Who else fucked the elf in the elf trailer park?

Who else fucked the elf in the elf trailer park?

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If I wanted to stick it in a rancid wilderness vagoo I'd sleep with Morrigan, at least I know she's clean.

The best part about it after was that the elf bitch had slut regret and cried "I can't believe you made me do THAT!" then the cuck elf who asked for your help to get laid runs off crying too. Heartiest laugh I had in a while.
Regardless, I love how they try to punish you with your choice by having the female suddenly have slut regret.

It's not punishment as much as dumb teenagers being dumb teenagers and you being an asshole.

>Elf Trailer Park


Yeah, my city elf couldn't resist.

Kill yourself LSW.

Jesus christ kid, forcing a meme you saw someone else try to force two hours ago is about as low as you can get.

But Morrigan herself says she lad lots of sex in animal form

That's a good way to get practice while still keeping human virginity

it's things like this that made that game so amazing

Elves are for genocide, not sex.

>Not saving yourself for the threesome with Liliana and Morrigan

Fine then, I'd rather sleep with the fugly elf girl. At least she'll give me elf chlamydia instead of badger chlamydia.

There's not enough elves to genocide anyone, though.

>>Not saving yourself for the threesome with Liliana and Morrigan
Most people don't even realize it's doable, but requires absolutely fucking PERFECT dialogue choices, you can't make a single mistake.

Daily reminder that being banished to /vg/ is based on posting frequency and not consistency of threads. You can have a thread up on Sup Forums 24/7 and not be eligible or required to move to /vg/, but if those threads are reaching post cap in an hour you DO need to move to /vg/. And even then, you are allowed to start threads as long as the OP contains a specific topic (even if the thread becomes talking about the entire game).

A PSA on preventing your favorite game from being exiled and thrown to the wolves. Sincerely, a Gigantic player who no longer has a place to talk about his game.

You keep making mistakes

Can't believe you were allowed to cuck that elf. And straight up say " Yeah I bed ur girl you beta bitch"

Left or right?

Cry me a fucking river

Says the person moaning about /vg/ cancer

I want to replay Origins again but after hearing how garbage 2 and 3 was I'm just stuck watching the good bits off Youtube

Leliana's lips look fucking weird in Origins. Like she's got some kind of nutritional deficiency or some weird tropical disease.

I am not him, but he is fucking dumb as well.


2 is worth one (1) playthrough purely for sarcastic Hawke. Just pick the middle (sarcastic) dialogue option EVERY time and be a huge asshole.

>you are allowed to start threads as long as the OP contains a specific topic (even if the thread becomes talking about the entire game).
Tell that to the fucking jannies, totally not a moderator-sama.


Being an asshole in this game was way too satisfying. I like how you can get kill/rid of almost all your party members.

Good, the best sex scenes must be earned through silver-tongued charisma

You can do both if you're good with dialogue choices

>play 1 for 15 hours
>suddenly want to restart with another class
>drop the game after the Origin
Every time

Morrigan aged better.

I had a sex mod and watched my dog fuck a deer in the forest.
That was a good laugh because the mod is meant to be sex between two people, but you can still use NPCs and four legged animals.
Good times.
Now THAT was gaming.

Dude I fucking wish I was a mod I'd clean this place the fuck out.

But as its stands all I can do is give Sup Forumsirgins PSAs on how to combat cancer like discussion of any kind being forced to /vg/ where it will die a horrible death.

At least I'm not making THAT mistake.

I hope people don't actually believe this lie, you can have a foursome with Lelliana,Zevran and Isabella though.

Sounds like bullshit, gonna need proofs


Anyone remember the prophet's ashes? Did anyone else defile them?

user, I never said you can have literal threesome. I said you can romance BOTH without either breaking up. It's doable with perfect dialogue choices.

I always go super apathetic neutral in these types of games so I didn't defile them because that takes more effort than just leaving them.

No way

Morrigan arguably has the better character arc, but I was still reluctant to take her anywhere because she constantly gave me shit whenever I didn't take the dickhead option.


I find that 90% of all fun in porn mods comes form things going wrong. Like wild animals descending on towns in FNV to rape residents because a script broke somewhere.

Maybe but you'll still end up with only one in the ending so what's the point?

Sounds boring

Must have mods for Origins?


Morrigan & Leliana

>Dragon Age has really awesome consequences for your actions like leaving redcliffe, siding with branka, taking the ashes, etc where the choice drastically effects the game
>All of these choices are made as unappealing as they possibly can be in comparison to a different choice

You end up with BOTH in the ending.
Read the fucking link

I'm a cute elf girl and I'm romancing Alistar but I also want him to be king, but I know I won't be able to marry him and I'll have to end up as his mistress or something, but my girl has too much self respect for that, can I then romance Lelliana instead when that time comes?

Sex mod and making the women look like their trailer version.

I was tempted once, but the only thing you really get out of it is a shitty warrior spec and two less boss fights, which is the opposite of what I wanted from the game.

Dragon Age rules fixpack

The best way to handle Morrigan is to be the alpha and don't give a shit about her protests. Just pick what you want and when she throws a fit you give her mirrors and shit and then fuck her swamp cunt back at base.

No. Dragon Age demands monogamy. You have to pick one.

Enjoy deer herpes.

>wanted to play as a human noble that marry Alistair, keep Liliana for mistress and let him die against the Archdemon
>turns out it's not possible

This is more abusing the gifts rather than having them accept a polygamous relationship

>No. Dragon Age demands monogamy. You have to pick one.
Wrong. Origins does NOT require monogamy, see DA2 and Inquisition also allow you to romance one but have flings with another, sadly you can't actually fully romance more than 1 in DA2 or DAI, only in DA:O.

Flash's Creature Rescale
Combat Tweaks
ZDF Dialog Fix

I'm not sure, you'd have to maybe ignore Leiliana in camp and wait after the Landsmeet but I don't know if it's possible

Not like it matters when the epilogue has Morrigan fuck off back to her swamp with your demon child

Awakening ruined this franchise

It was an unpolished mess and started the downward spiral that would end up with the shitshow that is 2

Inquisition was the Mass Effect Andromeda of this franchise

>he never played the Witch Hunt DLC

Inquisition actually managed get DLC though

I love Origins, but the fact that you can completely buy a character's love after doing something that causes them to despise you is pretty hilarious to me.

I got it free on Xbone but there's too much DLC to buy.
I swear Xbox gives games that has a shitload of DLC and then NOT putting any of it on sale.
There's like 6/7 campaign DLCs.

Leliana is the Lightning of Dragon Age

Wait is this part of the elf origin? I never encountered this.

I did fuck two dwarf women and disowned the child when they got pregnant though.

>Gaydar, Asian banguy and Hamburger Helper touched this series to the point you never want any part of it ever again

>that dlc that let's you cheat everyone to max approval

I bought the goty edition for £8 on PSN,100+ hours playtime to regrets

"no regrets"


No. There's a wussy elf boy in the Dalish camp when you go there with the treaty. His girlfriend won't put out because he isn't technically an adult in Dalish culture and you can go fuck her.

it's just a part of the elf/wolf quest where you see the teens that love each other in the camp

I'm playing DAO right now. Loads of fun.

i always killed him

I used a mod to let me keep both him and Sebastian because I can't stand losing party members in any game

>3 games and still no qt dorf to fuck

The good thing about DAO is that it's 100% self-contained and you don't need to play the later games and still feel like you didn't miss anything.
DA2 at least has sarcastic Hawke as its one only saving grace, but Inquisition has fucking nothing and is a literal single player MMO to boot.

At least Leliana doesn't need tons of make-up to look decent

The Rivalry/friendship system was great too

I had to mod her to look like her trailer version.
She was bangable after the mod and pursued her.

It's literally just a renamed approval/disapproval system from the first game, you're deluded.

I looked it up
>Due to a bug in Gheyna's conversation, you receive +7 approval from Wynne if you bed her.

You're right, she'd need a completely new face.

Except you get something for disapproval

Link mod

>Tfw I love inquisition and It's basically the perfect rpg for me

Nothing that you get is more beneficial than picking the "friend" options.

Kill yourself

You can miss out on a lot of key interactions if you just shower them with gifts, I think thats one thing a lot of people forget to mention

So the perfect RPG for you is a single player MMO?

I didn't care for it, it's fine with people like Varric or Aveline where I'm going to agree with them 90% of the time but there's a finite number of points you can get. So with people like Fenris and Merrill where I only agree with half of their beliefs I'm too worried it'll balance out too much and I won't be able to get them all the way to one end. I always just use the console to set them all to max so I can just use whoever I want without having to worry about it.

Better than nothing

Some people genuinely dont care about game quality and just want to bang out 200 hours in a game

Ill never understand it but more power to you I suppose

That's not what she said, that was what you wanted to hear.