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Oblivion was horse shit

Oblivion is my favourite game.

Oblivion is so average

I am indifferent to Oblivion.

oblivion is the greatest game ever made


Oblivion was ____

Oblivion is unironically the best TES game
>bu-but muh level scaling
Learn 2 efficient level you fucking casuals

oblivion was never good anyways

Is Oblivion the most controversial game of all time?

oblivion was kind of good for a little while

Oblivion was the same thing all over.




I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a game than I was when I first played Oblivion.

I guess it's not really that bad though.

i dont know

>Blandest setting
>Somehow uglier than Morrowind
>Worst story
>Just as dumbed down as Skyrim with none of the charm
Yeah nah

Better than brown shit everywhere
Objectively false
True but best side quests so who cares
Objectively false

>none of the charm
>none of the fucking charm
>implying skyrim has anything as charming as the oblivion guild questlines and shivering isles

lul. oblivion is pretty much perfect once you fix the potato faces and remove level scaling none of which are hard to do

>What is animal skinning?

Obivion was not quite as good as Morrowind in certain areas, but improved in others like the UI and combat.

Skyrim is worse then both though.

>just as dumbed down as skyrim

Objectively false on spellmaking alone.

>not having high IQ enough to realize morrowind and oblivion's combat are actually the same thing

>not uglier than morrowind
At least morrowind had a consistent style for what it was at its time, it was bearable, oblivion was ugly, plastic, upleasant to see by 2000 standards
by your logic i can say that Skyrim is miles away than Oblivion then.
>inb4 Modded Oblivion>Modded Skyrim
that's pure blinded nostalgia faggotry.
I can admit though that Skyrim's quests are worse compared to oblivion's except for the main questline of course.

modded skyrim is better gameplay wise, but it's still got inferior content no matter how much you mod it

Skyrim is kinda good but it's super unstable for me