New Wolfenstein Trailer
Kind of pumped now bros. Who else is hyped?
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Hyped out the ass for this game. Hopefully it fulfills that brutal catharsis that DOOM 2016 and the first game provided.
I guess the biggest question now is if it will run like ass on AMD GPUs. I heard that the first game certainly didn't treat them kindly.
Oh boy, cant wait for another game with a strong African woman in it.
Its funny because stopping the Nazis ruined America
Still dont see what people saw in the first game. I expected it to be what DOOM 2016 was and it was just cutscene filled generic shooting. Hopefully its a bit more faster paced this time.
Are you fooling? It gave us the opportunity to make ludicrously valuable trade agreements with every country in the world. Stepping in to give the Krauts a finishing blow was the best thing to happen to America since film was invented.
Hopefully they fix some combat issues from TNO. That bridge level was dreadful.
TNO was kinda bad, so meh
Oh man, this looks awesome.
Here come the fucking wehraboos who have been led into believing the bullshit that hitler was a good guy in 3, 2, 1..
The military industry were awakened after WW2 and there was no going back.
>when the left is so ridiculous that it brakes the right-leaning centrists mind and they go full autrite
Damn user, not you too :(
but i thought nazis were
>(((our guys)))?
jokes on you, he was a good guy, read mein kampf and youl see why
Can't wait desu
fuck off nazi scum, go back to /pol with your sub-human mates
can't wait to kill some fuckin nazis
mein kampf shows the descent of a man into insanity, none of what he said actually made sense. shut the fuck up with your delusions.
>people wearing good cloth, no breadlines and cats
Historically inaccurate, there was deficit of basic food supplies and car was a fucking luxury, like, 1 in 1000 owned a car in Third Reich. This is pre-war state, not during war.
ITT: Viral marketers
Conservatives are defending and identifying with nazi's.
What a bunch of sub-human filth. Good thing they're dying out and their numbers are decreasing.
by "conservatives" you mean "white people" right?
>nazis in my wolfestein game
Wooooow thanks bethesda , the sjw won :^(
Its sad because saying that you hate Nazis now makes people think that you support SJWs and are with Antifa. This is the current state of the political climate.
not really. might get that reaction from your average 4channer or twitter kremlinbot but it's not a reality at all. most people are still not impacted by this political warfare because they actually have stuff to do in their day to day life
I'm tired of this blatant political propaganda in video games. Why can't they just let games be games instead of tools for persuasion?
not him, but not every single white is white trash.
However, every single nazis lover is white trash.
We need a game to kill neo-nazis in america, Wolfenstein is very punctual
there;s no political propaganda in this game
Why is pol so triggered by this game?
Why do you think NC will be better?
I think the timing is help to cause this butthurt.
I'm hyped.
Not because I get to kill Nazis
Not because I like Nazis politics
But because Nazi aesthetic is GOAT.
SIMILAR feeling but I'm pretty hyped about fighting them. Fantasy nazis are always top tier enemies and the more stereotypical the better (albeit I liked the more serious tone of RTCW)
Not him, but in reality USA and Nazi Germany in 40's had more in common than USA today. They just employ different kind of racism.
people who aren't retarded don't think like that.
Hating nazis doesn't make you a SJW, whoever thinks different is a fuckin idiot and you should stay far from him.
>portraying the Nazis as evil isn't propaganda
Good goy believe (((them)))
still doesn't invalidate the fact that claiming bringing down the nazis was bad for america is pure unfiltered underage delusion. they even did it knowing full well they'll have to deal with the soviets after, and they still did it (protip: you are stupid and they weren't) and now they rule the world in their place
Man in the high castle does it more better anyway. Killzone does it better too.
Why the fuck is killing Nazi's a bad thing now? jesus fuck some of you will go to any lengths to be anti-SJW won't you?
but krauts fought against america. anyone who fights against america is evil, and I'm not american
and really krauts are just yellow jews, nobody who tries to sell me shit is a good guy
man in the high castle portrays every german nazi as a stereotypical degenerate except for the american ones which are allowed to have a human side to them
nobody thinks that except maybe deranged SJWs
>man in the high castle portrays every german nazi as a stereotypical degenerate
stereotypes exist for a reason, sweetie....
oh so wanting my kid to live a traditional, nuclear family life is now too much for you guys? jesus fucking christ
nah, Ive seen black/latino nazis, I shit you not
>this triggers nazis
I'm not complaining, germany is degenerate as fuck and always was
>still doesn't invalidate the fact that claiming bringing down the nazis was bad for america is pure unfiltered underage delusion
You really think that 20's generation thinks that current USA is great or something? These people are the evil racists that you learn in school about.
>they even did it knowing full well they'll have to deal with the soviets after
Why then WW3 never happened. This is some bullshit argument, USA never planned to deal with Soviets during WW2
>and now they rule the world in their place
And their grandchildren are destined to be a minority, bravo Yanks you outdid yourselves
Fucking jews disabled comments. Can't have any redpilling the normies here.
Why do you keep associating conservatives with nazis?
How did he survived getting nuked again?
Latino isn't a race you racist. Stop assuming they're all brown
ok so what if i say:
>the communist manifesto shows the descent of a man into insanity, none of what he said actually made sense. shut the fuck up with your delusions.
why tod?
i bought skirim remastered edition
i was going to buy the dlc
If you're a fascist, fuck off
If you're a communist, fuck off
Capitalism and a free market is the true american way
Was this made by Goebbels himself
I can't imagine the hatred for American soldiers one could have that they would compare them to Antifa
>mfw some american on Sup Forums said they're easily going to win the ''''''''''''war''''''''''''' because lefties are pussies and then a week later this happens
shut the fuck up you delusional fuckwit, nobody cares about your opinion on a larger scale and they sure as shit don't give a fuck about some geriatric old fucks. literally, fucking, nobody. especially in a country like america where not even the president matters and it's all a shitshow handled behind the curtains (this unlike your deluded Sup Forums opinions is truth)
and finally, there is no american ethnicity, and most americans were never overwhelmingly white. there is only, one, white nation, and that is england. feel free to get triggered by this you deluded kraut shit but when you check yourself in the mirror tell me your yellow jaundice skin is white so I can laugh at you
fuck off NAZIS are fucking BAD if you get mad that a game about KILLING NAZIS depicts NAZIS as RACIST EVIL FUCKS then RETHINK your LIFE
>Trump is a nazi
I'm not american and I don't care about him but this is simply retarded.
this really activated my almonds
Both are true
is "mestizo" or something like that, isnt it?
I doubt barely literate conscripts made up of immigrants and hicks even knew what “nazi” means
also you stupid 16 year old mongoloid just because americans weren't stupid enough to throw the world into full scale war like the krauts doesn't mean they didn't plan to deal with the soviets, or that they didn't. they did, in fact, deal with the soviets
now stop reading twitter and Sup Forums, you're fucking stupid your brain won't develop properly like this. and I know you aren't 18 don't even bother claiming otherwise
Damn dude you seem mad
>geriatric old fucks
well that is true, they still had more in common with nazis than americans today
>and most americans were never overwhelmingly white
Lel, this one is best, I love you lad
>that chart that shows there's a HUGE fucking concentration of furries around germany
kek whatever you say mongol
At least I get to kill some Germans.
>tfw the nazis are winning
But what if I wanna play as the nazis though
Nooooooooo we can't kill the nazis!!
They're just like us! Kekistani pride!
delete Sup Forums
Ive never said they were a race
latino = people from latin america
there was a case in mexico where some autistic preppy kids proclaimed themselves as nazis, they were memed to death, also that peruvian guy who everyone makes fun of, and dont forget the whole "we are white!" argentian meme, you giant newfriend
We were killing nazis in wolfenstein before most of you kids were born. Fucking teenagers thinking they know shit.
So is this some kind of metaphor for "BRRRUMPPPF" and "republicans"?
Jesus christ she's an ugly bitch
Americans calling themselves nazis are as idiotic as south americans calling themselves nazis. Don't know why you labeled them with blacks though
no, you stupid teenager, try again.
>National socialism has something to do with race
what did you mean by this?
Oh hell naw!
>Stop the Nazis
>Save America
Pick one.
Is this thread unironically upset that a game has you killing Nazis? What the fuck happened to this board. Wolfenstein is fucking great.
do you even know how slash (/) works?
Jesus Christ, Laci Green.
>dying out
it went from Sup Forums2.0 to Sup Forums2.0
>my sides when the alt-right and SJWs are just two sides of the same coin
This game looks pretty good, loved TNO
>Castle Wolfenstein released
>New Wolfenstein announced
What the fuck happened?
Most of the thread is making fun of the few who are though.
Mind you we're barely 100 posts in, the real fun begins around ~200 posts.
Somehow all white people became nazis.
This, since both sides have political extremist but they both deny the fact they are extremist.
so the MC is a nazi too?
this is hard to follow
Whining on Sup Forums isnt gonna change anything user...dont even give them the time of day
>neo-nazis now get butthurt about representation in video games
And fucking Wolfenstein too