good news Sup Forums, you're not anthony burch
Good news Sup Forums, you're not anthony burch
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But I am Anthony Burch.
>Woke up today
>Still not a white male
it was a good day lads
>woke up to find this
Aww hell yeah
feels good man
>stuck at a dead end job
>kissless hugless virgin, approaching wizardry
>but I'm not Anthony Burch
Feels great
thanks bro
was having a shitty day too
Thank God
Oh shit.
Thanks for reminding me.
>t. Burch
Shit, you're right.
I was feeling kind of down, but now I feel a whole lot better.
Wish I were. Having secks with Ashly sounds nice.
Thank you, this brightened up my day.
>ywn fuck Ashley and her cute feet
Feels bad man. But at least I'm not Anthony Burch.
thanks user. my day was going well, but now it's great.
Who is the Anthony Burch of videogames?
Even Burch got out before Blunderborn. Probably the only thing he's ever done right.
>You're in a room with randy pitchford and Anthony birch
>You have one bullet in your gun
Who do you kill?
Thank god.
>already feeling great today
>I'm also not Anthony Burch
>I'm also not the boyfriend of that Treehouse whore
Goddamn today is getting better and better
hey Sup Forums Questlove's in the house..
Beat them both to death with the pistol then shoot myself.
>four day alcohol binge
>feel like shit
>want to die
>but at least I'm not Anthony Burch
Feels good, man.
>Those flabby arms
>that one April Fool's day on Sup Forums where everybody wanted to be Anthony Burch
that was glorious
you don't have to do choose when you have a metal gun.
Was that name even possible? No one got it that I remember.
Someone got Antonio Burch or some shit.
I got a cool name, forgot what it was though.
Anthony Burch
>April Fool's 2016
>Sup Forums spent the entire day trying to be Anthony Burch
That was a magical day
I ran around with Ashly.
Shit was SO cash.
>23 years old
>liquid shitting, sweating my ass of in the middle of my 8 to 5 shift
>look in the mirror
>See that I am not Anthony Burch
That's a load off my mind fellas