Start playing your backlog.
Start playing your backlog
But I don't have one.
I'm trying, but it's a hot pile of mediocrity.
>tfw nothing to play
Yep, no backlog whatsoever. I'm unironically playing heavily modded Skyrim until the new South Park game comes out.
Ori is great and only 6-8 hours long
There's 1200 games to finish, it's pretty hard to focus on something that big
It's a piece of trash that lures people into playing it with its visuals.
Are you trying to upset me
Nigga, you either don't play games or aren't being critical enough to remove all those bundle games you won't play from your backlog
That has nothing to do with what he said, you stupid redditor.
i dont wanna
Been doing that
Unfortunately some of the games are mediocrity incarnate like Lost Planet 3
Download a fucking game
I only buy good games
>finally done with FFXII TZA
Should I pick up NiOh or Yakuza 2 next?
B-but I am.
Never played a Yakuza game but Nioh wasn't very good.
>having a backlog
Retard, I just play whatever I feel like at the moment