Hey Sup Forums south Florida here...

Hey Sup Forums south Florida here, what are some comfy storm games I can play while everything around me and my house are destroyed?

TX here. When is that storm suppose to hit yall? Also Animal Crossing.

Endless ocean
Raw danger
Sims castaway?

Sunday morning

>is now a cat5 and still gaining strength

At least I'll die a virgin. I personally will be playing FF7. Nothing matches its sense of impending doom looming on the horizon.

>mods deleting comfy weather threads.

n i g g e r s

why do these FL bound storms all have spoopy faces?

Mother nature has a thing for wanting to destroy florida

Majora's Mask

Gulf coast side here are we going to get it as bad as east side?

Jesus fucking Christ. Who did your state piss off that badly to have a cat 5 hurricane nearly turn a full 90 degrees to hit you head on?

Is New Smyrna/Daytona Beach going to be affected?

Hope you niggers are staying safe

and nothing of value was lost.

god damn it must suck ass living in cuba.

How fucked is Jacksonville?

Rain world
It was pretty fun during harvey

What makes you so sure that you and your house are not going to be destroyed?

>retards continue to live in areas they know will get hit by at least one national disaster every year

What the fuck do you guys do wrong

y'all know what y'all did

Animal Crossing is the ultimate comfy

>tfw safe in the Midwest and will be comfy as fuck watching the livestreams of the storm like I did last year

Live in Florida.



>African woman spirits targeting areas with the highest population of descendants of the slave trade

What did WE mean by this?

>Be american
>Get shot during hurricane

Have fun when Yosemite finally blows it's top

Silent Hill.

Holy shit it's literally coming to kill Florida like that's its only purpose.

>go to work
>shit loads of people buying canned food and water
>ask coworkers whats up
>you didn't hear about the hurricane?
>yeah its a cat 5 you don't watch the news?
>no TV is boring I just focus on myself
>everyone gives me weird looks

gotta hide your power levels man. should've just said I've been too busy to keep up on current events

Our creepy looking Governor.

I don't care about pretending, all it does is make me have meltdowns. The last time I tried to pass as an NT I ended up smashing my room with my hands, breaking both of them, and having to buy new windows


>Be Hurricane
>Get shot by Americans with guns and fireworks who don't understand weather or science
>Kill them all for their insolence

>safe in the midwest
I'll be laughing up here in Alaska when the lower 48 goes to shit

Russia and North Korea are coming to nuke you m8

We were long overdue for a solid hurricane making landfall in Florida. Shame this one had to be a cat 5.

>implying gunshots and patriotism doesn't scare away hurricanes
dumb yuro

Sometimes it pays to be in the southwest. Ain't shit ever happen in New Mexico, not even earthquakes or tornados

Why would they nuke nothing of importance except a source of oil and natural gas? don't be retarded

Like this user said
The damn thing is like a goddamn homing missile, it's almost seems like it was made to track down and kill Florida or something.

I feel you. I literally just found out about it all this morning. It sucks but can't do much bout it besides hope against hope that the shitty trailer I call home doesn't get destroyed in the storm while me and my family seek shelter. It would be a really big pain in the ass to find a temporary place to live if my home gets blown away.

Russian DARPA is probably experimenting hurricane guns as an economic weapon. This shit is gonna cost the US trillions.

cough election cough

My house is built for hurricanes, has cement in every wall but it's old as shit and built by someone who didn't like building to standard
Honestly, if this storm kills me I'd be fine with that.

The only silver lining at the moment is at least Florida knows how to handle hurricanes, at least compared to fucking Houston.

But why Florida? Destroying Florida is something everyone else in the 49 states wanted for a long time. Seems counter-productive to help us out like that.

>fort myers right in the path
I'm fucked. Both my cars, my house, my business are literally two feet above sea level. Hopefully parking garages aren't already full.

You're aware that the entire USA + the rest of the world will be fucked then?

Maybe cause it seems like the most "natural" of disasters as tropical storms aren't that uncommon there.

You should be taking the car and riding the fuck out of there.

Just a reminder to anyone in the path of the storm, if you are in a mandatory evacuation zone, you do not have to evacuate, but if you choose to stay, rescue and medical services WILL NOT come if you call then during the storm. You will be on your own. So unless you are really sure a cat five won't decimate your home, please evacuate, for your own safety.

>be mainefag
>perfect weather year round
>never too hot, never too cold
>the worst we ever get is like a foot of snow in winter
Feels good man.

Of course he doesn't, he's a fucking retarded anime poster.

>never too cold
how's that ocean

>he cant handle below freezing, but still above 0 degree temperatures

south here. Hold me bros

I'll be on vacation in yurop watching the news to see my cars and house destroyed. No parking garage to put cars into. I have two cars and a motorcycle.

>tfw house is breaking down already, toilet doesn't flush, dishwasher is broken, and the place already looks like a hurricane disaster zone
>but I don't want to lose it

This sucks.

>tfw plebs will never know the joys of living in the northern corners of the states
WAfag here, I never worry about storms period


>disinformed pussies

what did they mean by this

Oh, don't worry, Floridanon. Irma will skirt around the southern edge of your state (which will still fuck things up), regain strength to a Cat. 5 in the warm waters of the Gulf, and will then slam into New Orleans with enough strength to make the Mississippi River to flow in reverse.

Melbourne here

Enjoy your volcanos and future massive Earthquake.

I spend 22 years in New Hampshire and now five years in Florida. Northernfags don't have any idea what they're talking about when they shit on Florida. Live on a beach instead of an inland meth town and it's one of the best places you can live.

>People saying this hurricanes the strongest ever
>They said that about the last hurricane that passed through and it was a complete joke
>Not sure what to think anymore

>west coast of central florida
I'm fucked aren't I

I'm not that lucky. Also even a minor storm surge puts me underwater so fucked either way.

Join the Club buddy. Who /Pinellas/ here?

But you gotta trust me user the last Hurricane I almost caught was THIS BIG!

It's a category five, the most powerful form of a hurricane, and possibly gaining strength, not to mention there are apparently two more hurricanes right behind Irma


>live in Navarre
>small chance it will curve into the Gulf
RNGesus, please bless me
Keep that shit AWAY from the Panhandle

>two other hurricanes behind Irma
And what are they called? Ini and Ineuce?

Reporting in. Unless Irma moves significantly, me and my family are going to find shelter in Tampa.

Hillsborough county here. We're so fucked

I've lived in Florida all my life. I've never travelled out of state. I've only visited 3 cities.

I fucking hate it here. The only saving grace for this state is Orlando but even than that's not saying much. I want out. Let this hurricane take me please. I embrace the sweet release.

Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

yesssss nigga yessssssss kill me now
>mfw giving a cop buddy a few extra days off to prepare for the end

Prick Scott pissed off god.

I hope the storm destroys your whole property and then Y'ALL get looted by niggers and shot by FEMA.

Reporting. Hoping it just hits south Florida at most and moves away, but I've got no clue what to do if it barrels through the entire state like some of the models are showing.

Stay mad nigga. Bet you won't say a word to the dumbass coons and their ebonics but one person says ya'll and you are about to boon out calm down nigger.

Who else /navarre/ here?

Y'all got your water, right?

West Palm Beach reporting in

>185 mph sustained winds
>strongest hurricane to form on the Atlantic
Puerto Rico here, lets stay safe

>mfw central hillsborough county
I'm far enough inland that the storms usually break apart into OP thunderstorm tier instead of actual hurricane, but still it's been a few years since we've had such a direct looking track and a cat5.

Cali here, sending positive energy >w

Have you been sticking your dick in there?


everbody fucked boi less get it

How bad do you think we're gonna get it?

Stop speaking like a hick for fucks sake or get your ass blown the shit out by the next storm. Redneck Ebonics is Valleyspeak tier.

bitch in literally sea side miami

If god is real, it will curve, head to Washington and kill 45th

>Work at a job where there's tons of bullying laying around in the open and have about two days to put it all away and bolt shit down or lose it forever.
I gotta worry about losing both my house and possibly my work place getting decimated.