
Heres the clearer version my friend

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sweet, also, why no smug nintenbros and butthurt sonymens? i've been trolling Sup Forums daily and learned about this from a fucking podcast

Well it was days ago so you just missed those threads, the game is fairly niche and there wasnt much showed on the trailer so there are not many things to discuss

>sweet, also, why no smug nintenbros and butthurt sonymens?

Because it will probably stay as a nintendo switch exclusive and previous games have been ported to the PS3.


>clickbait headline
We don't know yet if he will or not. It's likely the one in the trailer is a temp.

Who cares? He is a voice actor in literally every fucking game, major or minor. Wouldn't be so bad if he had some range.

Wow so they watched the After Effects Stranger Things Title tutorial on the Youtubes

The new voice actor or at least the one who appeared on the trailer (since we don't know if its just a placeholder yet) was pretty close to RAD in my opinion, of course i would prefer Downes but if the reason he is not in the game is the money then i don't care

>Switch exclusive
>Still no No More Heroes HD port to PS4/Xbone/PC Steam

But, why?


which means it will be fucking ported. also there is no way devolver indies would have switch exclusive collaboration EVER, pc and ps4 confirmed because of that alone


*Also on PS4

No more heroes isn't popular on other platforms.

>Now you're just gonna confuse people, they need to know about the most hardcore assassin in video games

>quit making this shit confusing, the players need to know about the most bad-ass assassin in video games

why did they change the script?

It didn't sell well on the Wii either.

it's Suda's best-selling game and did over a quarter of a million

Probably because it was an adaption to the nintendo event, the second video is from Grasshopper's youtube account

>which means it will be fucking ported.
Not that guy but the same was said about NMH2 and it wasn't ported. So I wouldn't take anything for granted.

Never played the previous games but I thought the new guy sounded good in the trailer.

Though i like OP's version, I'm annoyed that OPs one doesnt have a little swearing


Nintendo censoring shit to keep their channel PG rated.

I actually like Nintendo's version. Travis sounds cooler, and makes the 4th wall sarcasm even better.

The other one sounds a bit sonic-y, meaning he sounds unnecessarily edgy and egoistic.

is it wrong to buy switch just to play NMH again?

seems wrong. Im waiting for it to have enough games to make it worth it.
Will have to wait to see how the new pokemon game fares and if a new Smash bros will come.

I think nintendo failed once more at keeping third parties. there's rumors of a big announcement coming as well, I'd wait.

I'll probably do the same, but next year
I just found this interview (youtube.com/watch?v=WrCyhB0WB-A) where to a question regarding the possibility of a co-op game he says is a secret so that'd be pretty cool. Also Shovel Knight level totally discarded he will only be a t-shirt

nintendo hasn't been good with third parties in a very long time, it's expected at this point that you only buy a nintendo console for first and second party games

>It's gonna be Travis visiting indie games with his combat system
>Like Kingdom Hearts without the autism

I'd forgotten how much I love Travis. I wish he was in Smash.

That's what we thought for a while but apparently the games he's going to enter are all made up and not real indie games.

It seems to me like we are at least getting Hotline Miami. Im gonna be kinda pissed if the trailer was a bait and switch on that

Sonymens have already been plenty butthurt, you just missed it.

Anyway, 2018 will be a good year for Suda fans. TSANMH and Silver 2425, what more could you want?

now if only indie games were actually good.

>Look at me everybody I take 4chans opinions very seriously

In this interview he says he has plans for other more substantial collaborations too and brings up Hotline Miami again so maybe there'll be something even if it's not in TSA.


I played 2 like ages ago, why is everyone in Travis universe ok with killing?

but Sup Forums is full of PCfags who love shitty indie games


>Shovel Knight level totally discarded he will only be a t-shirt
In that interview he says all the Indie games will be T Shirts and the levels are just generally video gamey themed levels not specific games.

nothing wrong with killing, stop being a moralfag

>TFW loved no more heroes 3

But I just can't do it, I can't buy a Nintendo console. Same thing I felt with Bayonetta 2.

Enjoy it Nintendofans. You're getting a nice game.

Why is everyone in the John Wick universe OK with killing?

>But I just can't do it, I can't buy a Nintendo console.
Imagine actually being one of these people

they are clearly not everything started with the fucking dog

I thought some games would get a level while others would make just a came or an appearance in the possible next games
Are you from the future user?

Woops I meant no more heroes 1 and 2

Jus wait for the Super/Mini Swith 50€ cheaper.


I'll buy the mini concept. A Nintendo Vita sounds nice.
But sub 200€ sounds difficult.

Is this confirmed?


Joyvon and dock both cost $80 each. They can make it work

That's price, not cost. It's a nice idea, but Nintendo's low-budget offering has always been the handheld system. On top of that, designing a system that is equally powerful, but in a smaller package would actually be more expensive to manufacture, not less.

actually be more expensive to manufacture, not less.
Ps4 slim and Xbox one S say hi

BoneS came out 3 years after the bone launched. If you're willing to wait until 2020, of course it will be cheap.

Nyggers have to go off maybe lol
That desperate for games

Why is she so flat here?

Say what you want about Suda51, but his games are always so fucking stylish.

What you want about Suda 51

>Being so petty about fanboyism you won't by a console with games you like on it
I shitpost against nyggers constantly but I still own all the PS platforms.

Maybe it was years before you met her on nmh, not like i mind though she is always cute

>music is still too loud

Here's what I see happening
>It doesn't get ported ever
>people who buy it love it
>people on other systems shitpost the threads to death like with Bayo 2 claiming ONE DAY IT WILL BE OURS
>it goes multiplatform
>small chunk of people like it but the rest are mad it isn't dmc
>no travis in smash thanks to funposting

Because most people in the series (that you meet) are fucking insane.
Travis fully coming to the realization that killing people isn't okay is the actual plot of the second game (even if he's supposed to be on a revenge fueled rampage, but the juxtaposition makes it better).


It's confirmed, he's not gonna be Travis

so it's a WiiU tablet

Is it really about money? Suda said that this is a smaller team in comparison to the previous game so maybe they don't have the budget

Just like the cheaper model of the Wii U without the tablet piece of shit. Thank god Nintendo is smart and listens to us real fans right?

Please tell me this is not a Switch exclusive.


This looks retarded as shit


its going to be fucking LIT! filthy sonygros you wont get this!

man, you're really desperate for ammo aren't you

Looking forward to seeing some gameplay. It has Suda writing Travis so I'm already on board either way, but I wonder what this game actually is. The announcement from Grasshopper calls it a 3D action title but Suda says it's a somewhat smaller scale project that might lead to NMH3 so it could also be in top down perspective or something for all we know.


Chances are it's going to be the same as the other games but to a smaller degree.

>Suda confirmed it was a smaller team this time
>Robin wants to get all the money he can.

Damn it Atkins, this isn't some bigshot company like Sega or Capcom. This is Grasshopper!

>Making an emotional appeal and turning the fanbase against your contractor in order to try to squeeze more money out of said contractor this time
Slimey to say the least

There's nothing "confirmed" there, but I hope he stays out of it anyway. I don't want a strike pissbaby near my GOTY 2018.





So is Sup Forums going to start hating on Robin for no fucking reason like they did with David Hayer?

I don't hate him i even consider him one of the best but if money is the reason he is not in the game then he is just turning the fans against Suda just because they cant afford him and thats a really shitty move. Now if the problem is not money then i cant imagine what could be the reason for not casting him, or maybe they dont even have the entire writing made for the game and theyre just waiting

>no fucking reason

hey david

>Making a faux emotional appeal to rile up the fanbase and cause troubles for your employer
If American VA's dont know how to act like adults they dont get to be employed like one

>so it could also be in top down perspective
everyone is alluding to it being like "Hotline Miami" but you're trying to avoid that by just saying "top down"
I'm on to you, shill
Don't take this so lightly

What is this Stranger Things font

it's not the ST font, are you blind

Never crossed my mind, I just mean a different kind of 3D action game than the Wii games were. Good point though.

it's sad that travis change his voice...but at least the new voice sound like the old one.

i'm pretty sure travis will have an explaination like "sorry i'm sick"

The dock costs a fortune because only richfags should be buying another dock. That shit costs like 20 bux to make at most.

It's remarkably similar at least

I've actually considered buying another dock because it's less trouble than installing a/c in my bedroom and I can't get any gaming done when it's hot.

Pretty sure that was used for Ghostbusters at some point.
Same color and everything.

maybe literally means maybe mate.

He probably wants to but can't right now.

Only time will tell.

technically every bossfight in NMH2 was ported to the ps3 as extra bosses on dream sequences.

>technically every bossfight in NMH2 was ported to the ps3 as extra bosses on dream sequences.
No, only about five were

not the same guy but in my case there's not enough games to justify my purchase, especially when nintendo products are expensive as hell in my region and they never go down price.

i'll just wait for emulation or for the end of the gen to get the console modded to pirate games.