ITT: Difficulty spikes in videogames.
ITT: Difficulty spikes in videogames
>if you fuck up he one shots you so you might as well go naked with a stamina shield on your back and some turbo autist tryhard weapon
>you're a fucking orange zombie jumping around a not-sauron villain
immersion broken
But hes easy as fuck
stop memeing.
>beat his ass for the Fume Sword
>barely even worth it because Longsword is still arguably better
One of the best bosses to show how "hard" doesn't equal "good", especially not in these games. It's not even that hard, and the difficulty mostly comes from the high damage.
it's literally the only boss in the entire series that forced me to git gud, I never levelled up the stat that increases your i-frames though (I didn't even know it did that until after I played the game), I heard he's way easier if you do and go naked on his ass.
its a spike down
>NG: Easiest boss in the game
>NG+: Hardest boss in the game
That's how I felt with Centipede Demon. The fight is fine and pretty unmemorable in NG, but in NG+ he decides that he really wants to fuck you shit up and is constantly in front of the camera and makes it impossible to see what is going on
I enjoyed Fume Knight. He made Dark Souls 2 decent in my eyes, at least the dlc.
Not even the hardest boss at SL1. Just equip full havels and roll with DPS.
Notably difficulty if you don't know this strat though.
>Just equip full havels and roll with DPS.
that's what I did and still got wrecked cause in ng+ I can't kill one fast enough so they gang up on me
I would've liked him more if the game wasn't already filled to the brim with "armoured dudes with swords" bosses.
I thought sir alonne was alot harder desu
I think that's his name, the samurai guy
I always found him to easy regardless of the ng cycle, I've always managed to kill them before there were 3 at once.
Hardest ng+ was manus for me
raising agility to 100 is one of the first things you generally do in dark souls 2. I don't think it ever takes more than 25 adp levels or so, depends on your attunement
since equipload affects roll distance it's generally good idea in das2 to either go with as much defense as possible 70% weight or with high roll distance, 30-40% load or so.
what kind of build did you have?
V1.0 boost guardian
Fume Knight is the hardest by virtue of killing the most people. No other boss in this series history sans Orphan of Kos will come close
stats? nothing but strength, endurance and vitality, I also didn't know about the softcap on the stats after a certain level so I just kept levelling and levelling strength way after 50 like a dumbass. think I was level 90 when I fought four kings on ng+.
cmon now
theres no shame to admit you died to him hundreeds of times
i mean i finished all souls game and i died to this cunt at least 50 times
>had no trouble with this guy ever including the gamecube version
>everyone online keeps memeing him into being really hard
>apparently nobody bothered to scan him and learned that his slime form is weak to bombs and that you should just jump when he does his boost attack, which also destroys the pillars that give yellow health pickups
The hell?
>being hollow
Git gud
but what weapons? str builds in dark souls 1 are unfortunately pretty weak just for the lack of weapons effective with them which is why almost everyone who doesn't roll dex rolls with quality
I don't think there's a single dps-effective str weapon in the game.
>but what weapons?
black knight sword +5
also a lightning halberd +10 which I made in case I found an enemy where I'd need elemental types to beat (I didn't).
in terms of mechanics this is probably the best "1v1 straight fight duel" in the series
other bosses are better presented or more story significant but none of them are as good of a fight as fume knight
>pirate the game
>cant access the online so I can't get easy effigies
>play good enough to never even come close to run out of human effigies and beat the game ezpz
>then I play the dlc and meet fume knight who tears my asshole 50 times so I have to beat him with half my lifebar
that was painful.
daily reminder that fume knight stands for smoke knight
Fume Knight is one of the 3 end game bosses*, he is supposed to be difficult
>DS1: Lord Souls and Manus
>DS2: Elena, Sinh, Fume Knight, and Burnt Ivory King
>DS3: Soul of Cinder and Slave Knight Gael
>he is supposed to be difficult
then why is every other boss in the whole series so easy in comparison?
because he's one of the last bosses?
Not that guy but I beat him first try. He really isn't that bad.
I'm seeing people saying they lost to this guy like 50 times.. what. I beat him I think on my sixth try. Really good fight, honestly. I love his mixed moveset.
do you know what a difficulty spike is? it's something that's unexpectedly far harder than the prior challenge, you didn't go from zero to assrape between Gwyn and Manus (in fact Manus was easier for me) and neither are the other ds2 dlc bosses as hard as fume knight.
I always hear people say this fag was super hard but I beat him first try
I can see why you would have trouble at that boss.
I ran this at SL1 with chaos handaxe which I deemed the best weapon for SL1 for various reasons. Equipping full havels, grass crest shield and twohanding the weapon it just wasn't that hard even if I had to heal basically after every hit I took.
Strange, I though the same.
First time you get in combat in w2 was ridiculously hard.
Slave Knight Gael/Second stage of Nameless King say hello
unpatche Witcher 2 is a misery
But I keep hearing how it's one of the best games ever.