Sonic mania

Seriously, though. Why did he make him Pink?

because thats the color he was in sonic 3

Even Sonic isn't safe from the oversaturated Cal Arts effect

To make sexually repressed americans feel uncomfortable


You're color blind.

That's pink, user.


Visibility likely

After he went super back in 3&K, he could never fully turn back.

What controller do you play Sonic Mania on?

I use this beauty and it's top tier DPAD

PS4 controller. If there is one thing I love about sony's consoles its their controllers that change very little with a functioning Dpad in a comfy place.

I dunno, man, I'd figure that the guardian of the Master Emerald would be tapping into the fully-empowered super emeralds on the reg. At this point he should be white as Norwegian NEET.

Wii U Pro can be used on PC? Switch?

I heard someone mention a mayflash adapter for WiiU pro's on Switch once but I can't confirm one way or the other if it's true

You'd think that but he only seems interested in protecting it instead of using its power. Maybe its taboo something.

The Pro can be used on PC. It's bluetooth, hook it up and it acts like any other controller, basically.

>top tier DPAD
Buddy, you don't even know

Knuckles is a simple guy. Doesn't need the raw power of the master emerald every day in his life, so he doesn't use it.

Pink is a color for real men. You are just a faggot.

He could tap into it a bit just for better jumping though.

Which adapter is compatible with steam?

I use a Bliss-Box 4 Play which is a universal adapter. As far as Steam support, Mania is the first game I've played that uses Steam's built-in controller API instead of something like XInput, so I don't know about what it supports, but for me, it was as simple as going into the controller settings and setting the appropriate mappings for my controller, and then activating it. I think I had to restart Steam for the settings to stick as well.

They possibly went for a more Knuckles Chaotix approach with the color for him.

Is that why Sonic is also irradiated glowing he's so bright blue?

Can you use that for local multiplayer? Does it recognize two players for different controllers or is it only recognized as one controller.

pink is just a lighter red anyway

what's really gay is magenta


Have fun playing a good game, my dude.

It recognizes each port as a separate controller, no matter what type of controller is in each port.