Who is the best Red vs. Blue character and why is it Tucker

who is the best Red vs. Blue character and why is it Tucker

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But it's not Tucker.

It's Doc.

That isn't Sarge.

That's not Caboose.

More importantly why has it all gone downhill since Season 5

>not Griff
Do y'all niggas even Griffball?

Alpha Church was the best.

>not Church

Sarge x Donut is best moment in the series.

Episodes 1-100 are gold.

It's Lopez you retards

la pasado

Real Life Vs. Internet

>not Simmons

Maroon is the best color


Red vs Blue was so great
Why did Rooster Teeth go so far downhill

Best character was the META.

Any other answer is objectively wrong.

They continued Red vs Blue after finishing it.

Kind of obvious why. It's still watchable, though the most unforgiveable thing is how flanderized Donut became.

Trigger Warning PSA was the best


Friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with bullying Doc


>When your company CEO is the best VA

I liked the evil bootleg versions of the characters in the latest season

Here's the real question:

Would you have let Grif name it "The Puma"

Why are we here?

What the hell is a goddang puma

It's a big cat,like a lion.

Don't worry Sup Forums Wyoming will be joining us shortly

Project Freelancer > Blood Gulch Chronicles >= Recollection > Season 14 > Chorus Trilogy >> Season 15

prove me wrong

... You're makin' that up.

>halo was the biggest thing ever
>now its an after thought
What happened?

Call of Duty happened.

Our bungie chord snapped

This is old school.


>Recollection that low
That was the best fucking part of the show. Blood Gulch was good fun but recollection had the same tier of humor and an actual story.
Anyone who says Recollection wasn't the best is a literal homosexual cock muncher.


Temple was an alright villain, but I hated all the pop culture references and contrived developments (bring back character for deus ex machina, take them out because too powerful for plot)

Even call of duty seems to be loosing it's steam and staying power, seeing how they are going back to World War 2. Meanwhile Battlefield is playing the long game


I guess thats the power of being multiplatform


Scratch that.


>See the show through the eyes of some reporters
>Evil reds and blues
>pretty good buildup
>villain has a good motive
>all of it falls apart by the end
The season was pretty good up until the last few episodes. That finale was fucking terrible.

>Gears of War changes hands
>new game still feels like Gears while adding new elements that fit thematically

>Halo switches hands
>new games are trash because developer wants to "do their own thing"

It's not fair

Yeah, I liked Temple, his VA was pretty funny

I agree on the movie references though, they were overdone, the only one I found kind of funny was the Force Awakens parody, but they could've done with more old-school style jokes like the tank punching gag


That's because they let a fan write the season. Either hand it back to the "professionals" or let it die. Their weebshit seems to be their current breadwinner anyways.

Gears 4 is trash but I'll say it's still in the original direction. But that's because many of people who worked on Gears 3 stayed. Including Rod Ferguson.

Rip Vic

You were the real hero

>the meta had Tex's AI but it's literally never brought up
Right before the EMP went off we saw all the AI that the Meta had. Tex was right there yet it's never brought up. It's like she had no control or anything.
>pic related
She's on the far left side with no weapons. We know that the Meta took her AI between Season 5-6, yet it's never discussed. You would think she wold be talking to him or trying to escape somehow, yet she's completely docile and is just there for looks apparently?

I think it's because the AI fragments are all part of Church and have the subconscious desire to reunite into him

>Tex will never return because her VA has burned all the bridges with RT from a twitter rant
its sad.

>ywn get a red vs blue season in Reach


Caboose before he became a total retard

It feels like he just wrote the build up first and then realized he had no clue how to end it so patched together some shit.

Was that before or after Church let go of her during the Reach season?

she basically flew off the handle cause most of the females that work at RT have relationships with the guys at RT so she pulled the "You're fucking the CEO" card"

Church or Griff.

After season 9(or w/e season the director dies). The most recent appearance of Tex in s15 uses her O'Malley voice

I like donut but I only watched season 1 and maybe 2

How would they even write her back in? It's not possible without some random bullshit.

That's weird, Tex showed up in some flashback scenes in S13-14 and Kathleen voiced her there

Was it an insecurity thing you reckon?

Which episode was that?

wait is this shit not over yet?

It started sucking when they did their own animations and I dropped it after bearing with that for a season.

Season 15 was fucking awful, even 14 was better than this shit

Roosterteeth is a prime example of why forcing diversity in entertainment is fucking terrible.

>Forcing diversity
Did something happen in the last two seasons or RWBY?

Yeah the animation improved by a lot.

Have you taken a look at the company's staff in the past two years?

Anything after BGC doesn't exist.

What happened to Halo?

I wouldn't really say they were "forcing diversity". More like "Hiring unqualified people"

I like Caboose
I have an old ass Caboose hoodie that's comfy as fuck

Blake is cute! CUTE!

>Roosterteeth is a prime example of why forcing diversity in entertainment is fucking terrible.


People got mad that there was nothing but white males there so they started hiring nothing but women

Halo had massive success because it was the only console shooter to have mainstream success. 1 and 2 were completely unrivaled. 3 only had CoD to compete with. Those were the only big games to maintain mass concurrent players ever three years after release. By 2010 with Reach there was a lot more competition and variety. Consolefags didn't have to just pick one game and only play that anymore.
Additional events are that people who grew up with Halo either stopped playing vidya, switched to PC because they refused to buy an Xbone/PS4, or just refused to buy Halo 4/5 because 343i killed it.


Trocadero is so fucking good

What? No. Project Freelancer was a bunch of fight scenes with mostly forgettable dialogues on the flashback side of things, and a whole season of abnormal canyon interactions, and another of running around trying to find the Director that's also mostly forgettable. They aren't necessarily bad seasons, but Chorus Trilogy is much better than that.

I started doing RedvsBlue 11 years ago. I have been involved with Rooster Teeth either through VO or producing for the past 11 years, that creates a family vibe. However, with every company comes pros and cons. My decision not to attend RTX was not because of the Over The Edge lack of support. I have spent hundreds of hours being involved with this great community, truly caring for individuals well being, trying to inspire and lead by example. I felt my departure from RT was unfair. Well, as they say life is unfair, however, if I sat back and acted as though everything was great, I'd be going against everything I believe in. I'm not going anywhere, I'm still going to be here for anyone who needs advice, or just needs to be heard. This decision in know way meant to divide sides etc. I'm a strong personality and what is done is done. I have enjoyed everything that working at Rooster Teeth has allowed me to do. I was a kind, generous, outgoing person before RT and I'm that same person now. I live in Austin and will be attending some of the Side Quest events and hopefully have the chance to meet some of you in person. Take care, Kathleen

It started going downhill around Episode 11 in particular. Jax's 'subplot' in that episode had way too much screentime, the music gags in the flashback fight were unnecessary, and Episode 18's cliffhanger with Wash was stupid, among several other things.

Project Freelancer is the weakest by a good margin. Too much fighty fights not enough laughy laughs.

York was a real nigga though


Wait, what? Assuming this is actually Kathleen, what are you doing here? Do you just browse Sup Forums from time to time or something? Also, out of curiosity, any opinions on recent RT stuff, RvB related or not?

It was not the first big console fps.

Not counting console ports of DOOM, the first big console fps would have been goldeneye.

Halo was the first big budget, polished, twin stick shooter which made it fucking huge. Can't undervalue the importance of two sticks, one for moving and one for aiming. If Halo had used left stick to aim and right to move instead of the reverse, it would probably be the standard today.

There was an Alien game that preceded it but it seemed to get meh reviews, and as such didnt make as big of an impact. Haven't played myself though.

But Halo did have competition. The biggest was probably from Gears of War which didnt hurt it since it was on the same system and appealed to a lot of the same people. You're somewhat right about its competition just not being strong enough to retain a longlasting playerbase, but it wasnt in a total vacuum of competition like you're implying. While being one of the first big ones was certainly part of its success, the game held up because of its own merits.

Another big thing is it's one of the few vidya success stories after gen 5 to come out of nowhere and have that "lightning in a bottle" effect. Halo was new and it was cool. Halo now isn't new, and even if they tweak it and manage to make it cool and polished, that "oomf" of its impact is just gone. Its more than a decade old, some things just last a certain amount before people tire of them.

Are you a professional retard, or jut an aspiring amateur?

That's not Grif.

Blake is shit.

Probably both. I've never seen that letter before if it's from someone else, and I don't really see why someone would take the time to type out such a long response if they weren't Kathleen, but people have done crazier things. But yeah, probably both.

*somewhere else
Also, if the writer of a horse show can visit Sup Forums, I don't see why the VA of a web series can't, I don't know.

I really loved Red vs. Blue. I love the more serious story driven direction it took, I loved everything. But I stopped after season 13. I haven't watched 14 because idk why. Are they on 15 yet?
I loved everything about this show idk why i stopped. Locus was the best

Ctrl + C , Ctrl + V

>Red vs Blue is still going on
Are you shitting me? I think I stopped at the point where they tried to introduce a serious story and added animations.

14 is an anthology season that randomly switches between backstory shit, one-off sketches, and unfunny guest appearances. 15 is shit, but if you like that angsty piece of shit then you might like 15.

Eh. Also now I realize it says 11 years ago, which would probably actually date this letter from 2014 or so.

I wouldn't mind the Jax thing if it actually resulted in something.

Another big problem was how justified the Blues and Reds were before they become ludicrously over the top evil for no reason. They should totally be allowed to go fight the government for what it did to them, but they were too justified so then they had to be made cartoonishly evil later on for no reason so that we all know they're the 'bad guys' despite a big part of this season being gray morality.

I thought the best episode this season was when we see Grif has lost his fucking mind, it felt like something from the classic early seasons, felt funny, and was a refreshing change for the character. But like two episodes later hes back to being the lazy one and its status quo for all the characters again.

We've spent enough time with Wash and Carol that I dont want them to die, but they need to get funny or leave because fuck are they boring.

I dont know if I'd call the season bad but it was certainly mediocre. Now that the reds and blues are all close friends it just isnt the same - the banter just isnt as good or as biting.

The show really needs to be refreshed. I wouldn't mind a season with new teams of reds and blues just to shake things up a bit. I still do like the show and I'll probably keep watching, but its become obvious they're sort of spinning their wheels at this point.

Blood Gulch>Recollection=Chorus Trilogy>Project Freelancer>Season 14>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Season 15


Vest clip I've ever seen animated, even if it is rough.