Danganronpa V3
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Dead on arrival. huh?
I love Junko!
I was actually concerned that you weren't going to show up Junkofag
>all these v3 threads
>I'm still waiting for NISA to ship out my limited edition vita copy
Fuck you
Sometimes real life gets in the way
Patience user, we're all waiting just like you
She's so cute when she smiles, it's a shame she chooses to hide it.
Obligatory in every thread.
Dispair Mikan made my dick twitch.
Now post the other version.
I've got classes too you know, but we'll be here for you when you're done. Actually I just came back from a class where one of the guys looked almost exactly like Weedman. The hair style, the black jacket, the pants, it was uncanny. I should've asked him to predict my future...
You can check up on these threads every hour between your study to become Ultimate Scientist. This thread's not going anywhere.
>inb4 it gets pruned
we'll make another
Don't worry too much user
>filth pig in top tier
>chisa and celes in B
>three weeks until shit hits the fan.
You know back at home, we often talked about the past games and dissect it. Comparing opinions and discussing the parts we disliked.
I particularly participate a lot in the DR1 and UDG discussions because it partakes a lot to the development of certain trials of my favorite character.
Here is an example of a discussion we had im sure you guys could enjoy playing with.
4th trial
>Sakura's suicide was faked and was actually murdered, she was given poison
>Toko went into shock and fell unconscious because her precious byakuya was killed instead of ishimaru.
>Therefor Syo takes over Toko for the time being
>Toko and Syo don't share memories but they do share emotions.
>Syo acts on all that rage and anger Toko had and kills Sakura because shes the traitor.
>During the chapter you see syo running around acting normal until the trial.
>She covers her mouth and tries her best to impersonate toko
>She lets asahina lead the trial like before and tries to get everyone killed because she believes everyone killed her, by sending sakura into a depression which caused her to kill herself.
>Trial is over and Syo had a break down and a maniacal laugh. Then she sneezed, Toko is completely unaware of what happened.
>Then you see monokuma slam the gavel saying guilty.
>She is crying the whole time, screaming it wasn't her. She is innocent, yelling, cursing the world is cruel and saying you turned me into this.
That is how I rewrote trial 4 seeing as people hated that one the most.
And three weeks until I avoid these threads for a couple days
Has /drg/ taken over these threads or is it just autism?
You're just asking for /drg/ to invade the thread and fill it with gay shit like they did yesterday.
You missed last night.
I love Seiko!
Wait so is this saying that Toko/Syo was voted guilty or that Asahina was voted guilty?
Well you don't loose class trials in DR, you just start over.
So yes Toko is guilty, seeing as Syo lives in the same body punishing her is also punishing toko.
why is sayaka so low?
Who is this qt?
Nobody is talking about guys so no, it's just Sup Forums
She did nothing wrong :(
She really didnt
Its why shes the third best girl
It's so fucking long.
He's taken, user
Probably because she tried to frame you for murder
I like him because he looks like a pretty girl. I want to do lewd things with his hair.
Not anymore
So have you migrated here now or are you just posting on both boards?
I am going to visit sometimes, we are in series together even though we live in separate homes.
No reason for us to hate each other. Everyone knows one place isn't a hivemind.
Stop making sense.
No she didn't know about the rule about a school trial or anything like that.
She only knew you had to kill somebody.
She used you to trick and kill Leon.
What's the point of switching rooms then?
>tfw you're a 27 y/o fag who will never experience the japanese high school life
I love my waifu
Isn't there a general on /vg/ to contain you guys?
I love Hina!
Why are girls with tanlines always the best?
Why did you post a picture of Kyoko?
Let me squeeze those puppies you baka
post bonus mode interactions
I bet he has balls of steel.
Oh, for sure.
Okay I see your point.
I thought it was that she knew you had to kill somebody and get away with murder by blaming somebody else, however i don't think she knew about there being a trial
She thought that they had to do it and not get caught, she did it by blaming Naegi.
She didn't know it would get the others potentially killed.
Leon didn't too he was shocked when monokuma mentioned there was a trial, he was thinking he was getting out since he Sayaka.
Still that said yeah she did try to frame you.
So DR Anons, as someone who hasnt played any of the DR games at all and only read bits and pieces about the series, can someone explains the Despair virus thing and the whole Fall concept and how it occurred?
post Junko core, how do I get the most Junko for the least amount of Dogon rapper?
Your crack shipment ain't goin' to Grove Street.
Speaking of which, I assume the Steam version of GTA 5 is the best one to get to drive the War-Rig?
disregard, I'm a fucking idiot.
Thought this was an actual GTA thread.
Well I dont have the materials I needed for this class today so now I'm here doing nothing for another 30 minutes. Please post beat girl Kyoko so I don't get bored
Game's not releasing till the end of the month, why would they ship?
Thanks Ace
How do you think Junko and Mukuro treated the rest of Class 78 before shit went down?
From the brief moments in DR3, I guess they were pretty approachable judging by Naegi's casual attitude while talking to Junko.
You're welcome.
I'm imagining they all got along
Mukuro waa Makoto's guardian angel before the tragedy happened, not sue about Junko though
I think Kodaka has stated that Junko loved Class 78 a lot, and the killing game was her unique way of showing her love to them.