Is anyone else actually kind of anticipating this?

Is anyone else actually kind of anticipating this?
I haven't played a Call of Duty game since Black Ops and to be honest I just really miss World War 2 guns.

Who isn't anticipating the best CoD game ever? Going back to our roots!

It's trash for nostalgiafags that couldn't keep up with the jetpack/wallriding movement.

Nitpicks aside, should be a fun game. If you're playing a Call of Duty game hoping for a documentary you're fucking up.

>anticipating this
I kind of was at first, but seeing how it's turning out I don't care anymore.

Nah I'll stick with BO3 and IW

>It's trash for nostalgiafags that couldn't keep up with the jetpack/wallriding movement.
You actually played that garbage?

The winner of call of duty vs Battlefield is...

i was done with cod when mw3 came out. i cant believe people are still giving these developers another chance after chance

>Britain is in
>Japan isnt

I can't take it anymore guys
I'm tired of American games overrating Britain at other countries expense

First they gave Britain spotlight in BF1 at the expense of much more relevant France and Russia
And now you have Britain instead of Japan in a WW2 game...

Stay mad, weeb

Go hide on your island once again like you did after Dunkirk and Singapore

yeah because including japan would totally fix all the games problems

The US signed a neutrality cause whilst Hitler was fucking Europe in the ass for years and didn't even join the war until Japan attacked what was at the time a territory of yours. Pathetic. The UK lost almost as many people to fighting the Nazis as the United States despite being a small island with an even smaller population. Don't fucking flatter yourself, mate. Dunkirk was the right move made at the right time.

They tried to go in the right direction with the gameplay but the maps in the beta were shit.

Have you actually seen any gameplay of it? literally same engine as all the others its a straight up reskin with shit graphics and gameplay its fucking garbage.

I'm not criticizing British behavior in the war, I'm just pointing out Britain was irrelevant
You did you best, but your best was shit

>bad maps
>guns sound like lasers with no kick
>black female troops
>no swastika
Yeah nope

Britain was not irrelevant at all and the mere fact that the UK was not conquered by Hitler is the reason the war did not escalate to the USA.

>In a game focusing on the European theater

>Generic Quake 3 engine Cowadooty with no recoil guns, no faction specific loadouts, and now black women nazis on the frontlines

Yeah, nah. It's shit.

Beta was alright. The new objective based Battlefield-ish mode was neat, something COD has needed for a long time. However, fucking red dot sights on WWII weapons is utterly retarded and it's basically the same game it always has been.

Black Ops 3 was fucking goat.

Advanced and Infinite are shite though.

>Holding onto Suez
>Keeping Japan out of India
>RAF bombing campaigns
>Doing most of the heavy lifting 1944 onwards in Italy
C'mon, Britain was still important. Not exactly on the scale the US and USSR were but still.


You turned up late and claimed victory.

It's like going to a porn shoot 40 mins late, cumming over the girl and pretending you have the biggest load.

Aww, no need to be mad because we came in and did the heavy lifting.

>b-b-but we would have won anyway!
No you woudn't


December, 1941
>Hitler is literally at the gates of Moscow and has Leningrad under siege
>Rommel is tearing ass across North Africa, threatening to split the British Empire in half
>Japan is on the verge of taking the most important European colonies in Asia
We joined at the Allies' lowest point, anyone who says we joined at the end (that's you) is a fucking idiot who clearly doesn't know shit about the war and shouldn't be talking about it.

>Black female troops
>In multiplayer


I honestly dont understand why you guys are fucking complaining about multiplayer.
It's fucking seperate and custom.

You guys would fucking moan about everything and anything I swear.

>bitching about customization in multiplayer


So if they added powered armor or mail to a game set in fucking WW2 you wouldn't give a shit because of "hurr customization is always good"?

Not at all, I'm still feeling the WW2 fatigue from around the CoD3 times.

i don't know maybe

>Wolfenstien online

Fund it

>he thinks Russia would have fallen to Germany without America's help
Fucking lol, Germans soldiers were failing to take ground in Russia and were freezing to death.

Whether or not Germany would have won isn't up for discussion. The important part is that US involvement eadily shaved a good year or two off of the war, saved millions of Soviet and German lives, and forced Stalin to stop T Berlin instead of Brest. America saved Western Europe from Stalin, not Hitler. More people need to realize that.

>le tired ass BO3 is great meme

Can you faggots stop with that shit? If we're being honest, yes, BO3 was the least shit out of the last 3-4 games that dropped, but being the LEAST SHIT doesn't mean it's a good/great game. It's still shit.

BO1 and BO2 will always be the best games.

*to stop at

>shotgun class gets the scavenger stuff
>Reload speed is shit
DROPPED. Shotgun should get all the sprinting and bayonett stuff since its close combat.

>no recoil
>shitty gun sounds
>instant respawn
>shitty shooting mechanics
>women in the wehrmacht

yeah no

I want to like this, I really do. But everything's pointing to it just being a bland forgettable average fps. Which sucks because I miss playing comfy COD. Last game I played was Ghosts, nothing has drawn me back in.