Why does Sam Fisher's goggles have three lenses?

Why does Sam Fisher's goggles have three lenses?

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The center one is an IR blaster and the other two are IR cameras.

Doesn't he have 3 visions in the games. He rotates them to change visions.

That doesn't make any sense. And no he doesn't.

Budget wasn't enough to get the fourth.

so why is the central one visibly lit?

>being this fucking retarded

Thank you for the audible kek idiot.

I'm sure in at least one of them he does; nightvision, infrared and a fantasy electricity detector vision.

Goggles aside...Chaos Theory was the last true western stealth/action game.

Double Agent was basically just more Chaos Theory. Underrated game.


>we'll never get Ironside banter in a SC game ever again

Why is Styx 2 not a true stealth game?

The console version sucks ass.

The PC version is pretty good however.

Pineal gland optics

Because it's just a game and you need to people to see your character in the dark

>newer games just give you goggles that allow you to see trough walls

>The console version sucks ass.
>The PC version is pretty good however.
Is today opposite day??

They are two effectively 2 completely different games, the console versions were like half a game.

Is the bundle worth picking up or do I get the first one and Chaos Theory individually? They don't have Pandora Tomorrow though for some reason.

So he can see out of his left ear, right ear and final frontier.

>They don't have Pandora Tomorrow though for some reason.

Broken on PC with modern graphics hardware, Ubisoft won't fix it so they pulled it from sale. I don't know why they won't fix it, they happily did a HD re-release for the consoles.

>The console versions
The PC version is version one which is the same as Xbox 360 and PS3 and is the worse one, the PS2 and OG Xbox version is the good one.

I played the PS2 version and i hated it, it felt rushed and just mediocre compared to chaos theory.

The PC version i had more fun with.

The third one allows him to perceive beyond time and space. That is why he can sneak so good.

Memes aside, that might be a cool effect for a stealth game

You can see Donnie Darko style paths of patrolling guards. Where they are and where they will be

because it looks facking cool when u sneakin up on some terrists grab em inna chokelock

Hitman Absolution did this already and it's no coincidence that it's the worst fucking stealth game I've ever played.

Hitman Absolution did that. It was not a cool effect for a stealth game.

47 can do this in his new games, and he doesn't even need goggles.

Is the idea here that he is using his incredible powers of perception and intuition or is there no explanation given and we just see red lines because why not?

should I get Chaos Theory + Blacklist only or blacklist + the pack with CT, conviction, double agent and the rest?

I only played CT and blacklist and know I enjoy them a lot.

It's because HE'S PACKING

It's called 'instinct mode' so yeah apparently fantastic perception and intuition. Instinct mode is in the new one too but it doesn't draw paths saying "this guard is going to go over here, friend!", it just outlines people and items in a certain radius which isn't too bad since it's also totally optional too.

Get all of em, it's like 15 bucks or something

It supposed to be his instinct. It might have actually worked if his instincts weren't always never wrong but as it is it just makes the game ridiculously easy.


oh user, that means you have shit taste

That's Chaos Theory. The third one.

That's every fucking modern stealth game.


Yeah? I heard it's awesome!

Gonna be game of the year, man.

Can't wait to play it

Some ACs have this and it sucks

man i miss overhearing cheeky guard conversations that were actually funny or engaging.

Because Meme Midget 2: Quips Edition and its predecessor both suck massive amounts of cock.

Not an argument.

*godsmack, i stand alone begins playing*

I wasn't making an argument, I was stating a fact.

Wow I don't remember that, I do remember the Driver series having Nokia ads

A large part of Chaos Theory's charm is the comedy. The game is laugh-out-loud funny at times. Great writing.

>Ironside will never ever voice Sam again


chaos theory is a perfect game in every way, the attention to detail is like a japanese game, without all the shit that usually comes along with that

>that guy that thinks you're a ninja

>Grimsdottir: Maria Narcissa...
>Fisher: You're not trying to set me up on another blind date, I hope
>Grimsdottir: The Maria Narcissa is a boat
>Fisher: So was the last girl you set me up with


Haha yeah, fat-shaming. Really fucking funny....




because sam is woke

tfw stealth is your favorite genre and you are forced to watch it slowly die.

Stealth isn't dying goyim, it's just being intergrated into evvery game now.
Now start spending more shekelCoins.

They said he'd come back for the next one.
Whether that's true or not has yet to be seen.

>tfw siri quit

because sam is

how is Styx a meme game? It didn't include niggers, women or gay shit as MC.

>wallpaper_splinter_cell_chaos_theory_1.jpg (121 KB, 1600x1200)

>Memes aside, that might be a cool effect for a stealth game
>You can see Donnie Darko style paths of patrolling guards. Where they are and where they will be
Any other games that do this well? Last one with enjoyable small time enemy conversations was Arkham City.



obviously one of the optics types isnt in stereo..
