ITT games that desperately deserve an HD rerelease
ITT games that desperately deserve an HD rerelease
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Demon's Souls
saints row 1 and 2, dont care about the graphics but the first one is xbox only and the 2nd is the worst port ever
just bring everything over to the sr3 engine and thats it
that's not
kirby's air ride
every star wars game with a Nintendo exclusivity
Killer 7
Really all you'd need to do is redo the HUD elements. The game would scale beautifully to HD since its simple looking
You know they'd fuck it up somehow.
But if they didn't, it would be a serious game of the decade contender.
M-maybe rewind will come out sometime soon
I'd love that. Sadly futuristic racing is dead and Disney is trying to bury the old episodes so they're not going to remake the old games.
this really needs a PC port
fuck, i would love this
make it on the level of the perfect dark XBLA
and also someone finish the goldeneye XBLA
Are you the same dude who posted about this on /vr/?
You really love this series, don't you? Maybe I should give it a try.
That shit sucked dick.
i fucking loved fucking around in TIM 3
How can you desperately deserve something, that doesn't really work
Patrician choice
Everything relating to the prequels should just be buried and forever forgotten.
bomberman 64
ohhh shit, he gone done posted the incredible machine. Prepare for bump limit bitches!
This game was only half finished and still amazing. I can't even imagine what this game would be like if it was truly complete.
Infinite Space
half life 1
How can a person have such shit taste
I've been meaning to play this since forever. Is it fun?
Needs an online mode
There was a PC release of that game and its resolution went up to at least 1024 x 768.
but it did, user
at least the good levels did :^)
its fun till the end when you are forced to go back through each area as differecnt characters and collect stuff
>half finished
It felt pretty much finished to me, 25 levels are enough for a bossrush game.
Also, didn't Treasure announced that they've been working on some pc exclusive game?
To actually reach/beat the final boss, or just to satisfy the autism?
to be able to fight the final boss
Treasure themsevles said it was half finished due to time constraints. The game was originally going to have 50 bosses.
you didn't find it odd that seven force only had five forms this time?
Hell, i'd buy the shit out of it if they actually made it playable on modern settings and gave it working multiplayer.
too bad AG racers are niche af. even with the star wars brand the online will be dead in weeks.
Don't forget Future Perfect.
Fuck yes. Love this game.
online for these games dies instantly anyway.
is this from the console version? i don't remember the hud looking like that in that perspective.
my nigga
still play it to this day
shitty noob remasters need not apply
Socom 2
Twisted Metal and Vigilante 8 were fun but the best car combat game was Interstate 76.
For the love of god These games need to go on PC.