Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

Awesome and addicting. Before I know it hours hours have passed while I'm playing.

Pretty grindy to be honest. The long loading times don't help things

How the fuck do I spin a ball?
The game is terrible at teaching its mechanics.

Also is getting the ball into a hole supposed to be this hard with the the bumps and inclines or am I doing something wrong?

Down at impact= backspin
Up at impact = topspin
Left/Right at impact = sidespin

Tap Up at Power, Down at Impact = Super Backspin
Tap Down at Power, Up at Impact = Super Topspin
Tap Left/Right at Power, the opposite L/R at Impact = Super Sidespin

Robbaz is streaming it right now and he is having way too much fun.

Backspin or topspin?
Which one is better for distance?
Also, how do I know that it worked and do I have to get a perfect shot in order for a spin to work?

You want topspin for distance and high wind conditions.

It's kind of pathetic that this and wipeout ports are the closest thing the PS4 has to a mutliplayer killer app

>It's kind of pathetic that this and wipeout ports are the closest thing the PS4 has to a mutliplayer killer app

mario golf ripoff with forgetable characters

>mario golf ripoff
Actually Mario Golf ripped this game first

I liked it better when it was called pangya

You're an idiot

i'm going to rip off your face faggot

bring it nigger

Cindy is cute, CUTE!

Literally who?

Hotshot Golf came out first.
And both games were made by the same studio.

Needs more Jensen

Mario Open Golf came out 1991

But she's uh you know.. dark.

But that game is not even similar to those two

Even Sup Forums likes cute black/brown girls.

Bretty good, but I hate how random the control stat feels at time.

One club with zero control hitting dead center, then later a leveled one with 13 control + fully maxed pin hole clubs hits the ball with max left/right deviation for no particular reason other than to fuck up your shot and send it into the sand. Also, it's kind of bullshit that the only way to level control/backspin for your woods are through cheesing par 3/short par 4 courses.

So I heard this being compared to Pangya. Is the putting something easy to figure out like in Pangya? I could easily make 30y putts on Deep Inferno.

Do you have stats on gear/equipment like the PC version of Pangya? Any unique abilities, like decreasing the effect of wind?

Any unique maps, or are they all just your typical real life style maps?

Finally, what are the multiplayer options in the game? I'm mainly interested in playing with my friend between couch play and online play.

C'mon nigga, I'm all about helping explain mechanics, but think about it. You hit the ball more towards the top which makes it spin faster into the direction it's travelling which adds to the forward momentum when it hits the ground. You hit it more towards the bottom and it causes it to roll in the opposite direction than it's travelling so it takes away from the forward momentum when it hits the ground.

We're not talking complicated stuff here.

>he never played pangya
In pangya, backspin gave the ball more air time meaning it flew a bit further before hitting the ground. Due to friction, things tend to slow down quite a bit when they start rolling on the ground versus flying through the air. Backspin almost always resulted in further distances in pangya.

user asked a legitimate question.

Also if you want to make sure you applied the spin right just look at the ball in the bottom right of the screen after you hit it. There's an indicator that shows where you hit the ball. If it's high and red you added topspin, low and blue you added backspin. It's be to the sides if you're trying to curve your shot around obstacles, but the trajectory of the ball very obviously curves when you do that so it's easy to tell.

My favorite deus ex spinoff

How do I unlock fishing?

Backspin on wedges chips it higher meaning it gets more air time and are more effected by wind too.

You seem to get overworld abilities like that from secret VS. characters. After 50 birdie shots I played against an NPC who game me a faster swimming so I assume there's someone you can challenge who gives you fishing.

>that sweedish caddy chick

You unlock fishing from the second rank four opponent.

Is this game cozy?

>no vita pangya
I just can't get into a golf game if it doesn't have cute anime girls.

Cute girls and some nice courses. I'd love to see the series come back.

How comparable is this to Mario Golf?

You're cozy.

Is this the game where Adam Jensen slowly takes over the boxart

The pangya company is dead user. The new phone game was supposed to come out 4 years ago but they had no money to continue developing it.

Everybody's Golf comes with five courses, and two can be bought for $10 bucks

Meanwhile, Mario Gold World Tour comes with 10 courses, and six can be bought for $15, along with a few characters

Keep in mind that Mario Golf's DLC was released as a season pass, while Everybody's Gold DLC is day one

that's the PS3 one

>World Tour
Isnt that the handheld one?

Yeah. Honestly, if you're looking for a game with some meat, World Tour is probably the better option

I dont have a 3DS, I was moreso wondering how similar the games are because the last golf game I played was the Mario one on GameCube

They're made by the same people, so they're pretty similar, although I can't really say how this game compares to Mario Golf on the Gamecube

After unlocking 5 caddies, Yuka is still best caddy

>everybody's golf
>only soniponies can play it

>everybody's golf
>everybody is golf
>all the characters are humans, not sports

I hate that for skill shots you have to hit the pin and get a perfect impact.

Which one is it? The third one?

Technically all modern golf games ripped off golf on the nes with the swing meter