Your daily reminder

Your daily reminder

Make Sup Forums a better place

> Upper right corner of browser
> Settings
> Filters & Post Hiding
> Filter and highlight specific threads/posts
> Edit
> Add entries from pic

Enjoy your fresh and significantly better Sup Forums experience without the virgin losers ruining it.


one thing I'm adding for sure is "daily reminder" you huge fag

II use filters as well, but by using them you're just making Sup Forums more bearable for yourself. The board will be garbage no matter what.

I just filter Sup Forums and /r9k/ bait words, mostly.

>He doesn't filter every word in existence

Do you just keep the Boards thing blank? I legitimately don't know how to use the filter.

I unironically do this after opening the interesting threads.

show the list now please

literally just filter the letter a

>140 threads filtered

>not doing it for free and reporting shit threads and saging them if you absolutely must post in them

I'm still surprised this is ok for google play

does filter filter shit regardless of caps?


Not a single one of those filters is as cancerous as you own post, congratulations OP yo are a faggot.

>bluepilling yourself

What a pussy.

This user is correct

I word filtered "literally" and see way less fags.

Nice safe space.

'e' is more frequent than 'a' in English.

Anyone who hates filters is a newfag, whos pissy because they cant irritate people like they want.

Nah, I'm not a pussy. I want to know exactly the kind of shit I'm swimming in.

>says the troll

Keep projecting, nigger.

I use Sup Forums-x
/literally you/i
/what did (t|s)?hey? mean by/i;op:only
/me on the/i
/pass the controller/i
/my wife's/i;boards:v;
/Why is this allowed/i;boards:v;op:only
/delete this/i
/tfw you fell for the/i
/What games? (lets? (you|me)|do)/i;boards:v;op:only
/so\.* this\.* is the power\.* of/i;boards:v;op:only
/wtf I /i
/too? intelligent (to|for)/i
/applejack that tickles/i
/Citizen Kane/i
/blocks you'?re? path/
/jojo reference/i
/what did (t|s)?hey? mean by/i;op:only
/our guy/i
/say something nice about/i
/actual graphics/i


Image MD5 1/2

Anything more i should add?

You're a god. I fucking hate tripfags.

Sup Forums6vYR924R0DaGFpAiF4uA==/
The last 10 I think are all PUBG shill images.

Patrician filters coming through.

Filter all namefags with 4chanx:

Some of those aren't Sup Forums trips. I'm pretty sure theres some Sup Forums and Sup Forums faggots floating around in there.

you forgot to add cuck, cuck

"Say something nice"

What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settles, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from THIS? JUST. Hold me Sup Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on this guy. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think.

What about

"What (the fuck) was her/his problem?" threads

Add a separate entry for his. her, and it so it doesn't block threads that might ask "What was the problem with the traps in this game" like in DS

might as well just use reddit

its perfect for mental toddlers

How many of those are console wojack shit?