

Uma delĂ­cia

Expecting stupid fucking redditors to be able to blankpost is a bit too much.

Laura is used good and not even a good character model.

The better brazillian waifu is right here.

WTF I like niggers now!

>Laura's tits
>Too big




I would let him fuck my wife.



fuck of Sup Forums
niggas like fighters

>tweeted by @dailytelegraph
>nigger replying to @Sargon_of_Akkad
do you know how twitter works?

>look at me I'm like a fucking child who doesn't know shit about what he's writing
>just baiting for mad clicks lmao

Stop visiting these sites.
I never even started, the death of print magazines was a fucking msitake.

>Pretty looking confident girls that fight with dudes and are treated like actual challenges by their male counter parts.
>Opposed to generic bland girl with bow who glares at people and talks in a deep voice because she's a "Badass'.

I mean, since all these bitches are just looking for self insert material, why can't they self insert as a attractive person?

Zarina isn't Brazillian, but yeah she is way better than Laura

How come people still read newspapers? How are they still alive?
I'm talking both online and paper

I'm thinking bots that generate fake views. It's over as soon as companiea advertising find out

Sargon retweeted it presumably, so it included him in the reply since the poster is replying to his specific retweet

this but unironically


I mean, sexy female characters with big breasts have been for years,

Old people exists.


Because they lack imagination.


That black man could probably beat you up ingame AND irl lmao

Why would you not read them online? News hasn't magically stopped happening and social media is hardly a reasonable replacement

Man Laura is smoking hot yet no one likes that bitch, fucking cheap ass 50/50 character. Hot characters gotta have honesty and great footsies like Menat.

>generic bland girl with a bow

What is this, 2014? It's all about sassy black afro women now

>Daily Telegraph
Shit tier paper, desu.
It's either The Sun or nothing.

Tifa did Monogatari mouth before Monogatari was a thing?

they have been for decades why are they framing this as a recent trend
if anything the trend is reversing due to social justice culture

This. I dropped her after hitting ultra gold and realizing I was no better then scrubby brazilians/ruskies abusing gimmicks online. All I learned was setplay/oki.

Now I play an honest Chun, and working my way up the ladder with honest footsies and integrity.

This is the top post on r/streetfighter, right now.

She's a Brazilaboo, not brazillian. Zarina's actually peruvian, I think.

>being able to fight 1v1

Most simply can't. They tend to gang up on people in fights for a reason.

>would rather demon someone than get top 8


You need to go back

>that image
then what the fuck counts as honest?

>Sargon of Akkad
Fuck off No one wants this bullshit here.

SFV is not an honest game at all that's the point.

Chun, Ryu, Ken, Guile, Cammy, Dhalsim are actually pretty honest characters. Everyone else is a gimmicky piece of shit.

Yet everyone complains about brain dead shotos because they can't deal with fucking DP's.

Chun Li is the only honest character because she's a cop

She's Colombian.

>Politically incorrect blacks tell you the truth

Never ceases to amuse me

>men are starting to dislike big breasts because of sjw culture

what do you mean?

Most are politically incorrect and anti LGBT. I don't know what you expect. It's white people who tend to lean more on the side of PC/pro LGBT

They don't. Newspapers are a dying breed, and digital makes it so that even less journos are needed and clickbaits become mandatory. Only middle aged and old people read newspapers, and even then most newspapers start opting out of paper versions since the costs are too high to keep up with the low demand. I could ramble about this more but I'd get too autistic.

Seriously, if any underagefags who want to become a journalist is reading this, don't fucking do it. It's economic suicide.

Well that would mean they would have to be able to have the ability to self insert,user. we talked about this.



fukkin rekt

You can stop with this fallacy. Wanting a video game board to discuss VIDEO GAMES does NOT mean that I want a "safe space." I want ON TOPIC discussion.
I'm tired of you Sup Forumsfucks ruining any discussion you go into by projecting your own insecurities onto everyone else. Go back to your containment board.

they're honest now that only EX DPs are 1 frame.

Why do you assume somebody is telling the truth just because they agree with you?

>nasty slut
>with awful hairstyle
>smelly brazilian

she's garbage like any retard who likes or plays her

You're the one who derailed the fucking thread bringing up Sup Forums
The image's comedy value has nothing to do with him replying to sargon


sorry leftypol, this isn't your anti white safespace.


>Implying he needs your permission


>replying to Sargon of Akkad and not the original Daily Telegraph tweet

fucking stupid screenshot

Why do so many PoC not seem to care about progress? They're the ones that will benefit the most from it....

He's right though. pol is ironically full of beta cucks who get off to physically superior black males fucking their women.

God bless that negro for using his black shield to tell the truth.

most of them are christfags, but that's a different matter
for examples like OP, he's just a nerd like anyone else

>Le Sup Forums boogeyman
fuck off to reddit

Women don't have real imaginations, so when they see anything prettier than them, even a 2/3D model they're playing as, their first instinct is to gossip in order to elevate themselves over them.

Why do you leftists worship niggers on Sup Forums?

Why do you hate your own race?

>making a thread about avoidable twitter drama

Alright lads, threads over, everyone go back to front page.

>you will never be Anthony Burch or this guy

zero aspirations and an affinity for despair.

>subhuman leftists derail the thread
>its somehow Sup Forumss fault
kill yourself, you anti white cuck

The entire media apparatus is literally propped up by NGO and government funding now.

If the free market were at work, the media wouldn't exist as it does today.

It only exists as it does today because it's the best way to control the population.

>daily telegraph

>anti-fa burns garbage and blocks traffic because everyone right of beyonce is literally hitler
>Sup Forumsposters cross-contaminate because everyone left of who-the-fuck-even-knows-anymore is a cuck

i'm seein' regular anti-hitler posts now that natsoc's can't accept that he was genuinely a good who liked animals and children and had jewish relations.
it's not about being conservatives, it's about wanting dad's approval.

here in colombia girls arent niggers

super babe got bigger tits with a skin change?

the left wants to destroy the white race

Its supposed to be power girl who is 'older' i dont know why they look the same

Why can't niggers even contain themselves from chimping out on twitter?

Thats not even replying to the account at the top

Because they're the same person from different dimensions.

they are the same person thats why they look the same

"Honesty" is a meme perpetrated by retards that think they can block but can't


I very much hate people like you


>next to no porn

Its not fair

>zero aspirations and an affinity for despair.
Am I a woman too?


Fucking normies

Hitomi posting should be bannable

Asians do the same shit, in fact who wouldn't do that shit?

Hating Hitomi should be bannable

Wait a minute something is wrong her, why is the image set up like this where it looks like Master Miller is responding to The daily telegraph when he is actually responding to Sargon of Akkad? Something is fishy here

>Liking Hitomi "Hogface" Tanaka
>When Shion Utsunomiya exists

I like both

Based black man is a Sup Forums meme, yes

>You're only allowed to post Sup Forumsv memes
>implying people dont cross post so a lot of people will understand Sup Forums memes

I wish she had a better face...