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name 1 (five) games which do this

I'm not seeing the problem here. Should breeding material NOT look like breeding material?

Must suck to be retarded AND autistic.

Not an argument


Must suck to only know two insults.

I will now buy your game.

If demons in video games taught me anything it is that there's no females, just a super cool and edgy dude that makes them.

they seem pretty versatile desu
what else would you need on the chon

Why should non-human females be appealing to humans, unless they were designed to cuck and destroy their own race?

digusting, the orc girl should have toned abs, the troll girl should have a cuter face and the demon one a loli

Are you really trying to tell me that orcs, demons, and trolls see women - let alone their own women - as anything more than breeding material? If so then maybe you could tell me a whole bunch about how sucky it is to be autistic and retarded seeing as you have enough extra chromosomes to warrant your own containment board.

Well Done Atlus


>seeing women as breeding material =/= evolution leading to the exact same body type for women across all species even though the males are vastly different


>what's attractive to humans must be attractive to orks trolls and demons

that's what's retarded.

It's because we humans are too stupid to tell something is female unless it has the same traits human females have.

female hyenas have clit dicks and rape males.

well animals can't tell the difference between you male and female humans either so fuck off

buy a thesaurus


Fantasy was created by some mathematician students (dnd and stuff) and people, who supported fantasy at first, was same lifestyle male species. If in any parallel universe it would be women to create fantasy, we'll get shitload of baba-yaga instead of females (sometimes in very interesting design), and shitload of bishounens instead of male species.
That's completely okay to have both power and sex in what was created by males for males. Anyone else might go and do his own things.


cute doggos

if your owner finds you on his computer you're gonna be in trouble



You typed all that and didn't say jack shit.

the fact that the pictures needed to rely on recoloring a photo model instead of providing any actual examples is already proof how bullshit this is

>exaggeration for the sake of comedy doesn't exist


>why does media made by males for males do this?!
Because they hate all women. It's obvious.

Why would their "breeding material" look like ours? They should stick to their own kind. Stay away from our women, demon.

hyenas are actually kitters

a woman is a more accurate depiction of a demon than whatever the thing is for male t-b-h

This is the power of creativity


I don't believe you
>checks Wikipedia
I don't believe Wikipedia

its been proven time and time again that people dont play ugly characters.



But I like it like that.




this is the answer and this debate has been settled a hundred times
a female must have human female traits in order for the human viewer to recognize it as a female
the male can be whatever the fuck you want

X Stop doing this shit

>its been proven
>No sources

WHere were you when they turned the evil spider goddess Shelob into a shapeshifter/morrigan


to be fair they are in the same suborder as cats. There are other things in that suborder which don't look like your normal cats/pumas/lions. They also all belong to the same order that dogs do

How could you possibly not want the inverse of humans dating qt beast girls?

what's wrong with hot demon ladies

Media is always fine with male beasts dating humans, yet female beasts are always killed unless they look human.


EQ2 handled female lizards pretty well.

>4 million views


Is there a game that does the reverse of this?

Semi normal male, but beastly woman? real life don't count


But the males are typically beefcake dudes too
Largely because it's easier to tweak existing assets than model something brand new

but if someone wants to get knotted and get pumped full of hot sticky cum they can just buy a dildo in the modern day

The real reason is because those races are all underpowered.

The pretty blatantly can. Especially domestic animals.
Cats can often show gender preference, as can dogs.

No one's yet provided a game that does what OP's pic says, so don't expect the reverse anytime soon.

Countless census studies on the races people play in MMOs says that time and time again people just want to play humans or things that mostly look like humans with some exotic flair, like elves or catgirls.

World of Warcraft

no the real reason is that you are a special snowflake

I wonder why that could be

Still interesting and unexpected. Thank you for sharing knowledge.

most people are bland with no imagination

To be fair, Nagas are just cursed elves, and everything in WoW has big tittied females.

No one really plays that anymore so I don't see how that's an issue. Besides, I prefer Amani males to the females, but no one plays either of them
>World of Warcraft
Oooh, that makes sense, now. Still really silly to call devs out on it as if every game under the sun did this.

Humans love things that look like them and sympathize most with them.

It is the SPOTTED hyenas the ones with dickgirls.
If the pic on the news is of the zoo's hyenas and not just the one they liked most then they don't have an excuse.

Normies are boring as fuck and can't roleplay anything outside of a human.

They're all mammalian species why would they not.

It's like arguing why aliens would be bipedal. Certain biological configurations are most efficient. Even if the ecology is different similar selective pressures almost always cause similar physiology

OPs pic is dishonest.
the male orc is a warcraft orc, but the pic misrepresents female warcraft orcs.

pic related:
male orc is like a bigger, greener, more muscular male human.
female orc is like a bigger, greener, more muscular female human.

>World of Warcraft
>Warcraft 3
>Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
>Heroes of the Storm
>Defense of the Ancients: All-Stars

is this 1 (five) or did I mix it up with 5 (one)

stop being autistic


guys dont want to look at ugly women
women want to pretend they're hot

yeah finding out mongoose are in the same suborder as hyenas and felines was surprising

>all the same world

Why not just call out Blizzard since they are apparently the ones that do it?

Whats your favorite beast-race, user?

I think they even have the same skin texture.

So basically Warcraft then

Where was there gender when how it was then and then how they did it

see warcraft doesnt actually do what the OP's pic implies.

Women are only good for their bodies they are just retarded otherwise

Time for an evolution class.

If the dimorphism of evolutionary roles between males and females is assumed to be the same then yes, presumably-mammal females will gravitate towards the same shape as human females.

>wide hips to facilitate child bearing
>slighter frame because they aren't supposed to do the heavy work
>less visibly aggressive features (smaller fangs in the case of orcs, for example) because they aren't supposed to be visually repulsive or imposing
>mammalian glands (tits), obviously for nutritional value of the offspring, located on the chest because it's easy to curl up around that area and protect it

Lizard race females, which are presumably non-mammals, obviously don't apply to this, but I'm too lazy to think about that. Just keep in mind that bipedal mammals will look like bipedal mammals. Only a drastically different environment would change that.

That's not how that shit works. Cats and dogs and humans are all mammals, yet they don't look like each other at all.

People are incapable of empathazing because they are souless husks overwhelmed by the imaginary rat race of human existence.

Why would demon breeding material look exactly like human breeding material

Guild Wars 2 actually did it right with the Charr and having the male and female look beastly


all I want are slightly below average looking manjaw girls with a realistic personality, clear ambitions and motivations with a realistic level of power in their respective world
but intead I get ugly power fantasy STRONK WOMYN shit


I made every single one of those races in that list when i played those games....
asura > charr tho

depends on the type of demon but probably because the most notable feminine demon is the succubus and their whole shtick is sexual entrapment

Definitely Amani... though Argonians are up there.