Lets do it boys!
LawBreakers/Battleborn thread
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Guarantee this cunt is east yuropoor. That type of logic is exactly the kind of shit they come up with
>breaves in
So in overwatch you can be inbunerable and one shot people? Sounds disinegenuous.
HHAHAH Vavra is so fucking based
>having the need to pinning a thread about justifying your choice of shady business partners
>having to assure that Randy isn't working on your game
those aren't funny
>stop mocking my writing!
I played the beta and thought it was fine. But never bought it.
It was fun and had a lot of promise. Oh well.
I just read that in claptrap voice it was fuckign hilarious
>guys believe me, Randy has nothing to do with our game!!! trust me and buy the game for $60
Why would anyone team up with gearbox? Boolletstirm HD bombed fucking hard
no the half life one was funny becuase it's what it actually looks like
those two are cringy
>gender neutral bathrooms
Is it meant to sound like some kind of progressive milestone? They already exist, and women don't especially like them for pretty obvious reasons.
>pls respond
Randy is a disgusting shell of a man
I actually thought Lawbreakers looked like fun, too. Is it actually not good or is it like Battleborne, where its bad visual design damns it far more than its unsurprisingly more complex than Overwatch gameplay? Boy did they fuck up with the unlockable buyables for matches, though.
Also, as much as I hate Twitter bullshit Vavra at least makes a good point with that photo.
>using funny angles outside of Sup Forums
I never understood the context of that pic. Who's taking the picture and why is Randy kneeling? Is he prepping the bull?
Its actually fun, but it has a steep learning curve and most people are not into that, plus, the characters look awful
Give it a try once it goes F2P
>from the capitalist part of my brain I will ignore my main demographic and try to cater to those that don't play video games
>512 people still playing ther original Borderlands
what a fuck up lmao. deserves to lose his career fuck him
1190 actually
Oh the characters look like hot ass. Just ugly in general. The ones that look decent to good also look extremely generic. Also, Brink broke my heart. That game DESERVES the hate. God just seeing that makes me furious.
I'll prbably give it a try when its free though. I tried that PUbbuguh game at a buddy's and wasn't impressed with it over all. It wasn't bad, but considering you have to buy it and it suffers from so many horrible issues, the largest of which is such a heavy emphasis on gunplay, turned me off. So I was hoping at least SOMETHING would come out shooter wise. I don't wanna touch Quake until they fix the rockets.
That dog doesn't deserve such a shitty owner.
>east yuropoor
>having money to buy games
As an east yuropoor I can guarantee you that less than 10-15% of people that play games actually give money.
The rest either play only single player pirateable games or multiplayer ones with private servers like CS 1.6
Poor Randy!
I agree with this to a certain extent. I really don't like most forced diversity but something like overwatch is perfect. It has characters from everywhere but doesn't feel the need to make them ugly. It is like the United Nations. It's a game that takes place internationally so it makes sense to have a lot of different ethnicities.
what genre what this game again?
he used to be cool in GeOW1 era epic games
Cliffy should be bullied twice as hard as Randy
Looking at him acting all edgy n cool n badass is hilarious
>Oh the characters look like hot ass
You a bigot? Lawbreakers characters look awesome, and they are not oversexualized garbage like the ones in competitive game
Bet that part of his brain is dangling from a rope by now.
That's a man.
So the point here is just poking fun at the player count, right? Because the games themselves really aren't that bad
>hobby-grade coop campaing
what the fuck?
Battleborn is genuinely bad, Lawbreakers has the problem of being too samey with a gimmick that isn't nearly as fun as Cliff might think.
>Because the games themselves really aren't that bad
What the fuck is happening? What is that scope?
Anybody else disappointed about how hard lawbreakers flopped?
I wanted a fast shooter and was reasonably interested in lawbreakers. If only Cliffy wasn't adamant about comparing it to overwatch and cramming sjw shit into the game along with cringey marketing.
Somebody add EVOLVE stats, I can't right now.
Thanks in advance.
On Steam*
Also fuck off randy
Lawbreakers is actually good
Dunno about BB I wouldn't touch that shit because Colonial Marines
Someone needs to change his face to the shit eating smile.
>playing this when Quake Champions is up
>Ths devs felt like it is important to point out that randy doesnt interfere with the publishing.
Damn, is his reputation that bad even with devs?
But trannies like them and that's all that counts.
>Randy is not involved day to day with the publishing team
Randy is a CEO, he's not involved "day to day" with anything. Why did they think this would dissuade people?
here u go
What the fuck happened between February and March of 2015?
Add Sonic in the background going fast
>What the fuck happened between February and March of 2015?
People realized playing hide and seek for 30 minutes was boring as fuck
that's not funny cos it;s kind of true to what happened to brothers in arms
they completly ruined bia
what the fuck? there is so much bullshit happening on the screen for fucks sake no wonder this shit flopped
sup randy hows the whale
what does he mean by hobby grade?
Lawbreakers isn't a bad game mechanics wise, but they really screwed up with its design
i mean he is right, a lot of people would play the game if it didnt have a small playerbase
then again the game isnt free, nobody is going to risk buying it only to get stuck with the turbocucked fanbase waiting all day for a match
how about you give people free keys or offer the choice of a full refund for two weeks after purchase?
More importantly, what the eff does he mean by “meta-growth”?
Isnt that guy on the left the tiny head guy in battleborn?
It's just a bunch of buzzwords, corporate goons love them.
Fake news.
Girls love them because they tend to be one stall bathrooms that you lock the door to and they can take a shit where no one can hear them.
You have obviously never worked in an office with the gender neutral handicap stall.
>his kid's got a dobro at like 10 years old
damn, I wish I'd had rich parents as a kid.
Sup Forums btfo
>white guys
>japanese games
So this guy is retarded?
some one should post this to his twitter also change the girl to his girls head
>character rooster
Vavra you magnificent bastard
user, you need to stop posting.
holy shit!!!
For some reason I read it in Harley Quinn's voice and it was incredibly annoying.
A lot of shit in modern gaming could have been fixed if devs remembered about actual demos.
Im not that guy, but we use gender neutral bathrooms on our office since 2012 andI havent heard a complaint about them from the girls
Im the janitor :(