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Drink my diarrhea.

You're about to disappear.

>hearing "This is - running on empty - FOOD REVIEW" in G-Man's voice

Well ain't that a kick in the teeth?

>Tucking your tie in to your pants

>e-celeb cancer

TheKinoOfTheWeek is not cancer but his threads should really be on Sup Forums or /fa/

I can't believe I didn't see it all along. Reviewbrah really is as cold and inhuman as the G-Man.


>not calling diarrhea squirty poo

>his threads should really be on Sup Forums or /fa/
ive been banned for posting him on those boards

He isn't wearing a belt either.

>mfw the plebian underclass want to dress like me but refuse to spend decent money or tailor their suits

>You will never be featured in CNN Money
Why live.

*blocks your path*

What is the appeal of reviewbrah?

>You will never be in a loving relationship with a milf like reviewbrah

a window into autism

she looks like darla crane

Very cozy videos, especially the VORW. His stuff is great to have playing in the background especially at work. It isn't some screaming madman and it is easy on the eyes and ears. Plus, he's very straight forward and pretty genuine too. I think a huge percentage of the people who watch him don't even eat fast food.

>every older woman with red hair is Darla

Nigga you better watch your god damn mouth.


I really dislike sharkskin. It makes even expensive suits look like polyester.

ASMR and finding what new fast food shite is worth my freedom bucks

autists like seeing a fellow autist beta loser who has no friends irl achieve some sort of fame

How is he not fat from eating such unhealthy fooda almoat daily for videos?

He exercises, drinks nothing but water, plus you never actually see him finishing whatever he's reviewing, he probably always leaves half of the item.

Calories out > Calories in.

He's probably more active than he lets on or just doesn't eat that much.

how does he have nice skin if he eats unhealthy, greasy fast food all the time?

Reviewbrah threads only belong on /fit/

Why does he keep wearing his dad's suit

He has such a punchable face. Also
>Not wearing a belt
>Having a tie that goes before your belt buckle
>Tucking your tie in.
Why is it always the most spineless faggots who go around wearing suits everywhere like it's the 50s?

He probably only eats every time he has to make a video.

Will he ever review the gentlemans box? It's like a lootcrate but for the well dressed higher-class man.

Fuck off retard

*Walks towards you*
What do you do?


Isn't this guy literally on the run?

I just have to keep moving

Spill my spaghetti.

>people unironically prefer reviewbrah over based joey

i love chorizo