What are some good games with buddhist elements?

What are some good games with buddhist elements?

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Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks

asura's wrath

jade empire
wow mop
diablo 3
sleeping dogs
mortal kombat

Wasn't Asura's Wrath a combination of buddhism and hinduism?

Call of Duty, Muslim ethnic cleansing edition


He got kinda chubby

>Jade Empire
Sequel when?

after Dragon Age IIII


Looks like he doesn't give a fuck lmao.


Cosmology of kyoto



I'm half burmese, my dad donated a pot of money to these Buddhist last year. People get mistaken, we burmese don't hate muslims, we just hate the illegal immigrants from bangaldesh that happen to he muslim.

Facts, BTW, I've actually spoken to the guy in that pic


>Buddhists are terrorists because they wont harbor terrorists
How far will the left go?

Far Cry 4.

Time exaggerating claims? Never happened before.

Who gives a shit, these people are for open borders everywhere so obviously they see his campaign as terrorism.

I mean, it kind of is terrorism.

A bunch of Buddhist monks when on a lynching spree (still do) against some Muslims and the burmese military didn't even do anything in fact they kind of helped them.

fucking white people are so useless, the honorary aryans need to save them yet again from the mudslime hordes
fuck white people or what jews made them into

buddhism originated from hindu mysticism, they are closely related

to leftists, immigration = good and borders = bad.
muslims flooding into a country by the millions is good, buddhists trying to stop muslims from taking over buddhist lands is bad.

>Buddhist monks
>lynching spree
what denomination of buddhism is this? i thought byaapajjati was a poison that leads to ignorance/lack of wisdom


buddhism isnt just unconditional pacifism like western 'turn the other cheek' cucks like to portray it.
buddhists resisting and fighting back against foreign invasion isnt unheard of.

what games let me save the world

okay but that doesn't explain what denomination of buddhism condones lynching?

Buddhism contains Hindu gods and myths but supercedes it by making them not eternal as they claim to be and them being subject to the cycle of rebirth like all beings.

The beings like chakravartin are allusion to Hindu "one true god" whom the Buddhist see as delusional gods

Any game that lets you start over again if you lost


The burmese kind.

Where you spend your teenage summers shaven and sent to a Buddhist monastery and play video games all day after meditation while you eat anything you want because your my monastery has rich sponsors where you can literally ask for anything u want and they'll get you it.

Then you spend your adult life going to the temple sometimes to pray or some shit and donate and then leave, it's real quick. No one believes in God or anything just more culture and traditional than it is religious

Based expansion

>we just hate the illegal immigrants from bangaldesh that happen to he muslim
They are as illegal as christians in murrica.

ah i see, so burmese buddhism is like american christianity, where you are born christian by default and show up to church sometimes but never actually practice anything that your founding figures taught.

>once you beat the game you start over from the beginning
>the story, characters and you change based on your previous actions
I would play that game.

Still, you're killing my fellow muslims and you're going to see the consequence, what you did is intolerable.

t. Malay

Every single one that is actual buddhism practiced by peasants in rural countries where high alienation of newcommer population is the part of way of life cause there isnt enough good land for everyone. Every single one that isn't "murrican leftist cuck meditating in his colledge safe space".

you sound like youve never read a book before desu

English is not my native language. Anyway, if you think that buddhists in southeastern Asia are all about peace&love&hippie shiet than you are sadly mistaken.

The same kind that led the Japanese to massacre the Christians. If you go to a Buddhist country and start causing shit in the name of your own religion, their generosity is going to start running thin.

no, i'm criticizing these monks for being nationalistic in the first place. since when is "my country" applicable to buddhist philosophy? sounds like more sociopolitical fraudulence disguising itself as religious intent.

What you gonna do, post threats on a Rohingyan cartoon image board?

It isn't. Any established religious system will invariably tend towards political gain as a way of ensuring public morality (see the catholic church in Europe), this is true in the Muslim lands as it is true in the Buddhist ones. The fact that the religion is being used in this way is not lost on the public, but since the public's hates muslims it is gone unabated. You must also remember that this political tie between the temple and the government has been used for good in the past (look up the saffron revolution) so its a double edged sword.

But you are correct that nationalism, and really the idea of any form of civic governance, goes strongly against what is written in the pali cannon.

i think the biggest issue here is the media outlets trying to paint the lynching as a religious ordeal, as if this is a Buddhism versus Islam issue when it's more of a "group of people who happen to be buddhists defend their home from people who happen to be muslim". It's not Buddhist intent or philosophy that's provoking these attacks, but that's what media is painting it to be, eg that Time article

budhism doesnt contain any of the explicit anti-nationalism that you seem to take for granted because you grew up in the west.
it doesnt explicitly propagate a 'nation of believers' ideology like islam does, but it doesnt preach 'borders are racist n shiet!' leftism either. adherents are free to organize and defend their communities from hostile takeover attempts.

i think your bias against leftists is making you retarded, anonymous. not everybody who criticizes people for acting against their proclaimed philosophy is some liberal american.

if you seriously thing nationalism is something you can subscribe to while seriously practicing buddhism i think you should reread your texts. your sunday-church style buddhism is shameful

>buddhist elements

you mean intolerant cis male neo-fascist elements?

>if you seriously thing nationalism is something you can subscribe to while seriously practicing buddhism i think you should reread your texts

i'm not some kind of authority or scholar lmao. but neither are you, so your ramblings about
>those dumb burmese and their stupid nationalism! dont they know that REAL buddhism doesnt allow for that?
dont hold up very well either, especially when you consider that among these dozens of millions of burmese buddhists are tons of monks who dedicated their entire lives to practicing buddhism. i'm pretty sure that they know more about 'TRUE BUDDHISM' than either of us.

Do POCs become honorary whites from stuff like this?

east asians are respectable and honorable people in their own right. calling them "POC" like they are some kind of nigger or sand monkey is an insult to them.

>but neither are you
actually a decent portion of my major was dedicated to studying buddhism. it's actually a very fundamental, core, simple part of the philosophy that teaches that something like nationalism would stir a person on a path of ignorance

chinese people are more niggerish than american blacks. your idea of eastern asians is incredibly skewed. pro tip: eastern asia is nothing like Japan. Japan is an exception, and that's only because America bombed them into eternal autism.

There is a constant growth of violence and religious extremism going on there, it's not to often in the news here


what has that to do with buddhism?

Souls Series


Buddhism has committed as much murder, slavery, genocide and rape as Christianity; if not even more. Don't fall for Dalai Lama's revisionistic history. Frankly I find Buddhism more interesting than Christianity but every religious institution is full of douchebags. It's just too much power.

>i know better than all these monks because i took a college course once!
you are laughable

You ll be at monk level if you manage to keep your cool

>hand is bigger than his face

>appeal to authority
you are laughable. youre mistaking this as part of some sort of buddhist philosophy that neither of us know about that says it's okay to lynch people in the name of your country. it's not, what they're doing isn't according to any buddhist teaching. what they're doing is what any people of any religion in their position would do, except morons like you and media outlets are trying to file it under Buddhists acting buddhist-ly against muslims acting islamic-ly. this has nothing to do with religion and any monk there would tell you it's not because of buddhism that theyre acting this way.

what game lets me cull muslims?

Peace be upon you.

Don't be so mad lol, it's not my fault Bangladeshi people chimp out
Idk, but I'm pretty sure Christian youth don't spend their summers in a monastary

>When you kill Pharah as him

>actually a decent portion of my major was dedicated to studying buddhism
Just out of curiosity, is there anything you learned in buddhism that doesn't jive with modern liberalism?

I don't know about burma, but in thailand, it does sort of show how fucked up some muslims are towards Buddhists.

The reason for the conflict isn't even religious, but nationalistic, yet their prime targets are schools and monks.

Nioh. I mean the name of the game itself is literally a kind of Bodhisattva warrior.


How do anons feel about being in the latter age of the law

Did you live in Myanmrar?

If so, do you recommend traveling there?

The Tokugawa shogunate wasn't buddhist you retard.

EXA_PICO series.

No, they're just not enemies. 'PoC' insist on making white people the enemy of their entire exists

I live in Maryland but I always visit Burma because my dad is from there.

Believe it or not, I felt safer there than I do here, everyone is friendly and the roads in Myanmar seem to he better than roads in many parts of the US. It's fun, because at day me and some burmese friends just go racing cars and chilling around and at night we spend our times in clubs or playing video games.

Burmese don't hat muslims, we like everyone, a lot of.my cousins are married to Persians and arah qts. It's a lot safer now,bthe civil war that was going around for 100 years was just a huge stalemate and it's all been resolved, basically Myanmar is Burma as the main military and economic juggernaught and every other state is surrounding Burma which lies in the center along the main rivers.

Also burmese people are very diverse you'll find, some straight up look Chinese, some look indian, some look white, and some look like very SEA, where I visit, a lot of people have 1 British grandparent and you'll actually still might find some really old British people walking around that stayed after the British empire left the country.

Most of the crime is done by muslims, other than that Burma is the type of place where you can leave a wallet full of cash on a random table of a busy market and you can expect it to not be touched. Even though Burma is "poor" no one is actually sad, hungry, or broke, one of my friends their has $10,000 saved up but has no way to spend it all. Food is stupid cheap, like a meal is only like 50 cents.

Any religion that get big enough WILL be used as a political tool, just look at how many brand of buddhism there is, what you studied was probably the basis of Hinayana/Mahayana buddhism and little more beyond that.

Jihad were made for (almost) the sole purpose of spreading islam through central Asia.

No it doesn't you idiot, Buddhism isn't a religion it's a spirituality. There are no gods in buddhism.

Thanks for the elaborate reply, this country is one of the most interesting place in Asia to me ever since that Buddhist incident.

It's functionally a religion, buddha/bodhisattva are worshipped even if they are not god.

But he isn't a god and he isn't treated as such. There are no gods in buddhism.

Fallout 4 by far.. You won't see any Buddhists, but the game is SOAKED with buddhist themes.

My point still stand: it's functionally the same, at least for the most common form of buddhism.
Those who follow that kind of buddhism don't worship gods, they worship people who reached Nirvana (Buddha) or are close to it (bodhisattva), that's why there's a lot of statue of Milefo in China.