Just started this for the first time

just started this for the first time.
what should I be on the look out for? any important helpful tips?

no idea, but is there any reason to buy the remake over the ps1 game?

I dont care about the 3d graphics

Sell the game, desu.

It smooths out a lot of things from the original, it's not 12 years long, better translations, better balancing, etc.

not really
they made the overworld like 10x bigger but didn't fill that new space with anything so its just the most tedious shit

Don't worry so much about grinding levels, learn to grind jobs when the system opens up. As long as the game is, its structure in how you visit each island is actually pretty easy to get used to. It feels like playing a really long anime with each island being a little arc

I had to quit playing that game. I would be all ready to play some Dragon Quest and fall asleep 10 minutes later. It's boring as shit and somehow the game actually makes me drowsy. Its like my 3DS blows powdered Xanax through the mic ,into my face. Not even joking. Boring as fuck game.

this series isn't for people with low attention spans

be patient, you're gonna have to play for around 20 hours before unlocking the job system, but once you do the game gets pretty fun for experimenting with the classes

Dont try to speedrun it. It's about the length of the dragonball anime so don't pretend you can clear it in a weekend.

Oh and make sure to grind jobs on ALL party members, you will have to play the party roulette. Also don't give stat seeds to Prince guy, he goes off to another series partway through.

throw that trash and play DQ8

It being lengthy is not a meme. It's probably in the running for longest game of all time. It's pretty tedious too, since you need to do each locale

The monsters being visible on the map may seem like an improvement, but you basically just end up running away from every possible encounter. It's not how the game is supposed to be played.

It's the only DQ which bored me and that I never finish because of this very reason. It's good but it's too long.

locale twice*

The western version has an objectively worse soundtrack due to Japanese Jewry. Replace the audio if you can.

It's a series for people who have insomnia.

Why play this game? The story is generic weeb shit, battles are just attack attack, slow placed as fuck, characters are basically puppets with no personality.

Only thing dragon quest has is decent music and good art. The games are literally the same thing just different characters. They are the definition of rehash.

don't try to fix shit that isn't broken
just look at FF or pokemon
these series keep changing something that didn't need changing
DQ is true to its origins and people like it
thats why its succesful
just accept that this series isn't for you



Be prepared for a story that takes hours to pick up, and once it finally does expect it to be only slightly less boring than it was before.

pokemon changed alot
>special/physical split
>keep adding stupid gimmicks each gen
>new types
>add and remove features like day and night cycles for no reason
>recently removed gyms

Have you played 5? 7's notably worse than a fair number of entries in the series in my opinion, and 5's widely considered to be one of the high points.

~poof poof~


Don't get attached to Kiefer.
He'll break your heart user.

Was it worth it Kiefer? Was it truly worth it?

Party Chat. Hit B brings up the Party Chat where you can talk to your party members. There's A LOT of dialog and while a lot seem meaningless I found it interesting. Some gives more understanding of the characters while others are just fun jokes.

Another might be to just enjoy it and don't feel the need to rush it. The game is long with tons of story. And a lot of the stories wrap around other stories so rushing things will make most of the game have less of an impact. Personally it's one of my favorite game of all time but some feel the opposite.

>what should I be on the look out for?
Grinding and shitty translation.

>It's not 12 years long
Oh, yes it is

Don't grind jobs if you don't want to break the game with overpowered party members.

delete maribel

dq7 goes past the point of reasonable length for me and just became a drag to play

Even if you avoid all enemies on the map, in dungeons the hallways are so narrow you can barely avoid them. It balances it out.

DQ7 is the contrarian's favorite DQ. Prove me wrong.

>tfw immediately grinded out every class to unlock the advanced ones
I love the class system in this game, your skills get nuts and many of them cost 0MP.

DQV is my favorite (not counting Dragon Warrior Monsters), but I would say VII is in top 5 for sure. I never played the PS1 version, but the 3DS game is fantastic.

Is Dragon Quest III any good?


Holy shit yes. Its a game where you make your own party though, so don't expect much party chat.

>any important helpful tips?
Be sure to reproduce so your grandkids can finish the game for you after you die.

This one's a little spoilery, so look if you want or don't, whatever.

Don't make Maribel your only healer.

Cool I just bought the SNES version. Hoping it's a good entry point.

Should I be Male or Female?

Not him, but what makes 3 so good? As far as I know, it don't have the story of 5, or the characters of 4.
But I always see it spoken highly about.

I'm playing through DQVIII but I assume a lot of the advice stays the same
>Talk to fucking everyone, they're literally all walking FAQs
>Seriously these fuckers will tell you things you need to know hours later
>The game is a++ but it's slow
>Abuse anything with the word Boom in it

If I remember correctly, the best option is male character, all female party members due to stat growth and gear. You can rock out however you'd like.

It has the fantastic class system, rock solid level design and superb music. The game feels like they really nailed all the best aspects of DQII while also introducing new mechanics. Things like exploring with the boat are just a blast; the game does a great job of gradually opening up. It also serves as a nice bookend on I and II; you don't need to play those prior to this one, but if you did, you'll get some fuzzy feelings.

Boomerangs are your friend early on.

That would be 6.

Boomerangs are your friend period, at least in DQVIII. Especially for Metal Slimes. fuck metal slimes I swear to fucking god

6 is underrated as fuck
i enjoyed it more than i did 5 or 8

Honestly it would probably be II. I actually like that game but its such a fucking mess, easily the weakest entry in theseries.

but they stop being that useful when you realize
metal slimes are EXTREMELY vulnerable to sleep in this game

do not invest ur seeds into prince guy

No that's I.
>lol beat the Golem with a flute. By the way we won't tell you they're connected
>lol literally no party customization or actual decision making
>lol almost all of the enemies are reskins

Brb going to kill some metal slimes

Best thing for metal slimes are the spear and axe critical hit skills.

I is relaxing as fuck to play, honestly. The 1 on 1 combat is simple and the world isn't really that large. I've beaten it a few times now and I think it still holds up as a fun retro RPG.

The grinding is a pain in the ass, though.

I don't know, I never found it that bad. You don't need to be particularly high leveled for Dracolord and you can find treasure to help you out if you explore.