>invaded by dark spirit XxSasukeFanxX
Invaded by dark spirit XxSasukeFanxX
So pulling out power cable is your solution ?
Good luck damaging your drive retard.
>tfw try that shit in dark souls 2 and thinking somebody hacked your internet while it was just npc invasion
though the ai seemed almost like a real player for the first 2 encounters, especially since the first npc invasion is some shitty min max build with magic and high damage melee weapons
>mfw always play offline
>all he does is use a katana and run around and poke for 5 minutes
anyone who plays the Dark Souls games for PvP needs to be castrated
How does it feel with no messages ?
How your playing online if your just about to plug the lan cable? Dumbass.
>absolute state of Sup Forums in 2017
>ethernet is power cable
I don't even know what it's like to play with messages, so pretty normal
>being so bad you can't even beat anime shitlords
Oh god, he'll miss on 200 000 PRAISE LE SUN shit spam messages or TONGUE BUT HOLE haha clever xD
>offlinefags BTFO
Spotted codex user
I don't get it.
What are you going to achieve by pulling out the hdmi cable?
The game.
>Invaded by Dark Spirit Guts
>Shortsword or katana, faraam, other shit
Fucking DS2, I swear back when this shit was populated, half the lads I'd find would be guts, and nearly no one would actually try the cosplay
how else are you going to figure out the secrets?
You arent a guide reading cuck, are you, user?
i always and i repeat ALWAYS find this same shit thread along to the same fucking response, how is this motherfucking possible??? wtf are the mods doing? did i go back in time?
That reminds of a playthrough I had where I met 2 Ganondorfs.
>first who I meet invades
>we go back and forth with him switching between fists, a greatsword and dark orbs
>beats to death with his bear hands while dressed up
>later a second Ganondorf invades
>think "oh its him again lets go"
>some twat with a kanata spamming sorceries and sitting there thinking I'll let him buff in havel butthole gear
>get summoned by some faggot
>he already has a phantom
>gets invaded
>we can easily 3v1 the poor little dark spirit
>connection error
Some people are just unbearable.
How did people writing the messages find them? Certainly by talking to the developers.
Is there gonna be a season 2?
From other messages, duh
>Invaded by Van Darkholme
>retarded cable puller scrub can't be bothered to use legit methods to not get invaded or just play offline
Seek Guidance miracle
yes but the art style is worse and I'm not sure if Saya will be in it
Never got this about Souls.
>you're invaded by XxfaggotxX
>they die in 2 seconds
>PvP in the same zone
>super pro untouchable player that kills you in 2 seconds, even thought it might as well been the same person
I don't understand.