
This game's pretty good, what does Sup Forums think about it?
Also i just got to junkyard, scrappers or black eels?
And should i help abram?

Definitely help abram. I've always helped Black Eels since Scrappers make you kill a merchant who sells great shit for most of the mid-game.


It's hard.
It's also rather plain, visually.
that said, I played tilled a beat Depot A and decided to shelf it for a bit because it took me so long to beat Depot A that I needed a break. I intend to go back and finish it.

Not helping Abram or failing any of the followup quests will lock you out of some interesting quests and a unique area.

Great RPG

>mfw played through this, Pillars, Divinity, Wasteland 2 and Age of Decadence

I need a good RPG, how is Serpent in the Staglands?

Yeah but why?
He's a wierd dude sitting by a bar, stuffin bread into his coat and asking me to bug an ambassy

You are literally asking to get spoiled, play the game.

looks nice, not super fun imo. give it a shot

Oh boy, you don't know shit yet user, just do the goddamn quest and don't fail his quest chain. Make a save before doing them.

Chem pistol/ amplified plasma pistol/throwing master race.

Help Abram and black eels/scrappers doesn't matter. Eels have a mission you might really struggle with if you aren't psi.

hard as balls, damn wolves in the starter area can you fuck up real good

Because protectorate are fascist pigs.


Beginning is hard because you're locked out stuff. Once you can explore past the rubble and craft/buy shield for yourself, game becomes fairly okay.

Once i've explained with total accuracy what the Junkyard Embassy's lay out is, how exactly am I able to continue that quest chain?

Help Abram, its the best quest chain in the game

also Only Traps and grenades best build, followed by being a muscle wizzard

If you give Abram the proper layout of the Embassy or at least the info he's looking for he'll give you his text task right away.

Is it possible to beat the game with Temporal Manipulation, Unarmed, and Throwing?

Pic Related


ummm sweetie Sup Forums is a fascist board ;)

Currently on the quest to fetch cave hoppers. Not sure if I want to rescue the guy in the bunker with all those psi-beetles. Unless you get a good amount of XP for doing it I feel like I'd just waste precious ammo. Is it worth it?

Oh boy. Depot A is only the first hurdle, get ready for some more ass bleeding. Thank god for throw, that skill is fucking mandatory

I will tell you once the expansion arrives.
Unarmed with psychokinesis is pretty fucking strong already, adding time manipulation into the mix will make it god-tier.

temporal manipulation is a psi school part of the dlc which hasn't released yet

unarmed+throwing by themselves are enough to beat the game though, so I don't see how TM would hurt

At which point during the game would you notice a build being a lot more unviable than others if you're playing for the first time?

If you can get through Depot A, you can get through the rest of the game.
If you struggle even prior to it, your build is probably shit.

Depot A will break bad builds. A lot of things are viable but you only have enough skill points to max 8 skills so keep that in mind. You can still dip in more than 8 but most skills are only good maxed

Keep in mind that even the best melee build will suffer in depot A a lot more than terrible/mediocre ranged ones due to the acid blood.
So don't worry about that.

Underrail kicked my ass. I think my first character wasnt focused enough and too all over the place.

I want to make a sneaky commando type. Can i split points with melee and guns or should i just focus on one of them?

You can make some acid-resistant armour to help with that.

Sup Forums, please spoonfeed me for a minute. I'm in tchort institute, but I can't seem to get through the interview to infiltrate them. should I continue blasting all these niggas, or load save and try harder? it kind of feels like I'm supposed to have succeeded

>Is it worth it?
He's your station-mate, user, be nice.
And yeah, it's worth it. If you play smart you should recoup more than the cost of the ammo with what you find in the outpost.

If they take tailoring and craft some mutant dog leather it isn't.

Also everyone should take enough electronics for a taser. The stun is invaluable even late game with the lowest quality parts

The most important part of any build are the feats which can quite literally become a game changer.
So look through them, and check the requirements to allocate your attribute points accordingly.

I hope you're playing oddity user. You should get a easy level up from the oddities in that building.

Ammo is cheap and easy to come by. Shoot the beetles when their brain is exposed.

How is my build looking so far?

Unoptimized but fine/10

Dodge and Evasion are a mixed bag but worthless if you don't max it so either leave Evasion where it is or pour a ton of points into it the next few levels. Disassemble is sadly straight up bad. The quality loss in components is what kills it.

>power management

Wasted feats.
Also you have guns but no gun feats and low perception.

No, I'm playing classic. Wish I had one more level right now so I could use the SMG I got. I'll keep an eye out for the brains. So far they only exposed them on attacks.

How is power management a waste?

Because the energy cap on deivices you craft with a good quality core is more than enough.

These defense skills are all or nothing. Put some points into traps, they are very nice.
Also mercantile is pretty useless.

This is what's hard about Underrail because you have to invest so much just to find out a build is not good. I've spent 57 hours in this game, have started over at least 5 times, and this is the furthest I've gotten. Now I feel like i need to start over yet again.
I just wanted a stealth hacker-type, kind of like what Ezra seems like.

You can do it both ways, but infiltrating gives you a lot of quests and some traders, so i would say its much better, just don't tell them that you did work for any of the core city factions

That build is not bad, and you can totally win the game with it, its just un-optimized

mercantille is bad, and evasion is bad aswell unless you put a lot of points in it, if you just leave them like that and put the rest of your points on other things its not that much big of a deal

thanks brah I'll do that

god what a faggot, why couldn't you just make a build you liked and stuck with it, rather than consulting powergamers on Sup Forums and having them solve the game for you. worked fine for me

>I just wanted a stealth hacker-type

You forgot that this game has fucktons of combat, get at least one combat skill and master it, you can still be a stealth hacker.
Also trading/money gain skills suck in pretty much every RPG, I can't think of a single one where they are actually useful.

Although you do seem to have put a lot of shit traits,
Disassemble is not that bad but you will not use it often thanks to the loss of quality, its mainly to sell some shit when vendors want parts instead of the whole item

Salesman is bad and a waste of a point just like mercantille

Power Management is good if you are going to craft energy shields

The rest of the traits are not bad, but you mixed some gun traits with psi, you really need to focus on either going psi for damage and guns for support or going guns and using the psi for support, you wont get enough traits for both

> Electronics, Tailoring, Hacking, Mechanics, Lockpicking required in every build.

Do you agree?


even lockpicking isnt a must

>still trying to play as a speech character
>can't intimidate the raiders under the compound
>end up killing them
>can't persuade or intimidate that guy in junkyard that makes you pay a toll
>pay the toll back up a bit and throw a molotov at him
>he and another thug burn to death while i kill the others

sick blog

no, do whatever you like. stop fucking up the game for me by discussing this shit

Lockpicking and hacking aren't nowhere nearly as crucial and if you want to make some sort of a weird hybrid like stealth/psi you can ditch them.
Crafting skills are useful but they don't need that much skill points, especially if your INT is around 8 (and it should be).

Unfortunately the social skills are trash.

>speech character
you mean a full psi build who can afford ~100-120 effective points in speech disciplines without sabotaging your combat viability in any way?

The only thing I throw are fireballs and ice grenades and that seems to work just fine.

This fucked me hard as unarmed but it's doable if you use tactics well.

you're missing out by not using grenades even on psi build, a molotov or gas grenade works miracles with psi wall

>mfw stealing all the rathound king's traps

>he starts disarming your own

Yeah, just max your main weapon skill and associated with weapon crating skills, other things are just a flavor.

>can't afford infused armor because I accidentally wasted all my money on furniture

>tfw helping him to cuck his worst enemy's son

It's was pretty tricky.



>Universally useful and no real reason not to take them


You're not supporting Protectorate, right, user?
Reminder that while Drones are equally disgusting they are merely a tool of ridding south Underrail from the spread of that plague.

tfw couldn't figure out how to finish this quest, tfw brainlet

I only had a 5mm pistol, so I couldn't do shit against the beetles, even after they exposed their brains. I bought a bunch of grenades and blew them up instead.

>Psi build

besides very early in the game when you do not have the crucial psi abilities, why would you even want to use grenades, you get plenty of psi abilities that do the same but better

Thinking man's fetish

>Play through game early on.
>Go a dex stealth knife stabman build
>Get through entire game until endgame
>Literally cannot beat final boss due to game design.
>Stealth impossible
>Mission to get formula to weaken boss is broken.

Is this fixed?

The trick is pretty much only ever fighting 1 on 1 and healing afterwards (at least on hard, never played the other difficulties)

if you have psi early game is basically easy mode

Because grenades don't use psi points and if you're grabbing crafting skills, nothing stops you from making them. They are an excellent support for any build.

For example Toxic Gas Grenade applies a strong defence debuff on all enemies in area of effect. It can be combined with Enrage and psi wall to ward off a group of enemies who will do hilarious damage against each other and when psi wall goes down, survivors will stack an enormous defence debuff allowing you to quickly kill them.

The puzzle has always worked for me, and you can literally beat the boss with traps and grenades so you must be doing something wrong or made a pretty bad build

>stealth/trapper build vs carnifex

never savescummed so hard in my life

Is this puzzle really hard? Even that simple one from gauntlet made me take good 10-15 minutes.

But you can literally 1 shot pretty much every group of enemies with just that frostball thing or fireball

hell, mass enrage + fireball is more than enough and you don't risk missing a grenade if you didn't take throwing

>with just that frostball thing or fireball
Only if you're going psychosis route which is quite frankly a fucking garbage outside of burst damage.

It honestly depends in how good you are at puzzles, you can always look how to cheese it in the wiki

Any build that doesn't use heavy armor or has really high initiative gets shafted by carnifex and depends on save scumming

i mean you can always only wear heavy armor for that fight alone and cheese it that way but it really feels like a bad fight since you either tank him or go first and one shot him

But that really all you need, the only use i ever found for meditation was doing a telekinetic punch/proxy only build where you need the less psi costs instead of crit

You're trading godlike crowd control potential just to be a mediocre damage dealer with much narrower amount of uses, user. In a game focused around crowd control it's not a good trade.

Does ability to lock doors with keys have any use in the game?

What crowd control are you trading, you can still use mass enrage or mass fear with it and thats all the crowd control you can ever need

Is pistol great against the boss? With w2c ammo perhaps?

A well-placed Disruptive Field or Psi-cognitive Interruption can turn the entire encounter around and with Psychosis you get an enormous psi point cost debuff with no benefits of Tranquility which allows you to cast quite a lot more per turn.

Totally doable if you made a decent build, but pistols are on the weaker side compared to rifles, smgs and snipers

>go first and one shot him

more like I go first and flashbang him, then run into the corner behind a pillar and end combat mode, then stealthily put down about 10 bear traps

The extra psi cost is just 25%, you still have more than enough psi for a big spell, specially since disruptive field costs barely nothing thus 25% of it is still nothing

you will never need more than 1 fireball/frost orb + a mass enrage or fear for a fight

even using those you probably still have enough psi to use some more cc, that crit on demand thing will basically one shot entire packs pretty much removing the need for cc anyways

also, you still have psi boosters if you ever need them, its not like there is a shortage of them, hell you are practically drowning in them by the end of the game

well yeah, the point is you either you have the initiative to go first or somehow survive the first combo with extra cheesing

>Make an STR based unarmed/bleed build
>Roll around murder fucking everything like Doomguy
>Game is pretty easy
>Basically I am an immortal tank of blood and gore
>Get to Carnifex

Poor bastard died like a bitch in my game.

He does horrible things to heavy armor. Horrible horrible things.

>not a DEX/Psi unarmed taste for blood stun crit build with 7 agility for sprit

>The extra psi cost is just 25
It's not "just", user, it's an enormous penalty for a caster that severely cripples your casting ability and psi booster won't compensate it. And that's on top of a loss of formidable bonus Tranquility gives you. With psychosis you're just a mediocre damage dealer, not a full-fledged caster who can use the entire psi system to its fullest.

>mfw i one shot him after save scumming for initiative


Between unarmed, dodging and evading, metathermics, muscle wizardy, lockpicking, hacking, and persuasion I literally have no room for anything. 5 of those skills are necessary for survival and the other 3 keep me from raging thinking I missed out on content because of an arbitrary skill check.

You're early enough that I say switch to oddity. Its the better way to play it and adds so much lore through the oddities you pick up.

And yeah beetles only reveal their brains when they attack but they lose their damage reduction so save your aimed shots for when they're exposed. You did take aimed shot level 1 yes?

who siphoner leather here

my dodge and evasion when

Unfortunately not. Just noticed I'm on version aswell. I'm just going get the updates and restart.

You can still use any skill without any problem, and you are clearly insane to say mediocre damage dealer when a single fireball or cryokinetic orb will one shot entire packs of enemies with a single cast using the crit on demand skill

you get 1 use of a big damaging area spell and 1 use of crowd controll with it and thats more than enough for any enemy/pack in the game

and with a psi booster you get another one of each if you were ever to need it