What do you guys think of the new guns, maps, vehicles and music?
>inb4 thread turns into a big political argument like the last one was.
What do you guys think of the new guns, maps, vehicles and music?
>inb4 thread turns into a big political argument like the last one was.
>come here, stalker
I want to fuck that guy and get fucked by him.
He is fit as FUCK!
Some of the requirements to unlock the new weapons are retarded. Shoot down 2 planes with a LMG? 15 kills with tripwire mines? What the fuck.
I want to cover this guy in chocolate sauce and lick his whole body everywhere
I wish I could give an opinion on it but all the EU servers are unplayably laggy on pc. only gun i've unlocked is the 1900 factory and it seems worthless
>"welcome to my secret playground, shall we play a game of wrestle and cuddles?"
yeah that LMG requirement is fucking stupid. kill 2 planes and get a bunch of mortar kills
just get an mg15 suppressive and keep shooting them until you get lucky i guess
Dice will eventually change that if there is enough complaints sent in about it.
Which we should do that right now.
why are you shilling the game so hard?
it's pretty clear no one is interested in discussing it, lol
Then at least discuss about how hot the guy in the oicture is like the rest of us normal people on here are doing.
Is this a Battlefield 4 case where they finally fixed the game once DLC starts coming out? I'm only seeing good things about it now
To anyone who's played, how is Tsaritsyn, Volga river and Galicia? The former looks like a clusterfuck and the others look flat with no interesting features.
BF1 was decent at launch. Sup Forums just hates the fact that one German unit is black.
It wouldn't even be an issue if they'd just add customization.
The most authentic WW1 map and its a clusterfuck of snipers, arty trucks, and planes.
>jesus christ here we go again with the opening flood gates of political argument in this thread again
He's a big guy.
>that gyno
Poor guy
According to my game there are no servers so I cannot play.
27k players world wide.
This game has a laughably small amount of content for its price tag and I feel stupid for buying it. Most of the guns are just the same with different attachments. BF4 is superior in almost every way apart from a few quality of life changes (bipods automatically deploy) and the idea behind cavalry, bayonet charges and gas.
thank you for buying
>doing work with a gas mask on
you're asking to suffocate at that point
Unless, of course, he's into that breathplay shit.
Pretty hot desu.
Jacked lad, I just got back from the temple of gains myself but no where near his size
How do his feet smell like?
I loved it when I hear "Libera Me" play, but they ruined it when the did the TSNP expansion by putting shitty background music in it. Go listen to how it used to be on youtube, and then go play the game until you hear it in the menus. Completely ruined it for me :(
Why does he wear the mask?
I want to live in those pants
Can we send in messages to dice informing them about the balancing issues on the new operation maps?
The attackers on both operations in the new dlc the name of the tsar are almost always losing while the defenders seems to always have the upper advantage.
Can we get them to fix this considering this is starting to be a big issue?
>swole masked men
wew lad
What gyno
>swole masked man with soft personality
>he doesnt use lmgs to shoot down planes
its the best way to deal with them, you should be doing it already
>your now picturing the masculine fit strong man wearing nothing bot his combat boots and his fit pants and the GP5 gas mask welding two large LMG shooting down incoming enemy airplanes
>he shoots them all down and looks directly at you while his pants gets bigger with a visible large bulge in his pants
>he beckons you to come close to him so he can passionately hold you close to his strong body
>"come here comrade"
>you feel very aroused and submissive towards him
Why is everyone so gay in this thread?
gay love is best love
>no nipples
Into the
Wow Sup Forums you're really on a mission to not talk about video games today.
hmmm, are you gay?
>TFW I'm built like him
>reading all these posts
Post pics
you can't make a post like that without whoring yourself out, now.
yeah, me too haha
Pics with time stamp on penis.
Post series of pictures and with each picture one piece of clothing disappears, also some that focus on feet
Sorry. I'm straight, I only like cute girls
Are you built with the mask too?
fuck niggers lol
The unlock challenges were and always will be shit the people generally dont do to bring awareness to it. I bet majority of player didnt even know LMG fire was effective against planes.
He's right though. Hence why these threads always get derailed
So, lying for fake internet attention, basically.
based muscular user
btfo the homos
Eh, if there's no proof there's no btfoing to be had. Just loss of time for everyone involved.
He can post proof THEN say he's not interested, otherwise no weight there.
only a homo would post something like this
Is anyone else taken back by how the attackers on these new russian operations are always losing especially the volga river map on how the defenders always win?
Hes not right though and you are just as dumb as him
fuckin same, this is the hottest thing i've ever seen posted on Sup Forums tbqhwyfamalam
Who is the guy because I wanna know if there are vids of him!
I want him to breastfeed me
The music is really good. Russia music always just seems powerful when I hear it in games.
Sorry guys he's only a power top
I played since launch and don't know the issues people are having. What were your issues?
They increased LMG strength
Time to start pounding asspuss. Gays also have the best drugs.
I want to find a RP server so I can shout Russian buzzwords and call myself Sergei.
I want to play Mario Party with him!