here goes you 4goddess nep limited edition Sup Forums jap one was 1000x better.
here goes you 4goddess nep limited edition Sup Forums jap one was 1000x better.
japanese one had like 5 different versions depending on which shop you ordered it from, and west never gets the drama CD's anyway, IFI added a reversed cover, nep USB stick and the box is a lot more stylized
>wanting to buy this shit
You are mentally ill
>TFW I have Neptunia 1 in my library and 2 in my inventory for years and still haven't gotten around to play them
Though I guess since I'm an actual weeb and not an ironic nu-weeb, I won't really like them anyway.
An USB stick lol. It's cool I guess.
If by Neptunia 1 you mean the original, just stay away from it, really. The remakes are pretty good though.
>Though I guess since I'm an actual weeb and not an ironic nu-weeb, I won't really like them anyway.
That's why you would probably like it. You have wrong impressions about this franchise, like a lot of others. And I can't blame you, since the community kinda sucks and the marketing doesn't help either.
It's the Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 one.
I want that artbook.
That one is pretty decent. I'd give it a shot. You might like it. I liked it, and I only played realisitc western games before it. Have you ever played a weeb game though?
For a brief run in high school before I fell out of game collecting, I owned the entire NIS catalog. Ar Tonelico will always be my favorite I've got a couple dozen hours in the Senrans too.
Nep is a better JRPG than Senran is a musou/beat them up. Overall, Nep is also miles better than SK in every aspect (better girls, better story, better music, better art style, better gameplay, etc). So if you liked Senran, you will probably like Nep too.
>No Oppai Mousepad
They royally fucked this up.
>Nep is also miles better than SK in every aspect (better girls, better story, better music, better art style, better gameplay, etc)
you are just looking to start shitstorms with senran fans, don't, they barely ever shit on nep and CH and Tamsoft are bros anyway
Then again I never played senran so can't say if you are right or wrong
>Better girls.
Hey now. Be careful when talking about another man's waifu. Half the reason I have a couple dozen hours in SK is because I was looking at Ryona's model so I could make a custom toy of her.
>yuribait games.
both senran and nep are shit.
Neptunia girls are way better, no doubt about it. Each of the Nep main girls have more than 40 hours of development over the games, while SK girls barely have 10.
>no figures
Not looking to start any shitstorms. Was just being honest with a guy that asked for advice. Neptunia gameplay actually makes you think if you are not overleveled. Girls have way more development sicne games are lot longer and there's less girls. Music is done by Nobuo Uematsu, FF composer. Art Style is cute and clean, compared to the slutty art style SK have. Neptunia actually has a story, and is also a parody, it's not deep like DR levels, but it is a story nonetheless, a landslide better than SK.
Still not convinced. More isn't always better. I'll have to play it this weekend to prove you wrong. I've also got some pretty specific tastes.
still not plastic butts
The appeal of Neptunia is the girls themselves, while the appeal of SK is the sex appeal of the girls. Play this weeked, and you'll see how wrong you were. SK girls and Nep girls don't even compare, it's a massive win to Nep girls.
>want physical goods
>rather play on PC
Guess there's the torrent option
Well alright, but I'm trusting you on this one. You better not be lying to me.
Just keep in mind Nep is not about fanservice and boobs (with exception of the first hour). It's about cute girls doing cute things, memes, and parodies about games.
>You'll never see tsunako's secret porn stash
Finally, I can buy the Weeb Game of the Year.
SK used to have development
Both honestly appeal to their specific audiences. SK mostly for about fanservice while Nep is mostly CTDCT. Both never appealed to me
Controlled... Total Drama... Commando Teams?
Oh woops.
>ironic nu-weeb
Holy shit that's retarded.
I still would like to know what you actually meant.
Cute Girls Doing Cute Things