Tabata and FF15 team aiming for next generation consoles

>Tabata-san explained that for its future projects, the team is not looking at the current generation of consoles, but at the next. While the Windows Edition of Final Fantasy XV represents the current level of technological achievement for the studio, their sights are “set to the future where they can go even higher.”

His team needs to stop making games in general, if they consider FFXV to be an achievement.

Consider better writing, for one thing.

I hope this talentless hack bankrupts Squeenix.

>Trying to hide incompetence behind MUH TECHNOLOGY

Fuck this guy. As the fuck if they could handle a PS5 level game when they couldn't even push enough assets at a good enough quality for a -regular- PS4.
Fuck you

Good gameplay would help too

Yeah thats what i find funny about the whole thing. Tabata fucked up a PS4 game. He'd do worse for a PS5 game.

Eat shit square.

Great I will wait for the ps5 pro extreme

Yep. Sony is going to be forced to put out another console to cater to these hack devs who keep blaming the hardware for their failures.

Why do you think Sony will do this? They didn't do this with PS3 and PS4 did they?

I doubt this will happen. It's most likely going to be a new portable gaming console before a new home console comes out.
Possibly a new PS4 revision too.


>It's most likely going to be a new portable gaming console
You're delusional as fuck. Your whole post is delusional.

This guy really needs to shut up, his interviews have been the worst shit over the years. Being too confident, saying shit like making a game that makes other games run in fear, promising or mentioning things that will never be in the game, having surveys just to say that basicly most of it won't be in the game, saying that some characters have tons of story yet non of it will ever see the light of day etc.
You can tell that he clearly only made smaller handheld games before this one, he has no idea how to handle interviews

Who the fuck cares about this developer anymore. Every FF game since X-2 has just been one turd after another.

SE is the Valve of Japan at this point. Nobody cares anymore.


I wonder what font will they use

Nothing delusional about it. There's a higher chance of a PS4 rendition or a new handheld than there is an announcement for a PS5 right now.

>a new portable gaming console
>from sony
huh no

Keep dreaming retard

>literally trapped in that wreck of a game
Who's forcing him? I refuse to believe he's still hyping anything that isn't the Season Pass or PC graphic cards out of his own free will.
Fucking hell man just work on something else now

You say that while simultaneously believing that Sony would ruin their momentum with the PS4 by releasing an entirely new home console. Gotta live up to the sonybro delusions I guess.

Jesus mainstream gaming is so fucking shit now.

Triple A titles have 5 years of dev time, marketing budget has ballooned and normalfags are the target audience.

Only going to get worse, just like the film industry. Once the normie market's been completely figured out, that's it, there's no going back.

How do they even have a job after that fiasco? Squenix isn't exactly lenient when it comes to failure.

Can't wait for DQ11, glad they funded both Nier games, Eidos games are okay sometimes but FF is dead.

>make an engine that is so shit to use, you burn billions
>games you announced with that engine take so much time you just cancel it or make it with another engine new
>go to next gen, hope with the better power you can finally make shit with it
>engine is still so shit as fuck that everything runs like a mess
>still try to use said engine for next console generations and say it´s because of the power

No the PS5 is gonna come out in 2020 or at most 2021.

It would literally be IMPOSSIBLE for a big budget game that starts development TODAY to come out in 3 years.

The whole fucking industry is basically a mini Star Citizen. It is amazing it hasn't crashed yet.

>Vitafags this mad their shit portable flopped
>think Sony will waste money on another portable

They're just stalling. They can afford to not release FF games for years.

Why do idiots assume that just because they intend for FF16 to be on PS5, that the PS5 must be around the corner?

more like

>it will take us 15 more years to finish a game by racking up money slowly from ff7R sales so wait lol

Overexaggeration is a staple of this place.

>spend a decade making FFXV
>game has a ton of jaggies compared many other AAA games released on the ps4 or even ps3

SE still thinks they're hot shit when they've been left in the dust by many other companies this and past gen.

>Vitafag gets BTFO he backs out and starts samefagging
Every single time

remember when square put out three full length FFs per generation? good times.

I'm not the Vitafag and I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Im not even a sonyqqer and even im mad the vita died. It had much better hardware than the 3DS and a gimmick that was actually half-decent.

We could have had a generation of actually pretty portable games instead of being stuck with another 7 years of 240p blobs and jaggies.

>random shitpost vaguely related
Every single time

even back in the day FF has always been sort of mediocre in the graphics department. compare FF8-9 to chrono cross. blows it out of the water, and on a much smaller budget.

I don´t care actually. I wanted to play xv, but since I know nomura is not doing it anymore my interest got down very quickly.
Especially after I saw that the combat system is not like KH, but kinda shitty and all the "here is the beta give us some feedback how we should do the game".

Say about Nomura what you want, his biggest downside is that he can´t finish a story within a game. Gameplay-wise his games are mostly quite fun.

I only bought a PS4 a few months ago and a new one is already coming out?

>wait what but the ps4 just rele-
>november 2013

Lmao vita retard you aint fooling anyone your console is a huge failure and every sane person fucking hate it

last I checked so were tabata's. unless I'm mistaken, that psp game did pretty well.

It's hard to believe.

In 2 to 3 years.

literally do not own a single piece of sony hardware. I like my N3DS for the most part though.

The PS4 Pro?

I'd take any gameplay at all.

Still feels like this current generation hasnt "started"

The future is Super Switch unless Sony pulls an asspull that would put Dragon Ball Super's writers to shame.

>tabata shits out FFXVI and normalfags eat it up but then cease to speak of it ever again as the DLC piles up, selling 4 million while creating a giant debt pocket
>meanwhile 2 months later Taro births Drakengard 4 ft. Platinum and it's the best game in its respective series while being toned down just enough to be called a dark comedic storytelling masterpiece by normalfags, selling 800K on word of mouth alone, again cleaning up FF's mess

5 years is nothing now. hell, that's a typical development cycle for a AAA game now. look how long the last one lasted. this one should last another 5 years at least.

The hatred for the Vita seem very irrational to me. As a platform, is is very solid and deserved to succeed. Too bad the library is mediocre.

I'd argue it started for Sony and Nintendo this year but Xbox being a giant dead bloat on the industry makes it all feel inconsequential

>When we've dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much. That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?

they're complete retards

it really didn't make any sense though.

>yfw Tabata mysteriously becomes the director for KH3

MS needs to fuck off out of the industry already. no one wants them. at least out of producing consoles.

Who even cares about FF?
The series has been an endless stream of tech demos since FFIV, there is zero value in it as proper games.
Literally any other Squenix IP or RPG is better than that burning heap of trash.

>tfw TLOU remastered looks better graphically than FFXV

Well, the game flopped, so they need to make their money back before they can work on 16

It did more arm than good and should be erased from history, it's on the same level as the ouya.

As development costs rise more and more people will be priced out of making games and companies will continue to merge. Gaming will become less diverse, not more, and business practices allowed by always online (patches, DLC, microtransactions, season passes, games as a service, etc) will continue to balloon. It's going to be a fucking hellhole.

Yeah it's either that or early access meme games. Not a lot of worthwhile mid tier games around these days

so they literally just became full time graphics fags.

whats the point of having a game with amazing graphics when the gameplay is so fucking shit?

oh wow! you got realistic moving hair and lighting effects! but who fucking cares about the gameplay when you can just see pretty graphics.

fucking stupid.

>"here is the beta give us some feedback how we should do the game".
I will never in my life understand why people here say it's a bad thing. No, it doesn't mean they had no vision. Looking for feedback is not a bad thing.

did it? that's good to hear. as soon as I saw product placement I wished nothing but ill on it.

Just give me Fable 2 ported to PC and Halo 6 on PC and yeah, Xbox can die for all I care.

that's why I'm learning to make my own games.

>not buting it on the Xbox 2 eXtreme

so,they will port the pc version to ps5? i doubt the ps5 will be more powerfull than a gtx1080ti and they said FFXV cant even do 60fps 4k with the nvidia effects

>so they literally just became full time graphics fags.
the whole industry has been like this for a long time

I'll honestly be shocked if there's a PS5, considering that Sony has been absolutely bleeding money in all of their departments save for their gaming division. Frankly I'm surprised their movie production department hasn't sunk first.

they could focus on windows/pc. that's what it seems they want to do anyhow. that would leave sony and Nintendo to each do their own thing, while still having a little competition, and graphics whores can gravitate towards MS.

So they haven't learned anything and are doomed to make the same colossal mistakes they did with XV. All flash, no substance.

>I will never in my life understand why people here say it's a bad thing.
Letting people do the work for you for free because you're a fucking hack with no idea on how to do videogames is not a good thing.

What harm did it do?

But that's wrong, retard and kys if you unironically think this.

>Frankly I'm surprised their movie production department hasn't sunk first.
I hope it fucking does, honestly. Nothing good ever comes out of that.

>shocked at a new PS console
>when it's their only division making money

Why won't you guys play the real Final Fantasy 15?

You mean you didn't like Ghostbusters 2016, BAKA, and Emoji Movie?

>you're a fucking hack with no idea on how to do videogames

which is why they need the feedback.

>But that's wrong, retard
Right, in fact I saw how great FFXV turned out.

PS4 was too successful for a PS5 not to happen.
Now if the PS5 flops then we might have something.

I think Emoji Movie did well enough to last them a few more years.


not the same, m8.

Ramza and Delita in FFXIV?
whats going on?

user, it's just... a lot can happen in 5 years, you know? Shit, a lot can happen in a day.

Statistically speaking, some of the posters on this board will die before their most anticipated title is released, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Some of the people posting in this thread might even die tonight. That's kinda' scary, right?

No. You have a massive backlog and 2-3 years to look forward to.

But if you are expecting a new Final Fantasy, Horizon or Grand theft auto on the PS4 you'll be disappointed.

it trapped all those amazing exclusives on it, like....... uh......

So many things.

You should just give up on your Sony bankrupt meme. Sony is a conglomerate they can make money in a variety of ways and they are not even in the red zone anymore.
>Their movie production department haven't sunk first
They are responsible of publishing a shitload of movies too. Some of which are extremely successful and brings them income.

wish I'd die tonight

It stole time and money

No you dont

>hating a conglomerate

what's the point? they're also ignoring the fact they provide a ton of jobs.

on some level? yeah, I kind of do. even the most depressed still have a modicum of self preservation instinct. doesn't mean they're not drifting through life aimlessly and don't see the point to anything.