You think she's fat under that dress?

You think she's fat under that dress?

she's cheap so she doesn't even have petticoats to support her skirt, it's just a hoop skirt
also she's not wearing underwear

What Kingdom Hearts game was this

Yeah, just like your mother LOL REKT

Sonic and the Black Knight.

>no eggman

My mother is in a box of ashes.

I really wish Silver and Jet could have been in the single player campaign.

Got I wanted to love this game so damn badly. There's so much to appreciate in terms of its presentation, but there's just something about the combat/movement that I couldn't fully enjoy.


H-how do you know that?

Why are Amy's arms tan but not Sonic's?

I'm always troubled by Shadow's swordsmanship.

she shaves

Couldn't afford a ceramic glass for her?
Noose yourself.

The box cost more than the vase...?

The vase was like $250 and the oak box was another $100 or so.

Who wants to be cremated into a fucking box?
Way to disrespect your mother.

I want to remind you that Lancelot cucks Arthur, the King.

I tried to play it last weekend because I really liked the setting of the game. I just came out of Mania and wanted to play some Sonic game i missed

Never was I so fucking bored out of my mind playing a Sonic game. The controls are so weird and unsatisfying. You just wiggle your sword until you win, and even when you try to go for the high score it doesn't make any sense (Killed every enemy, didn't get hit once, went really fast, and still i get 3 stars out of 5)

I played the first 4 levels and gave up. I'll stick to listening to the OST and pretend the game never existed

>I'll stick to listening to the OST and pretend the game never existed
Probably the best thing to do. The soundtrack is fantastic, but then again all Sonic games are.

How do you know this.

Would love it if she had massive child-bearing hips, thick thighs and big fat ass underneath that dress.

I feel the same way about Pit in Smash Bros. It's cool the way his bow turns into two swords, but I just can't imagine fighting with a sword in that type of grip.

Does she also have a tan belly?

The only bad thing is the controls
Everything else about the game is great

Such a shame we will never see another storybook entry in the series again, I wouldn't have minded if this went the way of Sonic and Mario at the olympic games

Except for forces

God you guys are such perverts, you realize how small Amy is right? You're human sized cock would barely fit inside that pink little pussy

I want to stretch with Amy!

I think she's Cute under that dress.

source pls

>dat bulge

>character is hot pink
>give her a dress in cool colors instead of warm

Hey, these fucking idiots continue to prove they can't grasp the basics of aesthetic.

She was playing the role of the "Lady of the Lake."

Reminder that that isn't Amy. Just a goddess spirit that LOOKS like Amy.

Most blue bloods wore dresses like that and barely any of them were as fat as you described