>41gb update
wtf is their problem?
>41gb update
wtf is their problem?
You have the uhd pack nigger. Also
>update not even up on uplay
I only got it there because I got a cheaper key
>implying that makes it okay
>still playing this game
It was funner without all the dumb operators and maps, I wish they kept the DLC isolated.
Uh the new lighting system?
>look we """fixed"""" all this shit
>nothing changed
And 1000s of changes
It doesn't mean the overall size of your game folder is going to increase by 42gb
Are you mentally ill?
What huge changes did the devs add with OP Health? What horrible bug that everyone had did they fix?
steam provides a method to patch files instead of overwriting them
instead of using this simple method they decided to be lazy and say "fuck you" to anyone on slow connction or with data caps.
proceed with caution buying from this company
>have to launch through steam and then another service
red fucking flag
>buying the double DRM more expensive version
The patch notes have been out for days. Just look it up and read.
>the newest update is very large, but cleans up the game's files and compresses the base game better
>this lets us make the game smaller, and future patches smaller as well
>we also increased texture quality across the board for PC users using the UHD texture pack
And yet retards like , OP and countless others will get pissy because they think they understand how patching works better than the people working with the engine. This isn't anything new, Doom 2016 did this recently as well, using a large patch to cut filesize by over 20GB while including the DLC, not to mention they even address your argument of using Steam's method of patching files (literally explaining that that's what they're moving to)
Ubi is trash beyond trash but if you're going to criticise then maybe you should start with something that doesn't reveal you're a retard
>retards like you don't understand how it works!!!!!
>that's why they explained they're gonna use it in the future
nice cognitive dissonance
>you will never be good at this game
> its another "we americans have crappy internet" episode
it's another "we europeans don't realize our entire country is the same size as a moderately sized state yet it has 80 million people because our entire genetic base lives here" episode
enjoy those muslims btw i live in a city and i get 15MB/s down from steam
>being a pleb with a data cap or slow connection
you don't deserve to play
Your government attacked your own citizens and blamed it on terrorists so they could take over the middle east
LOL causing your countries to become flooded with muslims and culturally/economically destroyed because you won't stand up
So you can't answer my question?
What did OP Health fix? Nothing changed.
'member when Europe helped kill Gaddafi because he was cutting off their supply of big, black cocks? I 'member
I tried searching for a list of changes from health, but couldn't find anything
>it's a "yuropoors try to bant" episode
complete list* I should say
The changes were spread out over multiple updates
Yeah it says a lot, yet I didn't see any changes :/
The fixes are literally in the Blood Orchid patch notes. How many times do we have to say it? All the Operation Health fixes are in for Blood Orchid.
Fuck you you fucking cunt ass britbong little shit that cant even speak right. Have fun knowing you children's children will have flipper arms, or fucking worse be brown. I would rather have my tiny kids be ran over by the hundred of terrorists that keep driving semis into your small ass plazas that have the fate your children will have you stupid, stupid motherfucker. You may sit on your stupid fucking couch and watch men kick around a ball and act like they're hurt, but that doesn't mean you have it the best you stupid mongoloid. "Oi mate! A leest I don goht a orange for a preiden!" Well guess fucking what you ass fucked yourself out of being a good country. Next time germany is false flagging about a bunch of jews, we wont fucking help you you stupid FUCKING cunt.
OP health fixed a a lot. Fixed matchmaking, new UI, crystal clear VOIP, better servers, fixed hitboxes, redone character models, optimized map loading, and probably a bunch of other shit I'm forgetting. Hating operation health is a dumb reddit meme, the same faggots who are butthurt Favela is being removed.
>we need 3months to fix BUGS!!
>oh no we have to delay content YET AGAIN, lets make it 4 months
>"fixes" dont fix anything and never have
Ubitrash shills really post here...
Wait, favela is being removed? Thank god. I fucking hate that shitty cardboard box map
Also FINALLY properly fixed the lighting after nearly 2 fucking years of staring into god's anus any time you look out a window
>starting wars for no reason
>fixed matchmaking
>new UI
>crystal clear VOIP
>fixed hitboxes
for one operator kek
>redone character models
Not noticeable
>optmized map loading
There are always 2-3 people in a match that need like 30seconds to load the game
Yacht is being removed too. Also all the unbalanced maps were removed from ranked to match the pro league playlist, one of the changes in this patch I'm most excited for.
>you will never have to play Plane or Favela in ranked again
>mentally ill frogfucker
Everything there is in the game you butthurt nigger, and it wouldn't have been possible without Operation Health.
say hello to your new waifu faggots
You forgot the trademark symbol after operation health
I thought she was supposed to be Chinese Canadian? Did she always have blue eyes?
Kys yourself.
those eyes look green to me
Why the hell is naruto on the shelf of a picture made to make fun of Canadians specifically?
2.54 to be able to launch the game. 26 to actually download eveything and play online.
>m-muh muslims!
What was this
my dick
a cute webm of a lil doggy and a man with a hammer
wait does that make the game 80gb?
Yes, they needed 4months to fix an operators hitbox. This completely justifies the cancelled map and 4months of delayed content.
Your sentence would make sense if I had said they only fixed one operator's hitbox. But they fixed all the hitboxes for every operator and it was just one of several other improvements to the game.
This: is what happens if you banter with Americans
Fuck off back to retard
>fixed hitboxes
>fixed servers
maximum kek
increasing your tick by 10 isn't going to change the peak/speed/ping meta.
pixelshootersix isn't a fun game and nothing ubi does will fix that.
no, you just download the entire game again to patch it because ~~~~STEAM~~~~
>>fixed hitboxes
you were saying?
>doesn't look chinese anymore
why the fuck did they remove two maps?
She is supposed to, they changed her eye color now unless i'm being trolled by a photoshop.
They fixed literally nothing.
Because they weren't liked in e-sports.
>40gb update for UHD texture users to reduce requirements & loading times
>Loading times still suck & textures look the same while using more resources
Thanks Ubisoft
It's not and extra 41 gigs though, siege is 20gbs smaller on my hard drive now
This and apparently they're removing maps to make it easier for new players to get map knowledge.
Why they'd remove maps instead of adding a mode for people level 0-20 is beyond me
I still have fun with the game
just b ought the starter edition
how Jewed did I get
When did reddit take over?
You mean this one.
this, grow home, and wd2 are ubi's only recent games in the last decade that were fun
Jesus Christ refund it if you can
>Regular edition
>Operators cost like 400-800 renown (you get about 250 a match)
>Starter edition
>Operators can cost up to 12,500
If you can't refund it do situations for 600 renown a piece and make sure to do challenges a lot
>starter edition
Retard, the game costs as much as the starter edition in cd key sites.
Mind you, in the best matches, you get 300 renown at most, and each new operator will cost you 12500.
You'd be able to get all 20 of the original operators in the time it takes you to get two in the starter edition (although the starter edition does give you four freebies).
>Year 1 edition only gives the first dlc operators you have to pay a billion credits for anyone else
>Year 2 only gives the new dlc operators you have to pay a billion credits for anyone else
>No catch all edition
You are jewed either way
each new operator costs 25,000 . Where does this 12500 number come from? Are they getting halved?
what are operators?
do they help you win games?
I don't mind playing a couple thousand hours if the game is good as long as the operators don't give everyone else an unreasonable advantage
Is she attack?
You redownload the entire game rather than just a straight up patch, that's why. Sure they changed plenty things in the archival system, but every single update has been huge as fuck just the same. I guess they just don't have a capable patcher, or they share it with the console patching that's shit, but they have zero fucking excuse for this.
Go search some videos.
Basically they are different characters with different abilities and different guns.
It's not worth it at all.
Nope, defense, her mines do something similar to what the Echo drone does.
Operators are the characters you play as, they have special skills/gadgets that help you
>those leggings
Made for breeding.
Operators are the characters you play, each get their own special ability ie destroying reinforced walls.
You can grind a fuck ton in the starter to unlock 1 or you can buy the full and not grind.
Also if you're a beginner you should buy
(SAS) thatcher or sledge
(Spetsnaz) fuze
(SAS) mute
(Gign) rook
>product placement
Operators, aka characters. Some of them are more op than others.
>Operators cost like 400-800 renown
Please don't say anything if you don't know what you're on about. You misinformed fag.
>Bought the game and knows nothing about it
Nice job Retard
Uncensored version pls?
And the other pics the dude made.
it looks like cs without so many cheaters, that's all I wanted
>no anal
Wasted fucking potential. Thanks for posting tho.
All maps have had a complete lighting rework, in game models have gotten some renewing
You basically download the entire game again
>getting your dick filled with bits of shit instead of pussy juices
>fall ass first into a fun game
>spend the next two years fucking it up so badly that even uibdrones are boycotting
What did Ubisoft mean by this?
t. never tried anal
t. shit taste
>niGGer making shit up
>literally 5 min download
wtf is YOUR problem?
>he thinks I'm lying
Go check the r6 forums and see for yourself fagboy
>care about ubisoft forums people's opinion