With a category 5 hurricane coming our way, that means power outages, school and work closing, and comfy vidya for days.
What games will you be playing?
With a category 5 hurricane coming our way, that means power outages, school and work closing, and comfy vidya for days.
What games will you be playing?
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>pic related
I highly doubt it's actually going to come this way
If it does, it'll just piss off like Matthew.
>power outages
>comfy vidya for days
What did you mean by this?
Can't you just ask what games are you gonna play instead of making this about the fucking storm
>Cant you ask what games are you gonna play?
>What games will you be playing?
this user can't read
I would really just like this thing to fuck off to another state. Hit Texas again for all I care just stay the fuck away from Florida.
Hopefully it means death also, Americunt
You left out the key "just" in there that means JUST asking what games you're playing instead of bringing up a storm
cmon user, generators, portable games, battery packs, mobile games. anything goes
besides the fact that the switch has like a 1 minute battery life, if I have backup batteries I'll be ok
>He doesn't use hurricanes as an excuse to go through his handled backlog
Every thread on Sup Forums needs a hook. Come on, user
>tfw god is punishing all these trumpers
>thinks Florida is mainly Trump
that was the shitty uneducated northern half
Pretty sure if this thing directly hits Florida at this strength, then all of you are going to die.
It's mostly just the panhandle part of Florida. That place is less Florida and more like a discount Alabama/Mississippi.
Orlando and Miami are chill as fuck.
I'll be playing Escape Back to New York game probably.
and nothing of value was lost, based north florida for life
>doesn't remember the terrors of Hurricane Mathew 2016
cmon user we're invincible
Climate change right on their global warming denying faces
We're so fucked
>shitty uneducated northern half
Hahaha hahaha get fucked Miami fag
That was no more severe than a standard thunderstorm rolling across the plains. This is tsunami tier devastation being brought forth by Poseidon himself.
Oh fuuuuuuuck
gg no re
>>tfw god is punishing all these trumpers
Now if only the hurricane wrecks that Mar-I-Lago or whatever that place is named
Is Florida finally going to sink? For once I'm glad I live in the midwest.
Mathew fucked the East coast hard m8. St Augustine barely fucking survived.
33474 here. I think we'll be ok. Feel sorry for the people along the coasts.
stocking up on batteries, charging my battery backup supply's and perishables.
Of course this damn storm comes with Destiny 2 releases.
Hardly. You're in for a treat if you think that was anything compared to this.
reminder that trump won because the democrap base collapsed, not because trump was a good canidate
Probably will charge up my old DSi and play whatever I still have on that. Assuming I don't evacuate.
Probably heavy damage to the coastlines at worst
There's no state more prepared for hurricanes than Florida
/west palm/ reporting, my mom's either gonna be in North Carolina or tenesee, I'm hitching a ride with my dad and wherever he goes for the storm so we'll see. As for Vidya I've been religiously replaying FFT lately so I'll probably be playing that and other roms.
What are some good psp, gba or DS games to emulate? I'm thinking of getting a snes emulator to finally play earthbound
the belly of the dragon will drip water
It's not so bad.
Well... I lived a nice life, I guess.
Floridian here. not worried.
Hurricanes happen all the time here, unlike Texas we are prepared.
This is comfy to us.
why are Sup Forums users scared so much of hurricanes also gay?
>Cat. 5
Depends. Are you Central / North Florida. Then MAYBE it's comfy
remove all of florida
>Atlanta will be fine
God dammit
wew lad
Get out while you guys can.
Fight the shitty Irma with best girl Erma
>monster hunter
>mario luigi super star saga
>Link to the past
>metroid fusion
>metroid zero mission
>any snes remake
>phoenix wright trilogy
>ace attorney investigations 2
>ghost trick
>Professor Layton Series
>Rune Factory
>Chrono Trigger
>pokemon heart gold and soul silver
There that is like 5,000 hours of vidya
what will this storm mean for the north?
im a vermontfag and dome towns got cut off from the rest of the state when irene came through
I never know how to react to a hurricane. People/media always hype this shit up as total devastation in Florida, but the past 23 years have just been sitting on my couch watching the storm pass by while being comfy.
It would be funny if they named one of these hurricanes Donald or something lik Shaqueesha
>hyperemotional manchildren that get dominated are scared of everything and act like hysterical women
color me shocked
Please no
>Live in Port st lucie
>Hurricane Mathew hits us last year as a cat 4
>Casually watching Thursday night football waiting for the power to go out
>Power stays on most of the day and late until the night during the storm
>Storm has passed by the morning and the power is turned back on by the afternoon
Florida's quite literally built for this type of stuff thankfully otherwise this shit would be insane don't worry bro's we're all going to make it.
>chill as fuck
Maybe if you're a crack addict or Cuban
So close
It should mean nothing but considering that Harvey assfucked the gulf area with one of the most bizarre hurricane paths ever witnessed, we won't really know for sure.
Florida should be fine, but whoever Irma hits above us needs to prepare their anus cause they're going to get it worse than us
Time to watch how men handle a hurricane, you Texan pieces of shit.
They should've named this one Emil
Broward here.
Comfy AS FUCK.
Never left my house for a hurricane and never will.
man im worried, i live right between a river and a creek so if we get floodwaters were fucked
Constant news broadcasts talking about bad we should feel that retards died because they chose to ignore a week's worth of warnings of imminent death when they should have been running like hell. Lots of "thoughts and prayers" posts on Facebook. In other words, fuck all, we're alright.
Dale, baby
I'm ready.
i guess its a fair price to pay for living in the most boring state in exsistence
You'll be playing drowning in your own home like a bitch is what you'll be playing.
stay safe, user
Can i just out drive the hurricane?
Might have to fight off Canadian invaders one day though. Stay vigilant.
It's very rare that a hurricane would reach Vermont at full power. You should be fine.
>the end of that track heading into the Gulf
>tfw just barely finished drying out from Harvey
>near manatee county
How can you abandon another Florida bro?
Who pensacola here
Yes, seeing as how it travels at a speed of 14 mph.
Yeah. According to models, just head north until the Georgia/NC/Tennessee state lines. Most models say that the storm will break apart by then.
Enjoy paying out the ass for gas prices
Video Games
>The euro butthurt
Better get started now, you don't want to actually drive in it.
>180mph winds, cat 5 #Irma strongest Atlantic ocean storm on record. Keys mandatory evacuations,
Bye Florida.
>hurricane is coming
>going to knock power out for a week
>have to clean my room now or it will stink without A/C
Hold me
>What games will you be playing?
not a whole lot if my power goes out
playing some vr shit and DaS2: SOTFS in the meantime
>implying i want to fight the canadian frenchies
Floridians, get out NOW
Real talk, this is how most people die in hurricanes. They try to out-race it, get stuck in traffic, and get their shit pushed in by debris flying around at speeds faster than fastball pitches
>tfw Alabama
am I gonna be okay bros?
>category 45
I didn't say he should, what kind of bum fuck idiot out races a force of nature?
>5000mph winds
Hold me Sup Forums
>It's only the beginning of September
>Already have a Major Hurricane
>Mfw we still have two more months of prime hurricane season left
Is this the year Florida literally gets blown into orbit by multiple hurricanes?
>category 45
please that's nothing, I'll just wait it out. I remember my grandfather survived a category 6 gorillion
ayyyy guys
recommend me some fun multiplayer games on steam that I can play with my sister and her husband while the hurricane wrecks shit outside
the only requirements is it must run on a intel integrated graphics laptop
thanks boys
>Category 45
Also, they declared state of emergency the hurrican that passed last month and nothing happened
RIP in piss
>Category 45
>tfw will never experience the comfyness of sitting out a hurricane and playing vidya guilt free
What does this mean if you're in Miami? My relatives live over there.
Miami is spic central.
the direct hit zone (where hurricanes typically make landfall) is all blue districts
irma is going to make florida 100% red again
This is honestly smelling like a hoax by climate scientists. We'll see won't we
Washed out to sea. Better tell them you love them.
>TFW no Hurricanes because northwest
>Instead I'm surrounded by fires on all sides right now
I don't know which one I'd prefer right now, at least I'd be able to breath outside right now if it was a hurricane coming.
>category 45