Not vidya
but I'm colorblind
I like videogames
I choose the mystery box
We all know no one here actually plays video games and that the blue button has other uses so the choice should be obvious.
Who the fuck wouldn't press green
choose them by position then, stupid.
for example i would press the top left.
You can ignore microtransactions, and all games get dropped to 30 eventually.
Yellow x 10
I would legitimately , unironically play Call of Oniichan or STALKER, Call of Imouto
Blue is the best choice. Red would kill off video games. Green is for nostalgia fags and Yellow does improve games but if it's fundamentally flawed, there's not much cute anime girls can do about it.
Red is the only correct answer.
Red. Rest is manageble. Blue isn't even that bad, green is bad because even if super and really good AAA game it's not the same, as it was, yellow is countered by playing nihon games (and western games will be overrun by SJW anyway, so at least nihon games would be somehow untouched).
Yellow, just to watch the butthurt over a thing that I'll probably actually like.
Blue is a real game changer that affects more than just video games. Massively at that.
Only real choice.
This, only a fucking retard wouldn't press the green button.
My man
Green only creates like 20 games, Red just keeps the mouthbreathers from wasting their money, and yellow does fucking nothing.
blue is the only one that actually saves everyone a shitload of frustration
blue, no contest
green is naturally tempting, but blue is fucking magic and probably will revolutionize the entire world
>not picking yellow
>yellow does fucking nothing.
Yellow improves every game made here on out. I don't see why anybody would pick anything else other than maybe blue for things outside of gaming
>yellow does fucking nothing.
This man gets it
Red, of course
blue because it would mean the speed of light was exceeded
what a retarded question
Blue. This would change everything. Yellow would just make games worse, old games are still good because I don't have adhd and can still enjoy them, and games go down to 30 eventually anyays.
Red for video games and fucking jews over.
Blue for space exploration n sheeit.
>Green only creates like 20 games
are you retarded?
If i let a bee sting my hand and it becomes swollen can I press all four at once?
How many "great" franchises do you think there are?
Red is best.
>playing multiplayer games, having shit connection
>legit goat AAA titles... that are console exclusives for a horrid price and dlc out the ass
>mods exist
If you press anything but green, your interest in gaming has mutated into an abomination
Blue. I'm Australian so being able to play on NA/EU servers with 0 ping would be great. The best case scenario if we ever had perfect lightspeed internet is 150ms.
Blue affects more than just video games so of course you press that one.
How many "great dead" franchises do you think there are. even if the franchise has gone to crap as long as they are releasing new games it's not dead
fuck video games
Green if you like games
Blue if you don't
depending on your definition of dead and franchise of course
Blue. Aside from revolutionizing wireless technology, it also means that games of any size are instantly available at your fingertips. Piracy would be easier than ever making red pointless. Green is for nostalgiafags and yellow is for weebs.
>Green if you have no hope in newer games and just want the same old shit over again
Blue for sure, I'd feel like playing online games again and it has so many uses outside of vidya as well.
I don't care about red cuz I only buy games if they're 15€ or less anyways, green is kinda cool but series come and go and it should stay that way.
Yellow will be the death of anime girls. Not only would anime girls be normified even more, but SJWs will also try and make all video games illegal for sexism or some shit.
Blue basically already happened
only nostalgia fags would press green, let go that old shit already and just press red
t. poorfag
Blue goes far beyond just vidya
Might get more streamfags tho
>Green if you want even more amazing games to play
ftfy. and these are dead franchises we are talking about. a lot of them are unique and haven't been seen in ages. "same old shit over again" doesn't apply to them anymore than it does to new games that follow current design trends
dozens of instant classics being released at once would be amazing no matter if they were nostalgiafag panderers or not
is yellow the bait button ?
or are you incels this pathetic ?
Red except without the $30 part. Just give me a complete experience, no extra nickel and diming bullshit on top.
>wanting all content on the game without any stupid jewish restriction
I bet you buy meme lootboxes on overwatch
Blue button is best. Not only would I get 0 lag gameplay, but I could do so much more with that internet.
Red. No question
It's the pic related button
>red lowers cost for vista
>when blue gives you instant internet and therefore infinite piracy potencial
Is the maker of this image retarded?
Blue. Pirate everything.
is this even a question?
>games come back with entries that are objectively GOAT
>this would only appeal to those with nostalgia for the old games
Black: The entirety of Japan is nuked and their "culture" disappears.
>ping is always 0ms
so physics changed too?
Seriously, anyone who picks anything else is getting consumed by tunnel vision
It's magic, nigga, don't worry about it
red is the dumb poorfag option
blue is the smart poorfag option because now he doesn't have to pay for internet, and he isn't forced to pay for video games, or the microtransactions
Red and green are both fine but I'm gonna go with red.
how will i ever recover from this
What the fuck? Red button duh. Red button is "make all video games good unconditionally".
I mourn for dead franchises but I'm fine with new IPs that can carry their spirit. Instant internet is fine but not directly related to video games, and 0 ping is of no use if there are no good games to play. Yellow button is the trick button because it's fucking stupid.
Blue is the only sensible choicce.
Bottom left.
Bring back Devil May Cry.
None of that DmC bullshit.
would the green button only really bring back classic PC games? I feel that almost everything that was good on consoles that should get sequels have already gotten them.
Only a retard wouldn't choose blue
I can live with so internet.
What I can't live without is no Devil May Cry, Madworld, Godhand and Bayonetta.
normies lose all interest in video games
God Hand isn't a franchise. It's also shit.
Green. I need good games again.
It's a franchise that never took off cause people were playing Imagine Babiez instead.
Fucking smash the shit out of blue. Could you imagine all the shit we could get done if NOTHING had lag and everything was instant? Think past video games, that would be amazing.
Red. This way paid DLC doesn't exist and devs will make a complete game the first one around.
>red saves the industry
>people choose blue because first world problems
You gotta think past your selfish gains.
Blue is the way to go. If you pick blue it is possible for everybody to not need any fleshed out computer anymore to play vidya, you'd have the "cloud box" at home and instantly play/watch/fap to anything you want.
To flesh this idea further out, this would also allow for holographic projection of yourself to whichever place would supoport it; give an take a few years for them to develop a cheap version for that, you could at least use robots, a vr set, and strap yourself into a safety-machine to go wherever your heart pleases (of course battery technology would still be needed worked on).
Red is neglectable, whoever pays 30 bucks for a game is a sucker anyway, and they would just invent other jew-technology.
Green is happening in this moment anyway, market statistics and customer-data is more important than ever; if there is a target group for it nowadays, it will be back again. (Just found out that they brought back 'the tick' on
Yellow...anyboydy would pick yellow? Don't lots of games support mods anyway? Wouldn't every game kind of feel the same if you have the same anime girls-stereotypes in them? Wouldn't many games not be made because they can't support the costs it would take to mandatorily program the girls into them?
the ironing
I chose Green because of selfish gains.
Green is the only good choice
Red harms the kike the most, so red it is.
How can someone be this fucking naive
Either green or blue