Which games do the boss rush concept well...

Which games do the boss rush concept well? I've been looking for some 2D boss-heavy games on Steam but nothing's showing up on the tags. They don't have to be 100% boss rush, Mega Man and Gunstar Heroes are fine since the levels are mainly there to prepare you for the bosses, but it seems like Cuphead is the only one attempting this from the past year or two.

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Rocket Knight Adventures has 2-3 Bosses per level. Probably because it was a lot of the Contra Hard Corps team

Megaman X games.

Some brawlers/belt-scrollers are good about boss rushes, particularly during elevator scenes.

If you can get it on sale, I highly recommend Titan Souls. The controls are tight, all of the bosses are really creative, and it's a lot of fun. There's not quite enough content to justify $15, but I'd say it's worth it at $10 or cheaper. If you're interested, I did a review on it:


I've never heard this term before but I just looked it up and I think it fits fairly well. I'm still gonna use beat-em-up though; I think that's far more common.

It's the japanese term for beat-em-ups.
I always called them brawlers because beat-em-up was just a mouthful desu, but either works really.

Bleed 2 is excellent

>not calling them Punchy-Kicky-Good-Fun-Time-Crawlers
Shaking my head, desu.

bong please

Seven Force best boss.

Man, as usual, moonland is on top of their shit. Brawlers is definitely better but I think beat-em-ups is such a common term and it's what I've grown up on, similar to shoot-em-ups. At least that can be shortened to ShMUps. Can't really say BeMUps. Fuck it though, whatever.

>it's another Cuphead shill thread

Malicious is pretty cool and you only fight bosses. You unlock a new ability for each boss you defeat, then the remaining bosses increase in difficulty. It has a release on ps3, ps4, and vita, i think

The only good answer is Street Fighter 2010, but Contra Hard Corps being close second


Alien Soldier is probably right up your alley. Also on the Genesis, also made by Treasure. Minor platforming bits punctuated by nothing but bosses. It's fucking great.

I beat Alien Soldier a few years ago. It's a wild ride, hugely underrated.



Way ahead of its time. Treasure really knew how to make masterpieces.
I remember it also featured this boss.

It's one of the best games ever made IMO. It's difficult to approach though since it has quite a few mechanics you need to understand deeply. The gravity, teleporting, parry orb thing and weapon types are integral to even basic play but will take time to get used to; without them you won't beat the first boss. Gunstar Heroes is much more casual-friendly in comparison.
