>Monster Hunter World
>Resident Evil 7 DLC
>Resident Evil Revelations &
>Resident Evil Revelations 2 for Switch
>Dead Rising 4 Special Edition

What a line up.

This is sad. Why hasn't Itsuno jumped ship to Platinum or From Software already? He's wasted talent there.


Why can't capcom just make new IPs again

Platinum wouldn't let him make anything that isn't a bayonetta clone.

How is it that Capcom actively tries to kill itself and still hasn't succeed?

Fuck both.

World will probably be goty 2018

>SFV nowhere to be seen on that list

Even Capcom Japan doesn't trust in Street Fighter anymore.

Does RE7 have jumpscares? I played the demo, got to the kitchen (about 5 minutes in) and quit. Too scary.

The only thing good in that lineup is the RE7 DLC.

Because most of their IPs are still juggernaut IPs that they can get a lot of mileage out of.

That's a downright insult to the original capcom 5
>MvC I not even listed

Well they aren't releasing anything for SFV besides character DLC.

niche series can't win goty user.

like three at best,that you cant see a mile away

That worthless accolade will just be automatically handed to red dead redemption regardless of quality.

I only value my own GOTY. Current GOTY is Nioh if you're curious.

Either that or GoW.

Okay. Is the first one a jumpscare? Demo-wise.

What were the OG Capcom 5 again?
I can count off Viewtiful Joe, Killer7 and RE4. Was REmake in there as well?
I would kill a man for Killer7 or Viewtiful Joe HD.

viewtful joe
pn 03
killer 7
resident evil 4
and some cancelled game

>The five games were P.N.03, a futuristic third-person shooter; Viewtiful Joe, a side-scrolling action-platformer; Dead Phoenix, a shoot 'em up; Resident Evil 4, a survival horror third-person shooter; and Killer7, an action-adventure game with first-person shooter elements

even has its own wikipedia entry

Joe, Killer 7, PN039, RE4, and some flying game starring a guy with wings that was cancelled.

Just a heads up the demo is NOTHING like the main game, what a shame because I loved the puzzles in the demo.

>have to look at the clock in the hallway when it turns 6:00
>look at the stars in the kitchen
>use the axe to cut off the head of the woman's portrait on the stairway

Might as well rename this to the Capcom 1

Fuck no

is megaman still dead

Thanks for spoonfeeding me anons.
Remember when Capcom was on the top of it's fucking game? Those were good days.

Megaman died when Inafune jumped ship halfway into the concept process of legends 3 because, and this is paraphrasing "he didn't like the new structured development cycle"

he then went on to make MN9 before being having his company merged with another for the specific purpose of stock manipulation.

Replace Zero with Capcom

What happened to my favorite company?

A lot of the talent left for one reason or another. That financial scare in 2003 and again in 2007 did them no favors.

Super SF5 is all but confirmed, but no way are they annoucing that shit before the season pass is even done.

>one of those games is new
>one is DLC
>2 are part of the same package, and just a port
>one is a port of a total bomb

>born just in time to see capcom die like it deserves

>he thinks SSFV is going to save anything

SSFIV didn't even sell as good as SFIV and SFIV didn't run the franchise's reputation into the fucking ground.

>Super SF5
Isn't going to happen.
Super for SF4 exists because of some shit with integrating DLC and arcade updates. That's why Ultra was able to be pushed through on DLC alone.

That said if they do announce a full set and just CALL it Super V I guarantee you normies will eat it up if there's a good enough marketing campaign.

I think Itsuno likes the security. Platinum have nearly died twice now, and Capcom may be making him oversee some dumb bullshit but at least he's not broke.

>platinum has nearly died twice
Microsoft ain't no slouch in that department. The 2006-2009 DLC shit was because of their extremely low funds at the end of fiscal year 2006. And they almost died in 2003(?) when those arcade boards flopped. Then again in 2013. Guess they shouldn't have spent that much money on dragon's dogma I'm not being ironic by the way

>Crapcom states the Wii U won't get Revelations 2, even though 1 is on it and 1 was also started on 3DS
>they state the Wii U compared to the ps4 and xbone just can't handle the game graphically
>proceeds to also release 360/ps3 down ports
>proceeds to also release a Vita downport

>now ports both games on the Switch instead of making new games or porting 7

>for launch, instead of porting Street Fighter 4 or 5 they release SF2HD for the 20th time

>instead of porting MonHun World they take a 3DS MonHun and improve the resolution

>proceeds to publish worse and worse Dead Rising sequels nobody asked for

I'm gonna assume you meant Capcom, and I'm going to tell you you're wrong. Capcom is a fucking media giant (moreso in Japan than anywhere else, but still), making games is just one of the things they do. They may have had departmental problems but the company as a whole has always had backups and multiple sources of income, it's a conglomerate that feeds itself. Platinum on the other hand just makes games and nothing else, and if no-one's paying them to do that then they're not making any money.

>We will probably never get another DMC
>If we do it'll be completely different because more than a decade will have passed since the last one

I think dragon's dogma showed they still know how to do good combat. Stinger in that game felt really good.

>3 out of 5 games are RE

Every Super SFV sale will be for a new SFV owner because existing SFV owners won't have to buy it as it will be a free upgrade.

It won't split the playerbase like SFIV expansions did.

I'll take your word on it. I was looking for some interviews I read ages ago when I was younger but for the life of me I can't find them. Which is having some serious consequences on my perception of them even existing.

It was pretty simplistic, slow combat. I like DD, I really do, but what it does for action RPGs means little in the context of DMC.

The story and the characters would probably have to be changed, because they'd be scared of no one knowing/caring about the regulars any more. The game would inevitably be slower (at the very least DmC-tier) to cater to a wider audience.

If we ever get another DMC, I'm expecting something along the lines of Automata - satisfying, responsive combat that looks and feels great, but has little depth or staying power. Hell, it probably would have a faux open world too.

Only thing of any interest to me there is MHW but I'm not impressed with what I've seen.

The issue is most developers don't care about the Switch. Nor do most people. This has always been the case with Nintendo consoles.

Pachinko sells well enough to keep them afloat.

>top of its game
>all games were commercial failures except for RE4

>3 ports and some DLC now qualify as a new Capcom 5

Don't make me laugh. I love me some Revelations but this isn't close to worthy of the title. Now when MonHun World drops alongside Deep Down (never forget) and 3 new hype as fuck IPs THEN we'll talk.

Which is a damn shame considering how good VJ and Killer7 were.

they had trademarks for 3 new ones a while back but knowing Capcom they scrapped them to make more dlc for existing games

The problem is that they just milk the same two

where the fuck is REmake 2

Why don't they revive old IPs that haven't been touched in over a decade is what I'd like to ask.

How is it the Capcom Five if one is DLC and three are special editions/rereleases?

Is it just a marketing gimmick to bait nostalgiatards?

>4 re releases
>1 new game
Deep Down and REmake 2 still mia

They probably did exist, but they might have just been talking about specific departments/studios within the company rather than the company itself. It'd be damn near impossible for them to have existed so long without a few fuck ups.

This doesnt qualify indeed, in fact, Its not meant to be, famitsu its just saying that capcom has 5 "games" in the same article.

this company won't exist in two years

say hello to Konami 2.0 everybody

Like asura's wrath?

Do they not remember what happened to the last Capcom 5? Either way this is more like a Capcom 1.

Are you aware how long people have been saying this?

Only OP´s calling it Capcom Five, Its just a Famitsu article about Capcom´s 5 releases this fiscal year.

To hell with that. Where the hell is REmake 2?

yes. but that was when Resident Evil still commanded some kind of demand. even pieces of shit like ORC and RE6 sold well after awhile.

RE7 sold below expectations, along with everything else they've done recently (SFV especially). FPS horror games never do well, and there are a dozen better fighters to play. Capcom is behind the times.

Now they're betting everything on a console MH title, which nobody in the west cares about. Japan doesn't care about consoles. Capcom's probably in the worst place they've ever been in and are showing no signs of turning the boat around. So, sayonara Capcom.

>Viewtiful Joe
The fuck are you talking about? It was a moderate success.

I don't think you're right.

I think I'm right.

I don't though.

>only one game that's actually new

>tips fedora
cool dude

What's wrong with Platinum and From?

I win. Memes are for dorks.

>Literally only 1 new game

>I win


Uhh chyeah bud.

Because he actually has a chance of making shit he wants at Capcom instead of CUHRAAZY meme game and Souls clones.

Too popular. Why do you even need to ask?

>No devil may cry 5

Fucking worthless.

Where the fuck are DMC5 and RE2make? First person RE can go fuck itself, Dead Rising is a hollow shell of its former self, revelations is a port. The only game on that list with potential is MHW and even that could go down the shitter real fucking fast depending on their decisions on the difficulty.

no deep down?

>still no DMC5 in sight
Stop toying with me, Capcom, you hacks.

Is shit but atleast is not SE's lineup for TGS

When will Dead Rising finally die?

>SFV dead and forgotten