Previously on censorship: >>389344246

Previously on censorship: Why do we keep letting this happen Sup Forums? To the point NA devs even oppress the KR devs into making these kinds of changes?

Boobs hurt whitemen's feeling

That face on the left is awful, I can't say I mind that change


Who cares? It's a shit game devoid of gameplay that you only want to buy because of fanservice.

Faggots like you shouldn't exist to fuck up the game industry. Just go jerk off to your chinese cartoons and let video games have actual mechanics and depth of gameplay.


dont like smugery?


>Sex is a crime
>Murder is fine

It does have gameplay that got censored too. They listened to the community and removed a lot of content with their "balance changes".

>her breasts are bigger than mine
>COVER THAT WHORE U- i mean this is objectification! :^)

>have actual mechanics and depth of gameplay
>*plays spreadsheets on his computer*

I want to see that first shirt by itself. I bet it just looks like 2 bags sewn onto a shirt.

>making a new thread about this
Kill yourself and stop shilling your Korean garbage.

I think it's fair.
You know since porn isn't illegal here.

>Left clicks mouse button 9,999,999,999 times with no need of timing, thought, or precision

Everyone in this picture looks like they don't want to be there.

daily reminder that if you have big breast you aren't human


Can someone give me ONE(1) Reason why games should be censored

Daily reminder if you shill Korean garbage you aren't human.

>"ah,fuck those japanese games that require skill"
>*spends 2 hours tweaking graphics and installing mods without playing the game*

When fanservice shit gets censored, weeaboos don't buy it. Then, shitty games don't sell and the market becomes less saturated with garbage. Weeaboos drop out of video games because no one panders to them anymore, gaming is saved.

Why does Sup Forums pretend to care about this game? It was a massive blunder on release and korean MOBA to boot. This is the type of game that Sup Forums would normally mock and pray for its failure.

If it's really such a problem that Sup Forums needs to go full Sup Forums twenty times a day about it, then just replace all of the female characters with males wearing female clothes.

Problem solved.

Something is in the game is clearly illegal, and your choice would be to have it cut, or never get the game at all.
Most games aren't high art that changing them would eliminate a portion of the message inherent, dumb frogposter.

Persona 5 was a mistake.

Can someone give me ONE(1) Reason why this game should be played

>Japanese games
>Require skill
>Left clicks mouse button 9,999,999,999 times with no need of timing, thought, or precision

Time investment isn't a skill.

>Why does Sup Forums pretend to care about this game?

Being good at video games isn't a real marketable skill either. Nor is Youtubing, Twitching, etc.

I'm starting to think you don't understand what shilling means.

At least that time investiment goes to improve gaming skill,in western games that time is usually just wasted.Examples:open world games and strategy games that are literally just left click mouse button 9,999,999,999 times

>Something is in the game is clearly illegal
Then question is why that something is illegal

It's some korean moba shit
not glorious Japanese game

>Marketable skill
We're not talking about marketable skills, we're talking skills period.

Weebshit requires nothing besides sinking time into it. Passage of time isn't a skill.

>japanese games
>using mouse

Are PCfags this retarded?

Yeah, you sure are improving your ability to play VNs by left clicking in VNs because that's literally all you do and can do or ever will do.

Again, sinking time brainlessly into something devoid of any skill requirement is not a skill.

Passage of time is a skill! Because living takes too much time anyway.

>South Korea bans porn but has no problem with sexualized character design.

>Porn is A-OK in the USA but slight cleavage on a fictional character is offensive and outrageous.


>Japanese games
>Left clicks mouse button 9,999,999,999 times
name 1

>Giving Nexon a chance

A nonresponse that is outside the scope of this thread.
You had your question answered, and no, you don't actually have any recourse.

>muh japanese VNs
>proceeds to drool over Gone Home and Life is Strange

Western games are the ones that usually don't require much skill to beat,i think everybody knows this after 40 years of videogames.

>Drool over Gone Homo and Life is Gay
Those aren't games and never were games. Vocal minority SJWs caring about that trash aren't indicative of the whole.

Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth though.

t. weeb

They are top sellers on Steam,just like very difficult games to beat like Farming Simulator 2017 and the yearly CoD release.

Not that guy but vocabulary skills nigga. Shit's still reading.

I'm not really trying to die on this hill but it's just a picture book with sounds, not sure why people pretend that it's anything more than that or try to convince people that non VNs are VNs just because of character portraits and UI.

I'm a third world shitter and Nexon IP blocked this game.

I guess that's a good thing for you guys? Though even forums are up in flames because of the "censorship".

Is there an Asian (non-korean) version of the game I can actually play on?

>already below triple digits
On one hand I feel bad because I like the game but on the other, they brought it on themselves.

No, there isn't. There's only KR and NA right now.

Sure going to bring about an expansive vocabulary, weeaboo. That must be why all the weebs here aren't completely braindead, incapable of sustaining any real argument, and are linguistically competent right?


>>Left clicks mouse button 9,999,999,999 times with no need of timing, thought, or precision

Oh well. Thanks anyway

gone homo never sold well

LiS sucked people in once but its sequels probably wont sell nearly as well. it's an empty experience that most dont want to experience twice.

also gone homo 2 (tacoma) is going to be a massive flop

>Completely rip off western games from gameplay to aesthetic
>Japan finally manages to make something good

Really activates those almonds.

>Time investment isn't a skill.

Agree, dark souls is a shit game.

I just found out about this game last night. I have an interest in it since it's Awesomenauts with T&A. I don't want to support censorship though.

I read at the end of the thread that they may be discussing adding a toggle for adding/removing the censorship.

If they add a toggle, i'll support and play the game. I don't have much of any hope for Nexon though.

If anything I hope Nexon drops it and someone else picks up the publishing.

Your argument is "western good anime bad",you are either a brainlet yourself or just an underage redditor trying to sound "mature"

>Look if I oversimplify something it seems stupid
Everything's retarded that comes out of you, so mystery solved.

>they may be discussing
Is this....the power of bitching?

Also, what Nexon dropped title was published by someone else? I recall a familiar case, but I can't figure the name.

I wasn't making an argument I was just interjecting, stupid. I told you it's just a book. If anything it's quite a skill of patience in order to get through it if you don't like it, but that's about it.
Hell maybe you should read a VN. It might just improve your reading comprehension considering how bad it is.

Stop knee jerking every time someone replies to you, it just makes you look mad

>Time investment isn't a skill
>to get better at something you need to invest time into it

Now i understand why the west loves short cinematic experiences so much.

>Also, what Nexon dropped title was published by someone else?
Dungeon Fighter Online? The Developers publish it themselves now, I believe.

Unless you're thinking of something else.

>I wasn't making an argument
>It might just improve your reading comprehension

That's delicious irony considering I never said you were making an argument. I clearly was talking about how all the weeaboos around here are braindead and VNs have clearly no impact on an educational level.

Good reading comprehension there though! Maybe you shouldn't kneejerk, it makes you look uninformed and braindead as the weeaboos you're defending.

There have to be some women with big tits who feel insulted now. We need to dig them up and have them get offended right back.

Yeah, DFO is published directly by Neople after Nexon fucked them over. It took years for it to come back but now it's really close to the original Korean version.

Now if only they'd fix the PvP netcode.

Liana K comes to mind since she's known for rants against that kind of thinking.