Anyone else not getting their bonus score from bonus units in defense teams? FEH thread I guess

Anyone else not getting their bonus score from bonus units in defense teams? FEH thread I guess.

I'm not an underaged poorfag that plays shittyfuck F2P mobile gacha dogshit, so I don't know. Sorry.


I haven't been getting any scores at all.

Did you check to make sure your new defense team was set? Also, reminder that you have to engage in at least one battle after changing your defense team for it to change.

>wake up this morning
>already a comfy 6 defenses
>spend some duel crests to get a 4918 score
Another week of camping tier 20.

>Also, reminder that you have to engage in at least one battle after changing your defense team for it to change.
Didn't know this. Thanks.

How likely is another gauntlet multiplier? Is it worth doing more of those runs, or will doing so just contribute to putting Ike too far ahead?

Spend all your flags Ikebros, there's no chance of Camilla getting another multiplier.

>Not enjoying the free gambling
>not enjoying collecting and optimizing heroes, then pitting them against other teams
>not enjoying planning out multiple armies with different synergies to best clear tempest trials with

t. dumbphone-user

I see what you're trying to do there camillafag

This. I wreck every team I go against but I cant seem to get any defense wins now. Although when I do they are near perfect scores.

>still sniping for Lyn
>get cucked by a 4* and 5* Klein in the same roll
>-HP +Atk
I've been blessed with great IVs, but being able to finally get QR 3 without spending 20,000 feathers is tempting too. Or I can use him as Brave Bow+ fodder.

How many days left until we can no longer roll Bow Lyn, or when does the percetage drop?

>want to roll for ephraim
>scared I'll roll peri

>>-HP +Atk
Honestly. I'd save him. You might get another one but even if you do it most likely won't be -HP/+ATK.

>Using based Klein as simple skill fodder
Better not.
9 more days before the Brave Heroes go away, perhaps never to be seen again but they'll maybe be back in 6+ months. They're limited units like the spring/summer variants, they won't appear off banner.

It literally says ingame that the Brave Heroes will still be obtainable after the banner ends.


>Hating on China

>tfw never bought orbs
I got so lucky with bow lyn.

>already have klein
>just give death blow to lucina

Using horse memes for the first time. Even without Reinhardt/Xander and 2 units not having C skills yet, this feels like cheating.

What are the rankings for the Brave units?


What horses should I use on a team with my brave Lyn and Roy?

Lyn is definitely the best. In my opinion, Lucina is honestly second best, her 2 range buffing ability is fantastic in practice, despite sounding boring on paper, and she has solid stats on her own as well.
Ike is definitely a great unit, but nowhere near as gamebreaking as people first thought. If you normally have trouble with cavalry, he's your guy, and he's an amazing physical tank, but I'd put him at third.
Roy is a solid unit with insane player phases on horse teams, but he still has to compete with Xander, who has a good enemy phase, and doesn't especially stand out.

What? I thought Ike was the best one by far.

The focus banner disappears in 9 days. But the CYL heroes surprisingly don't appear to be limited heroes. Meaning that you'd still be able to acquire them afterwards and outside of dedicated focus banners.

Even if you were to roll for colorless without a focus though. You'd (to start off with) have the initial 3% chance of getting a five star like always. Among the colorless heroes there are 19 five stars excluding limited heroes of the past and including Bow Lyn herself.
So first you've got a chance of like 1/33 and then a chance of 1/19 to get Bow Lyn specifically. The chance of getting the five star in general rises every fifth summon though even if just by a bit.

Of course the more colorless five stars they add in the future the harder it'll be to get her specifically.


Guess I'll take Lucy then and try to roll for normal Ike in the future. I prefer him with the sword anyways.

That was only at first when we had just the trailer with the bad translation.
His B skill is way to situational and therefore not worth running unlike Lyn's, his stat spread still leaves something to be desired, and he's stuck in the hole of either running SB and covering some matchups or DC to cover the others but he can't check everything.

His gimmick is tanking two hits from a Reinhardt or Linde and then aethering them next turn. But that's stupid when you could just run Julia or Fae who can tank AND counterkill the same turn.

Probably Rein and Cecilia if you just care about powerhouses.

Personally, in addition to Lyn and Roy, I'm using Olwen to be a hipster and not use Rein. I had feathers to spare to give her a -Blade tome. Not sure on my 4th yet, but leaning towards Cecilia or Clarine.

yuuuuuup, pulling on that banner is just asking for trouble.

One guy in tier 20 is using solo Ike+10 and hit the max score he could get.

Wouldn't you be paired against fairly weak teams if only using 1 unit? Not sure how using less than 4 works.

I mean, he's not awful, but he's definitely the worst of the CYL heroes. Lyn is a monster with tons of options, Roy is a nuke powerhouse, and Lucina is a great buffer with a really good stat spread.
Comparatively Ike gets to choose between a gimmicky bait then aether set or being worse Hector.

>Rolling 11 or, since you can get one for free, at least 10 Ikes
Just how much do you even have to spend, on average, for this?

more arena tiers when

Using the roll simulator just a few times, I had scenarios ranging from $600 to $1300

How do you even high scores?
I use my typical teams and score a little over 4700 every time on deathless streaks.
But then I figure that's not enough. So I swap out my entire team for heroes with higher BSTs than the ones I have. And I get a score that's practically exactly the same on a deathless streak.

What gives? It really leaves me clueless. I've read that their skills also matter to some extent somehow. But even with skills in all slots it's the same.

I feel that on offense he's absolutely terrible. But defensive Ike has been amazing so far. I'm not sure how viable tgis is to say, but a natural skilled Ike has killed several people for me by just standing there and taking a hit. Once he took hits from Ryoma and a Lucina and still won. He's definitely got potential

Is it possible to use ardent sacrifice on a friendly with full health?

Is anyone merged? That increases your score even more

Are we ever going to put the sacred coins to use?

Is that a requirement?

The fuck do i do with my camilla? I can't come up with a good use for her.

I got Lyn for free without using Orbs.
Should I roll for Lucina or should I keep my boy Ephraim

Trash shitter user from yesterday ( ) here. While I doubt that is going to be here, I'm going to be filling out a list of basically every IV from my 4* units, and I might ask after once I get it done if there's any particular 4* I should consider promoting after doing Anna or Shareena.

Make a flier team with Palla and Valter and whoever else, use them in PvE only because fliers really aren't that great overall.


They said next month they'll tell us what they're for.
Not these days no, unless you want some extra help staying in Tier 20, but it does help by increasing your BST. Some units have lower BSTs than others, so that could be affecting your arena score, or maybe you don't have everyone's skill slots filled. Your score is also based partly on who you're matched up against, so as well as going deathless some people quit on the enemy select screen to reroll for opponents that give the most points possible (since your streak doesn't break if you surrender before going into a map). This can burn a lot of Dueling Crests, though.

Well hell.

>Manage to roll two Brave Lyns in about 40 orbs out of sheer luckshitter status
>One is Neutral and the other is +ATK -SPD

come on man

don't complain about neutral IVs faggot

This. Neutral is best in every situation.

Brave Axe fodder, and 0x2 bait if you try to use her normally.
-Raven+TA or -Blade+whatever, she's one of the only two Flier Mages in the game right now so she'll have her uses for the foreseeable future.

>do a deathless run
>don't run into a single horse except for one Reinhardt

He may not be exceptional player phase but he's an amazing baiter, his skills let him stand in and tank just about anything that isn't a red tome. Personally I'd rank it Lyn > Roy > Ike > Lucina because the ability for Ike to safely tank just about anything far outweighs some buffs.

I slapped him on an all infantry defense team last season with Sonya, Alf, and Lukas and that somehow managed to pull 4 defenses in 1.5 days at tier 20.

Even red tomes fail to kill him if he runs Quickened Pulse Sacred Cowl.

+ATK Camilla is great.

I could have just picked her for free if I wanted a neutral one, it's funny because since launch I haven't rolled a single neutral 5* and in the past couple weeks I've gotten two back to back.

well now you can pick someone you haven't rolled or get a +2 on Lyn. either way shut the fuck up some of us have gotten nothing.

>I could have just picked her for free if I wanted a neutral one
You've gotten two brave characters with Neutral IVs and you're complaining. No.

>tfw don't have WoM, dancers, or cavalry on defense
>still average 9 defenses a week at tier 20

Lucina's AoE 3/6 offensive Spurs are actually stupidly good, and can't be Ploy'd or anything to boot. Not as useful for -Blade shit as someone like Eirika/Ephraim would be, but she's still exceptional. Plus, ISIS is trying to nerf the usage of -Blade tomes via shit like AoE debuffs and the aforementioned Ploys, so having a buffer that operates on Spurs/Drives is probably going to be really useful in the future.

>mfw 30 defenses using distant counter armors
Last week was fun.

>switch lancina with azura on the armor meme team I got 20 defenses with last week
I guess people were getting caught by WoM rather than the supercharged Amelia.

No one gets nothing, you get one for free my man. I'm angry that for once I get lucky enough to roll something good and it's the same as the free one and worse.

If you want me to complain I could easily bring up spending 160 orbs for Lucina only to get a -SPD one, or 200 on brides to get nothing more than an Ogma.

>No one gets nothing
Try that sentence again.
>you get one for free my man
Yes, that's why I told you that you got 2 of them with neutral IVs.

you don't have to be at t20 to fight a t20 defense team, you just need similar BST worth

>mfw running into a double Armor March team where everyone had Distant Counter on the double bridge map
Armor units are actually pretty damn scary now. I pulled off a win, but I'm not looking forward to doing that again.

I'm still trying to get my last DC and at least 1 more Armor March, my team already rules ass.

>5*+10ing a character now lets them unlock a personal skill a la Fates


>has two blue types, no healer

Somebody get this casual out of here. Great luck with the draws though user.

No, unless they give us a way to summon a specific character for loads more consumables.

No. I just want to have 6*s.

I'd rather have level 50.

God no.

Speaking of which, should I keep aiming for a +10 unit? I don't want to finish only to immediately have to restart with the announcement of 6*s.

If they introduced 6* units who would you promote first? What if it was 1 unit only per account, who would you pick?

6*s are completely just speculation as of now, and personally I wouldn't expect them until at LEAST the 1-year anniversary mark.

My answer is the same either way.

Zephiel. Red Hector is one of my strongest units.



My best friend of course.

Really tempted to spend money on these banners. Somebody tell me a horror story to get me thinking its a bad idea.

>Saving up 80 orbs for Brave Heroes
>Roll Brave Lyn
>No luck, try the free orbs from the events/dailies
>Still no luck, roll percentage keeps higher
>Drop $50 worth of orbs on the game

I legit feel like crying. I should've literally acknowledge the 'hell' in colorless hell, but I assume it was just memes.

I wish I could tell you how many Barsts and Arthurs and Eliwoods I've gotten.

The problem is it fucks over anyone who +10'd their units, and if its the usual +2 to all stats like most promotions, then a +10 would be much better

>Been rolling for Hector to give DC on the King
>4 4* Camillas, 4 3* Beruka, 3 3* Bartre, 2 3* Barst, 1 4* Merric
At least he's in the TT Mini Focus, I guess.

I'll take a halloween Green Armor mage Lissa with Innate Close Counter and Effective against infantry

I spent $400 farming Hectors on the gauntlet banner. I ended up with more Ikes due to sessions with no greens than Hectors, and that's not counting other red cucks. My final count was something like 3 Hectors, 6 Ikes, 2 Roys, 2 Chroms, 1 Katarina. I also got Merric and Minerva cucked on greens.

Once, I bought 23 orbs and immediately rolled all 4 Brave characters in a row.

Is your pity rate built up? That's the only reason I would.
Mine was at 4% and now I'm at 4.75 little to show for it.
You may not even get the colored orbs you're looking for.

The irony of this timing is good enough to screencap.

It could make it so that anyone who actually 5*+10'd their unit could upgrade for free, and anyone who didn't has to shell out the total feather amount. The increase in stats from 5* to 6* could be made larger as well.

>spending money
5 colorless orbs

All this and more, coupled with a 7% pity rate.

Lyn is the best one. The other three I honestly think are about equal, with Roy being the one who has the most competition in his slot (Eldigan and Xander).

Lyn is the cream of the crop. Everyone knows how busted a ranged 3-space mover is, even IS themselves with methods to combat against Calvs. Lyn is just a flat out great unit in every regard. Even in a situation where Sacae's Blessing and the Mulagir passives aren't relevant: You still have a Mounted Bowwoman with great offense. The rest is just gravy.

Lucina is Ephraim, but cares more about bulky fighters rather than Blade tomes. The two-space buff because of its range. She's also like Sharena in that she is so versatile that you can make her a dedicated support, a tank, a fighter, etc. She's just flat out good.

Roy is the most straightforward of the bunch: His job is to get in there and kill a bitch. What's different about him though is that he has easy access to Heavy Blade/Galeforce. This combination enables him to Hit (2), get hit (1), hit again (2), which procs Galeforce. Now Roy has the option to either retreat THREE spaces or go in to another unit, only this time with Desperation. His kit is the most simple, but it is also the most relevant for what it does. He is the Player Phase Red Calv, where Xander/Eldigan are the Enemy Phase Calvs. The only issue is Roy is that he faces competition on filling in the team, but its ultimately up the player.

Ike is the Anti-Meta. I like to think that his RES is secretly +10 or something (not literally) because of Urvan's passive. He is the pure definition of a damage soak, and Aether/Sturdy Breath is a great mirror to OG Ike's Aether/Heavy Blade.

tl;dr: Lyn > Lucina/Ike/Roy, with Roy being like a millimeter below the rest.