Never played, considering a buy.
Redpill me on PUBG what is it and is it worth $30
Never played, considering a buy
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Early Access game that is still pretty unoptimized and can be difficult to play for some people. If you can get past that the game can be pretty fun especially with some friends in duo's or squad. Everyone was bitching about the lootboxes but you just get stupid looking clothes its not really a big deal and gives you a little more sense of customization. The game has its issues but its still a fun game at its core. Its really up to you though if you think its worth 30$ my friend.
>Redpill me
Luck based hunger games clone.
How viable is it as a "nightly shooter" compared to say Overwatch, Splatoon, Call of Duty, etc. How is it to just sit and play for 2 or 3 hours while unwinding?
woah my guy
Red pill was a thing for almost half a decade before Sup Forums existed, idiot.
I'm pretty sure every round is about 20 minutes long so you always know what your getting into. You can easily get lost in it for a couple hours if you have fun with it. I find it more fun then Overwatch recently. I haven't played splatoon and I stopped playing CODs a couple years ago. But its definitely something I find myself playing with my friends once a night.
>hunger games clone
>hunger games
Redpill is a reference that comes from the first matrix movie released in 1999
Seriously consider suicide
20 min isnt bad. My problem is that I am looking for a game that is "esportsy" by which I mean, consistent, controlled matches that I can burn through 3 or 4 games in a few hours. I was going to pick up Civ again, but I just dont have that time to burn any more.
>early access
>loot crates
>military shooter nr 232324235
>lol everything so random
>twitch streamers
go die of aids
Comfy as all fucks battle royale game with some god-tier ballistic TECHNOLOGY and somewhat decent gunplay.
Cons are it's unoptimized and there's not much variety in the elements and the core gameplay, but it's pretty fun and good in its current state to be worth a buy.
Daily reminder that supporting games with gachapon style loot systems that promote gambling is degenerate. That these loot systems are why half life 3 will never see the light of day. That they could manipulate payout rates and you wouldn't know. Microtransactions instead of in game content you can work toward is spitting directly in the face of all gamers. You don't get to play a game to get cool shit anymore, you get to pay for a random ticket to maybe get it. DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THIS SHIT UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE IT IN EVERYTHING WHICH IS CERTAINLY HAPPENING. Korean style mmos and games really are fucking everything up.
dont play video games anymore but I have been playing this regularly for the past 2 weeks
That's exactly what it is, you fucking idiot. Never seen or read the hunger games? Its a bunch of stupid faggots thrown out in the middle of nowhere to kill eachother EXACTLY LIKE THIS SHIT IS. Fucking kill yourself.
It's DayZ mod for Arma 2, but with 75% of the features removed, and sold to you for $30. It's shit.
Hunger-games clone piece of shit mixed with luck and skinnerbox faggotry.
>considering a buy.
Skin your family alive and jump off the window
Fucking retards making millions from copying hunger games and battle royale. Good thing humans aren't immortal.
it's buggy as shit, ugly and doesn't run that well
it's fun as fuck when you get good though. be prepared to accept losses, even if you're careful as fuck you might just run into somebody who camped 2 minutes in a random place to kill you, but then you have that round where you are that scummy camper and end up winning provided the circle doesn't fuck you over. even with unlucky circles you can still win, and it feels good as fuck doing it.
I mean you get a choice of where you drop so honestly if your feeling a more laid back start then drop in small areas with no people but if you want to jump right into the action just drop into a city and punch people or desperately run for guns to survive. Every game is a completely different experience.
Maybe you should look into siege if your interested in that kinda scene, the new update just dropped and I love playing both PUBG and Siege.
Hunger games piece of shit for little kids.
does this look fun?
>I just dont have that time to burn any more.
why not? If you aren't a NEET and you are in school or employed, stop using Sup Forums immediately. This website is for NEETs only, not normalfags.
Got it and it's meh.
While it sometimes gets tense in the last stages of the match, having to grind and loot shit for the first half of it is just boring as fuck.
And even then, it's about praising the RNG gods so you get decent shit and the objective is nearby.
Praise Kek!
Hunger games rip off pile of shit.
>Every game is a completely different experience.
this is true, but to add to that how different rounds will feel like depends entirely on you. if you keep doing the same stuff every match then the game is going to feel the same.
All the negative people posting here have never played the game OP. It's a little unoptimized so you need a better computer than it says at the moment, but it's great so far. 300 hours and counting. Give it a try!
>Immersive game play (solo, duo, and squads)
>Intense action that can break out at any moment
>Various play styles that can all end up winning
>Third and First person servers to make all shooting types happy
>Unpredictable situations that take decisive reflexes and quick thinking
>Every game is unique in what happens
>Tons of guns that can compliment any type of shooter and all of them are deadly (except crossbow)
>Bullet drop and travel varies on each gun
>Losing is not the end of the world as you can rejoin near instantly into a new game
>Free and paid crates helps support the developers while give you items to work for which none are game breaking
>Games can only last 30 minutes max so you will never be strapped into a game for longer than you plan for
>Decent but balanced healing system
>Destructible Vehicles
>100 man multiplayer
I have a family and a job and I want to post here. Try and stop me.
Was it autism?
More Russians copying hunger games.
It's fun if you like exploring big maps and gunplay. Can get a bit annoying when you die over and over at the very start because of rng. However it's good and promising, if you have buddies to play with even better.
lol why would i want to stop you? its incredibly embarrassing being in your 40s on a website full of children
posts like this are a meme at this point covfefe
it makes me have to pee really bad every time i play it
Some stupid faggot copied Hunger Games and is raking in shit from Chinese and other subhuman niggers addicted to skinnerboxes.
Don't listen to this stupid piece of shit. Game is only popular because retards can keep dropping in matches until they get lucky with a good assault rifle and get free kills on fags who only found knives and shit. Completely fake garbage.
>fucking retards
>making millions
Pick one you stupid fuck
What gambling is in it?
Everyone says you need a good computer to run it but ive been playing with a 7850, 6300 vishera, and 8 GB of RAM
>Game is only popular because retards can keep dropping in matches until they get lucky with a good assault rifle and get free kills on fags who only found knives and shit. Completely fake garbage.
You sound like you suck at the game. Git gud fag
Another hunger games clone.
>bullet drop varies on each gun
Nothing like how the coriolis effect actually works.
I love the game but people who pretend like it's no RNG involved are retards. You can drop in a relatively big settlement where you only find bandages and weapon mods and a sickle, and at that point it's a big risk to infiltrate new places where people might already be present. Same goes for if you land in towns etc where many people drop, whoever can find a shotgun or assault rifle first will kill, but at least those rounds are over fast if you're unlucky.
However if you find a rifle, a couple of first aids and a 4x scope early on then any good player is set with that. Other players might have been more lucky than you loot-wise, but you can still kill them and steal the shit they got.
u just outed urself as an underage poster
>degenerate campfest: the game
Same I've been playing with my 560ti on low everything except for textures on ultra at about 45fps and its been pretty great
It's sad how thirsty and desperate the PUBG userbase is to have some sense of community and to have their own memes and such.
Hunger games is about kids fighting to the death in a weird dystopian future.. PUBG is just a video game where the last man standing wins. There is no similarities except that general premise of killing eachother and lasting, which has been around far longer than hunger games
fun as shit, if you like squad tier games with friends this ones perfect. been waiting for a game as simple yet fun to play with friends.
i mean its worth the $30 now, and we're hopefully getting another map soon.
Yes fucking retard. Capitalism is a fucking failure of a system that only rewards spoiled piece of shit brats. You fucking idiots and your fake system will what's coming to you soon.
All you do with your entire life is copy everyone else's work. When you die, you leave NOTHING behind. All of this anti-culture shit is a fucking waste that will be forgotten immediatelly. Your money means nothing. You will die like everyone else and everything you did with your fucking worthless life is gone.
Yes, fucking retards making completely worthless shit.
they dont even understand the dynamic between virgin vs chad and think it's just "lol one is better than the other"
i could barely run it until i disabled Windows search and superfetch services
The game sold 10 fucking million copies, can't mr Unknown use some of that money so his chink slaves make more buildings other than the same 4 ones copy pasted 2000 times all over the map?
No need to project
Another stupid fucking hunger games clone only popular because of luck and skinnerbox shit.
the people I know who thinks PUBG is a bad game (and who actually tried it) are all terrible at shooters and didn't even bother to play more than 1-2 matches
Hunger games, which took it's inspiration from Battle Royale.
Battle Royale which the creator of PuBG has cited as his inspiration for the game.
You can even get skins of the main characters from Battle Royale in the game.
game really fucking needs quieter crouch walking, otherwise, every single encounter i make with other players consists of one or both of us fucking hiding and not moving at fucking all and its fucking abysmal
as it is its basically Camping: The Game
>no argument, just another meme post made by someone else that's been posted a million times already
Thanks for proving my point.
Good thing you idealist scum will be pit against each other so you spark another World War and run the entire planet into the ground.
You don't need anymore reason to get this game other than how mad it makes Sup Forums
>capitalism working for over 200+ years in many modern countries
>its a failure because I don't benefit
Yes because if it was real life, you'd go guns blazing.
>Not knowing about Battle Royale.
>Being old enough to post here.
I'm pretty decent at it and I still think it's completely mediocre.
Got bored after the first 15 hours, the other 40 are just AFKing to get points to sell loot boxes.
>everyone released at once instead of one at a time
>everyone must find a weapon instead of being given one
>random environmental hazards
>care packages from sponsors
>crossbow is clearly a reference to Katniss's long bow
It's kinda shit
But it's got short rounds and has a few neat features that has people coming back for more
Imagine if someone took DayZ, shrunk the map and removed the zombies and survival parts of the mod. You're basically looking at a mod of a mod
Also BRs and third worlders love this shit because you can make more money selling the items from this game than you can working a day job in their shithole
>System that only works the backs of always having an exploitable class/resource
>These exploitable resources are drying up
I don't think it's an amazing game, pretending like there are no flaws is stupid. But it's an enjoyable waste of time as long as you play somewhat aggressively, and playing in a squad with friends.
I did get it for free though so that might influence my opinion of it. But I would in no way call the game bad. We all know nobody on Sup Forums would shit on it like they do now if it was just a relatively obscure game with little success though.
its fun with friends, pretty frustrating without.
If you wanna be competitive, just fuck off. Otherwise, have fun with it. also, sell every crate you find for a dollar on the market. ezpz
>commie faggot
Opinion discarded. Kys.
This is Sup Forums, fag, this is our home. You get out.
in a communist system nobody would be encouraged to excel and advance mankind to ever leave this rock or achieve anything great, ultimately dooming us to die when we run out of said resources
fucking brainlet leftists
Not to mention, PU didn't even implement a grid based mechanic for squeezing the map. He literally chose shrinking circles because they more reminiscent of THE HUNGER GAMES (see: the circular arena they fought in)
Except capitalism doesn't solely rely on non-renewable resources you fucking retard
Go take a fucking economics course
>its fun with friends, pretty frustrating without.
Fuck no, it's completely frustrating with friends.
>everyone jumps in the same place
>what would be 4 houses for you alone, ends up in one house for everyone
>win the match, kill 20 people, reward: 5 coins
It's shit.
Actually the Outer Space Treaty has already fulfilled that part by saying that no nation can own extraterrestrial territory.
That's why the only people pushing for this are bored guys like Elon Musk, while NASA is too busy masturbating over their ebin pictures of Saturn.
maybe because shrinking circles is more fun then a grid, a circle has no corners to hide in and so players will have to fight for the favorable geographic locations in said circle.
I didn't just mean resources
I mean for the last 30 years it's been cheap labor from china to make our shit
Before that it was minorities
Before that it was the underclasses
The system only works when you can take a shortcut and fuck something up, because "Sustainable" and "Capitalism" don't fucking work.
god dammit
it depends on the friend, I have people who play well and other who plays like retards. also even though the former friend plays well he also plays really careful, he nearly always wants to avoid people even though we have a good advantage. what's the point of playing this game if you aren't gonna fight until the last few circles? that's what makes playing solo great, you play however you like. also I like to know that people I kill have nobody to back them up.
>Claim ownership of all space outside the stratosphere
>Shoot down anyone else who tries to enter it
So Venture Capitalists still get to exploit resources.
Hope you're ready for Space Megacorps
>I mean for the last 30 years it's been cheap labor from china to make our shit
Which was highly beneficial for them because they invested insane amounts into infrastructure and are extremely developed in most places. China is a fucking mastodon because of capitalism and introducing a free market.
Nope. Pretty obvious it's because PLAYERUNKNOWN was just keeping it real with his waifu Suzanne Collins
>oh you've never heard of battle royale before either?
>yeah me too heh. hunger games was totally the original battle royale story
>like, a shrinking circle is just better y'know?
Why do you think US stopped giving a fuck about space?
Then again, it doesn't say anything about companies or individuals, so you could build yourself a home and claim it for yourself, but defending it would be up to you.
>Before that it was minorities
>Before that it was the underclasses
my granddad worked at an orange juice factory at the conveyor line and he bought a nice house and raised kids making a decent living
i always thought he must have had some hard but nice as fuck job because they seemed so healthy and well off financially
a fucking orange juice factory line worker
is he the "oppressed underclass"? or were minorities enslaved or forced to do significantly shittier work for significantly shittier pay at the same time?
no, they had segregation, they had the same types of jobs, serving their own kind
fucking lefty faggot, the fuck are you even talking about?
$20 in steamwallet, added $10 of my own because 3 friends kept bantering me to play it.
I had tried it for 1/2 an hour like 3 months ago, couldnt run on my PC. Got it again to try, I can run with a few settings turned up now and it is pretty fun. Some bugs are fucking annoying, but some of the shenanigans with ganking and flying off hills are the polar opposite and I enjoy them.
Got about 10hrs in it now. Will probably keep playing. Doesn't hurt that my 2nd free lootbox in the game had an item that I sold for $50 on the steam marketplace.
It rewards the best version of the best idea. An idea means shit without execution and there is nothing wrong with many people trying to perfect one thing. That's what the free market does you delusional moron. And you are free to patent shit and are plenty of cases of intellectual property being protected for many years so it can only be used by the creators. But you don't know what you're talking about anyways.
Shodan time?
>Ecological Wasteland
>Literal rivers of acid and chemicals
>Smog so thick and dangerous everybody wears masks
Yes, and now they are no longer exploitable. Which means we'll need to find a new group to put our cheap shit together. Which will go through an industrial revolution.
Your grandfather benefited from unions and regulations on corporations not fucking the people that were removed by the Reagan administration, which is why you're probably unemployed/underpaid and posting on a Taiwanese slideshow BBS.
People like him, actually more like the leaders of his ideology just seek to use groups. Make them feel victimized in order for them to do their bidding out of emotion. And their bidding/wish is to steal wealth and become the new top dog by this scam.
Wrong. You've never even been to China, I suggest you visit if you want to talk. It's incredible what they've managed to accomplish.
>Sup Forums
Seems we´ll get you to suicide soon
wtf are you even talking about i never even liked reagan
>the oldfags who yelled nigger and posted CP constantly are now liberals who think racism and sexism is bad, and the conservatives are the newfags
>this is what newfag leftists actually believe