He died doing what he loved
Rest in peace. A water monster dragged him into the deep
Wasn't he taking an underage girl to a remote island in order to "train" her?
he drown'd
>light rail avenger
literally sounds like a jrpg attack skill
Yeah, rip.
Not seeing an objection here
>take a qt.314 out to an island to """tutor""" her in the way of swordplay
>canoe capsizes
>swords falls into the water
>drowned trying to recover the sword
Now that's a way to die
That's exactly why Senpai wont notice you.
Yes, he was going to hone her katana skills and mentor her the fruits of discipline. Like a master passing down his ancient skills to his pupil.
Bushido demanded it
A samurai is nothing without his blade. He died with honor.
What was my name again?
I've even forgotten my name.
Yeah it was actual ninja training too they found 2 katana's on his boat.
>letting your sword fall off in the first place
no, he dishonored his bushido
Why didn't he just wear a life jacket if he's dogshit at swimming?
He was actually more dangerous without it than with it
Kairo Seijuro SENSEI, mind you
What happened?
>trying to raise your own ninja waifu
the hero we needed
It was actually the demons that drowned him. A tragic tale.
His final enemy was nature, it was an unwinnable battle.
>mfw can never reliably input Perfect Storm
No, that's his character name, his ultimate attack is Perfect Storm even if Missing Kid can do more damage under specific conditions.
he died trying so save someone from drowning
>winds caused his kayak to capsize
fucking literal kamikaze, he must have angered the Shinto gods
Sounds like a thing you don't need.
Git gud
>didnt even die while holding his blade or in an honorable duel
Sounds like he pussied out
>missing kid, jump cancel into Teachers Arrested Finish with a just frame Perfect Storm
The only combo you'll ever need,lad.
A master and his pupil riding a kayak towards an island for a training session. Sea monsters lurking the lake lunge at his kayak and attack them. The master unleashes his ultimate omnislash technique to save his pupil and free her from the bonds of the sea monster in exchange for his life. A tragic tale.
It's a character name in a western game but a skill name in a jap game.
I'm sure he could swim, but it's a different story diving into a stream looking for something, the current will disorientate you and the dust will make it nearly impossible to see anything
is this a ruse?
post source
Hey, guys.
In his honor I shall carry Justice as the Dark Metal.
I use electrified fists and bare bulletproof over my entire body including my face.
Ask me anything.
I need help should I finish this OC with:
>A) the usual with this kind of comics
>B) add a few panels and redraw the scene of jack the reaper with Raiden as OP realizing he´s a shitposter, finishing with the original final panel as the 'let it rip' face
The train samurai.
>LRA is dead
It's true, then. There are now no heroes left in the world.
Yeah unless your an amazing swimmer if you ever get thrown into water you should NEVER dunk your head below the water and always try to face the shore.
does anyone have source on the light rail avenger drowning?
He died undefeated in battle
Every since the light rail avenger died, I've named all my Souls characters Kairo Seijuro and used katanas. Also I pretend the MC of Nioh is Kairo's ancestor.
Weeb in piss
I was actually going to try and contact this guy and pay for him to train in Japan, no joke. I was curious to see his potential and thought it would be potentially meme-worthy. This makes me really fucking sad.
>the water demons took him from this world
>now his young apprentice must take up the blade and avenge him
>The girl told officers that Jacintho was swimming back toward the kayak, then yelled “no” before disappearing under the surface, Brooks said.
Attacked out of his element in a battle without honor was the only way they could take him out
fucking fish people
The niggers fear the samurai.
>He's actually dead
I thought you guys were memeing. This is bullshit.
I said I'm gonna carry on Justice for him.
Just because he's gone doesn't mean his endgoal is.
As Dark Metal, I defend the city like a dark Knight.
shes probably just sucking chad dick
He's actually cool tho
dumb weebs jelly on him
who hurt you, kid?
He took the "Be like Water" mantra way too seriously.
chad obviously
> muhsoguny
She would chop chads dick in half for insulting her former weeb master with his normalfagness.
RIP in Peace
The world was too good for Kairo
How can any mortal man compete with a man who
>is a warrior for truth and justice
>a proven hero
>has a 5 STAGE plan to win any altercation
>is more dangerous without his sword than with it
Why didn't he simply use "that"?
There are no heroes left in man
implying chad isn't the sword master supreme and respectful towards any other sword masters
>virgin swordsman drowns trying to save his sword
>chad samurai fucks his apprentice
>The world was too good for Kairo
I meant Kairo was too good for the world. Fuck!
Mortal in his presence, couldn't show his true power.
He's battling the demons with Ken-sama in the other world now.
He would rather die than risk the life of his noble apprentice.
We didn't deserve them.
They're in a better place battling demons.
I guess you can't fight the RULES OF NATURE
He also died?!???
Too sugoi for this world
The tsunami claimed his life.
>He also died?!???
Fukushima Flood
>forgetting about Kenichi Smith and his revolver of justice
For shame.
we need 4 more and we have our samurai 7 remake
fucking water demons
Purification of demonic possession via sex. Unorthodox, but effective.
>died protecting his pupil from a water-Oni
>she'll go back there in a decade and avenge the light rail avenger by killing the beast that took her masters life
>the student surpasses the teacher
i was hoping it wasn't true...
He was cringy but he seemed like a cool dude.
and the light rail avenger story was pretty heart warming.....
>As Jacintho was trying to get to the kayak, he yelled “No!” and disappeared under the water, based on the teenager’s report to authorities, Brooks said.
the moment the water demon grabbed his ankle, fucking demons fighting without honor
>He was cringy
kys roastie/normalfag
I'm going to be the new one.
I'm sure I won't get killed.
At the very least nobody can deny his sick sword skills. Seriously that sheathing tho
Oh yeah?
*teleports behind you*
>Literally died to kamikaze
The nature called upon him to become a river spirit and guard those waters from demons for the safety of future sailors.
It was destined.
*blocks you with my electric gloves*
Water is weak to electricity.
The only one still alive from the weeb trio.