This sort of anime games with children in them have no place in modern society, they are trying to normalise paedophile using video games. Why do people support this paedophile games?
Why has humble bundle being releasing Anime games With Skimpy Children in them!
>It's real
should i get this
Holy Christ why? When did humble bundle go so wrong? This is literally all titty shovelware
Free market.
corporate profit and a lack of quality games
gotta go fast
>Sakura games
Literal trash.
>Sakura games
>$10 for all the Sakura games
>currently just over $5.50 or all the Sakura VNs
Eh. That looks like a fairly good deal if you want the Sakura games, and it seems like that's all of them.
Outside being a 15 year old memer, though, I really don't know why you would want to bother with them. Just get the CG dumps off Sadpanda if that's the case. Hell, it would probably be more worthwhile if they just sold the CG packs alongside the games, since at least that would save a lot of people's time.
>all those ironic weeb comments paired with the games
Truly the darkest timeline
These games are all on steam; are they censored? I've only ever pirated these games, so I'm curious how this works since they're on STEAM
Clustertruck for 4 yurops, my dudes.
Because it appeals to people like me?
You people make me sick
>all your friends can see it if you own a game
Im glad that this bundle happened, now i can filter out everyone with shit taste on my friends list.
can I get a quickrundown on those games?
Sakura games are LITERALLY the reason we have ironic weebs.
can someone drop a huniepop key?
I think you have the option of selecting censored or uncensored, and/or have the option to download a patch which uncensored everything. I'm honestly not sure how this works with the Steam copy of games because I sure as hell didn't pay for any of this shit through Steam. I just know the CG sets have uncensored images in them, apparently official.
> Hunie cam in $1 trash tier
> Pop in BTA
At least the dev knows his game was shit
>anime games
>video games
>paedophile games
>calling VNs games
>bought bta
I have no regrets.
The real question is: Does it come with a decensor/porn patch or do I have to look through hundreds of chinese bootleg websites to find it?
It's craaaaaaaaaaap
anything good in the 5 eur bundle?
not the crash for a card market
for fucks sake HUMBLEBUNDLE
That's because you are too retarded to know better
it's fucking nothing
Holy shit it is
huniepop is unironically good though
Fair enough. Just download Sakura Dungeon from somewhere if you want it.
I already own these, might as well get it for my bros
>sakura games
I'll just play the majority of them on youtube if I was interested
I HATE the art in these Sakura games. Do people genuinely like the art or do these "games" get more attention than they deserve because they are risque?
>Goat Simulator
the original youtuber clickbait game, run around the map and do stupid shit
>The Final Station
zimbie game with trains, it's okay
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
top down turn based rpg, love or hate it kind of thing
best 3D platformer in years
>I am Bread
more youtuber clickbait bullshit
>Chroma Squad
we want the power rangers audience
>Cortex Command
if worms and battlefield had a really weird baby
>Unbox: Newbie's Adventure
cute collectathon
>Vanguard Princess - Director's Cut Complete
no idea
Devs released a patch off steam for steam users.
>these game comments
Fucking ironic weebs
>Huniepop is in the 5 dollar section
>one of the reviews is just an oh so funny lenny face
goddamit hunble
Bought it for Sakura Dungeon
>Best 3d platformer in years
>kek, look at this nigg...
>google it
why I never heard of this game?
>go for the highest tier
is it that good
I know you're here /hpg/
Why bother putting sex in if you're not supposed to whack your dick off to it?
is chroma squad any gud?
>these blurbs
I'll never understand why people would give credit card info to this 3rd party websites
The dad review is kind of funny
I'm half lurking for keys but at the same time do I even want this shit in my library when I can play it off Steam?
It's a colorful turn based action game with teamwork mechanics.
>not using PayPal for anything online
Cmon senpai
The last weeb bundle sold really well so you're all naive idiots for not expecting this
Already had some games
Or they use the other payment options.
I got Vanguard Princess but I already owned it
hope somebody else managed to get it and I didn't "burn" the key
Eh, here in the Netherlands nobody uses credit cards.
I just pay with paypal, which gets the amount straight off my bank account after a few days delay.
This is ironic weeb bundle though.
Real talk. Is paying $5 more for Sakura Dungeon worth it? Or should I just go for avg tier?
>more people posting keys than ever before (because they already have the games)
Sup Forums is degenerate
got Sakura Angels and Huni Cam studio, thanks user
I tried redeeming it too but apparently I already had it, so I think it's fine
Some people in murrica call debit cards credit cards
>the original youtuber clickbait game, run around the map and do stupid shi
your underage is showing
This might be the worst bundle ever.
You can just look up the lewd stuff on google images
Give away coming soon. Doing shit, gonna buy the bundle, I'll have keys to give away.
He's not wrong that the whole game is basically reddit memes and is played for XD so fanny youtube clickbait.
Hentai games literally come without needing to be installed and translated, why pay for this low tier trash?
I only use credit card for big companies. Humble is pretty safe I feel.
Thanks OP
i heard it was a good dungeon crawler
Is it worth 10 dollars? Is it /VN only or does it have actual dungeon crawling?
Because I want to support the artists who made the illustrations?
Just play actual dungeon crawlers you mongoloids
I don't like VNs. Hunie Pop however was a very enjoyable game.
I feel the same way
aye but i need to fap, and also play a dungeon crawler at the same time
Whatever happened to huniedev
Why do people use the term "paedo" instead of "pedo"?
Play Lightning Warrior Raidy then
making a new Hunie game, with the animu-style art from the first one
Do the other bundle instead, this one is dicks.
Had some health issues, got better, is working on an adventure/puzzle game with a friend, HP2 is set to be out next year. Also pissed off some SJW with a comment he made recently due to the shit going down at google.
Just donate or commission the actual artist then don't bother buying shovelware
Let us continue our game here. Winner of Sakura Beach was the guy who posted Hime.
Sakura Beach 2 goes to the first person who posts a mail address and a picture of certain aircraft carrier with a displacement of 26,087 t.
>HP2 is set to be out next year
Also does this mean the revival of /hpg/?
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
I always tend to do lewd/anime/etc type games in giveaways, also the other bundle is just as garbage. Human Fall Flat? Truck Sim? No thanks.
Dev's twitter/personal site.