What comes first: Final Fantasy 16 or the remake of 7?

What comes first: Final Fantasy 16 or the remake of 7?

Will either be good?

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Wasn't ep1 of FF7 Remake scheduled for late 2017 / early 2018 release? I'd still bet on it.

Hopefully 7.
They're still releasing new content for XV and XIV.
Even XV has the Ignis DLC and Multi-player.

Hopefully not VII because Square's poorly made FF arpgs need to stop. Is XVI supposed to be an arpg too? If it is, then hopefully neither.

No schedule yet, but they said in their fiscal chart they said that one of the HD releases would release each year, which are KH3, 7R and the marvel IP. So it's probably KH3 2018, 7R 2019, Marvel 2020

16 was just a proof of concept thing. It wasn't actually in development.

That they're doing a 7 remake should reinforce this.

After fail hitman episodic maybe SE want release full game.

Agni's Philosophy looked way better than anything we're getting until 2020 at least.

7 remake first, then 16. Expect 16 in like 2022-24

It's not even the same episodic. Each episode of 7 will be a full sized game.
And unless they totally fuck up each episode should come out faster since they'll already have tons of assets and animations and shit after ep1

FF16 game for PS5 muh graphics
Demo on Microsoft event 4 titan X in 2015
Maybe in 2020 PS5 get power 3 Titan plus hardcore software optimization.

Wouldn't it be nice if FF16 was a fantasy game? Not all techy and sci-fi. I think I'd enjoy that. Kinda like how they went from 8 to 9. 9 was really refreshing.

>in 3 years,consoles can have the power of 3 titans


Probably 7. I think both will be good, but I don't think there has been a bad final fantasy yet.

Is it bad that I'm as hyped for the Golden Saucer minigames and Chocobo breeding as much as I am for any story or character elements in the remake?
Also, will there be materia? If not, what will Yuffie's motivation be?

>Will either be good?
Considering the extremely lackluster games after 10, no.

The "remake" of FF 7 is absolutely raping what the series used to stand for and FF 16 will surely again have a fucking retarded combat system, just as every FF after 10-2.

yeah XIV will have content for years, being an MMO and all.

There's no way they'll remove Materia, it's woven into the plot at times.

As of around March of this year, SE admitted they weren't even thinking about XVI.
7 Remake was said to be coming out between 2018-2020
>Will either be good?
One of them probably isn't even in production yet and SE aren't spilling anything on 7Re. Who knows

>lackluster games after 10

I was talking about the offline ones.

And yeah, 12 is absolute fucking trash and the direct sequel in many regards to the 13 shittology.

I guess I mean materia as we know them.
I just wonder if they'll shit up was what a simple and cool system with some new system to add 'depth' to it all.
They'll be materia, for sure, but I just hope it's not in name only. (Story won't be 1:1 with the original anyways, so that's their opportunity to change it)

X was garbage, even the XIII trilogy shit was better to be honest

>X was garbage, even the XIII trilogy shit was better to be honest

>absolutely raping what the series used to stand for
What did FF7 series stand for? And how is it raping this?

>>FF7 series

I think he means
>it's not what I like therefore it is raping

We won't see either one until 2020 at least. And they'll be shit.

Square has been fucking awful for over 10 years now, why in the everliving fck do you still care about this talentless company

That seems like a silly position to take given what little info we have on the game so far.
But, to each their own. Guess I would rather be excited about a game rather than pessimistic, even if there is potential for great disappointment.

Just because you're finally realizing FF is garbage doesn't mean Squenix makes only shit.

I agree with him.

both will be shit, fuck you Square Enix

>Just because you're finally realizing FF is garbage

lmao this was obvious since 2010 at the latest

and no, Square Enix does Dragon Quest and some other decent stuff (not much) but this thread is about FF pal