then it would die all the time xd
The Dark Souls of tutorials, more like.
At first I didn't understand but then I realized
You mean like how people were calling any new open world game "like Skyrim" right?
otherwise i dont understand
i'm waiting for the "Birth of a Nation of video games" myself
>dark souls IIII
>not dark souls IV
your an fagit
Didn't school start? Why are you still on Sup Forums
There is no standardized way to do Roman numerals, IIII is legitimate.
IIII is legitimate only if you're an illiterate retard