What are some good scary games? I heard this one is good.
What are some good scary games? I heard this one is good
can't have been all that great since it bombed, has no chance of getting a sequel, and nobody talks about it anymore.
You heard wrong. It's a stealth game with shitty stealth mechanics.
When Sup Forums tells you it's shit, that's a pretty good indication it's a decent game
he's not wrong, the game is double the length it needs to be and becomes a crawling sim once you encounter the alien/s
lack of enemy variety, game starts to feel like a loop with no real progress
I liked it, sure it was lacking in area's but the atmosphere was good and it really made you feel like you were chased continiously and could be jumped at any second
It's not that scary. It does keep the tension on for most of the game. The alien a.i isn't scripted and only has a few triggers. Meaning It's random and unpredictable. Which is good and sometimes bad for the game play. Keeps it fresh but sometimes you get bullshit where you hide in a room and the alien walks in and out 5 times, then you left hiding in a locker until it decides to wander away far enough.
You can always tell which ones couldn't get past Medical
>Hiding in lockers
There's your problem. When you hide in lockers the Alien can sense you've gone to ground and will tighten up its patrol area around you. Maintaining the ability to move is key and will hinder its ability to zero in on your location. Only use lockers in emergency situations.
Alien Isolation is good, altrough I recommend playing it on hard for the experience, nightmare is a little too annoying for a first time playtrough.
Dont listen to the kids who could not handle medical ward.
it didnt bomb, it only just broke even
>Revelation 2
How old are you?
I said VII, retard.
This but don't play FEAR 2 or 3.
How old are you?
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Bioshock (not really scary, but good atmosphere)
It is a great game, I beat it on nightmare mode when it came out, and am replaying again on my Vive which is absolutely incredible but you fags say it is bad because it isn't weeb enough. My favorite game of 2014.
Speaking of the VR mod for it, are you playing it while sitting or standing? I haven't installed it yet and was wondering how the strafing works. VR sickness gets pretty bad for me when playing Subnautica.
Are you gay?
I am sitting using an xbox controller. You move around with the left stick and aim left and right with right stick but up and down can only be used with your head movements. It sounds weird but takes 2 minutes to get use to...I have never had motion sickness only unless framerate is less than 90. I truly think people that say they get sickness play at low framerates.
Oh absolutely, subnautica runs like shit on any machine so that might be the case.
if your a fan of alien or can and want to get scared by running and hiding this game is great, but if you want the nipple hardening scares like deadspace u will probably breeze right through it and be disappointed.
I have an OC'd i7 4790k and GTX 1080 so I never have that problem fortunately. Here is my setup for Project Cars, I have been wanting to capture Alien Isolation in VR but OBS won't do it for some reason.
wasnt scary
Coming from the guy who can't read roman numerals
You will shit.