So now that destiny is confirmed shit (again), who here waiting for the true GOAT loot shooter?

So now that destiny is confirmed shit (again), who here waiting for the true GOAT loot shooter?

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i missed everything.
can you give me a quick rundown of why it's shit?

>its a new game
>its popular
>its not out on pc yet
>its not out on switch
>its actually shit
pick one

The setting looks so boring.
Generic looking power armor, post apocalyptic jungle and alien monsters.
I wish they'd tried to make something that felt at least a slight bit fresh.

I-it's a new game?

>First person destiny saaacks!!
>Muh third person destiny is better!!!
You're a faggot either way OP.


>thinking anthem will be good
>third person destiny
>bioware after being bought by EA
>downgraded graphics brought to you by consoles

ahh sweet is just got the rifle of destruction
"nice one judy"

wow, it is almost as if you woke from a coma you have been in for the last 10 years or so and missed the gradual degradation of competence and quality at bioware.
As disgusted as I am to write this, but they will probably fail to surpass borderlands just like all the others.

>surely modern bioware will make a good game

This is a Bioware Divison. It's like the perfect storm of dog shit.

But this is the main Bioware team. They have never made a bad game. Andromeda was a shitty side team made specifically for that game.

>fake player trailers

its almost as if the people in charge of marketing dont know anything about videogames

>no one remembers the division
>this time by bioware

yea good luck mate

>They have never made a bad game
Mass Effect 3
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Even if you reply that none of these are truly bad, which is true, bioware does nothing but underperform since the dawn of this decade.
Nothing they made since DA awakening was worth of the legacy of their name.

You know what is really shocking?
That the people writing, directing, or acting these trailers dont seem to either.
Not one of them stands up and says, "nobody sounds like this, this is embarrassing!"
And someone seems to believe that by presenting acting as bad as the worst law & order episodes featuring a subculture they know nothing about they can interest "more normal" people in their games, as if they are somehow less bewildered by the fake players than by the real deal.

there are too many lucky people in this world being where they shouldnt

so is this really multiplayer only? that's horrible

How hard can it be to give their fake players the required 'action script' and then tell them to act as if they were playing the game for real?

Inquisition wasn't bad, it was just mediocre. Same with ME3.

I'm still holding out hope that Escape From Tarkov can fill that void.

See for me when it comes to comparing the Mass Effect games I see it as a sort of scale, which is why the series depresses me so much. Mass Effect 1 was probably the strongest in terms of storyline but the weakest in gameplay. The combat was shit, the hacking was shit, every weapon was pretty much just a reskin with slightly different stats with the exception of spectre weapons which were just outright better than anything else, and despite all the side missions they all took place in the same buildings with just slightly different furniture arrangement.

With Mass Effect 3 on the other hand, the story aspect went to complete shit while at the same time it's probably the best in terms of gameplay. The classes all feel unique, there's a large variety of unique weapons, the combat is satisfying as hell, and the side missions have a good deal of variety.

It's like while the team that was in charge of gameplay worked their ass off throughout the series trying to improve the games as they progressed and try to balance out the RPG and action aspects the writers just got lazier and lazier until they reached the point where they probably spent the vast majority of Mass Effect 3's development time just taking turns jacking off to Garrus porn in the bathroom and then just spent two hours out of the entire development time actually writing.

How was "magic" in ME3? I really hated how they made it weaker in 2 versus how it was in 1.

Also, bioware really needs to make an ME collection where you can get the whole trilogy and the DLC for them for a reasonable price. I can't believe how jewish they are about the games to this day.

Well, it has guns.

So, being a Bioware game, what kind of advanced diversity bullshit do you think will get shoehorned in? The whole story is about trans pilgrims on a new planet? The big bads are a patriarchal race (that's it)? Plague has killed 90% of white people and only the PoCs can save them out of the goodness of their heart?

I get the impression most people in publishing have never touched a game in their life. I went to rehab with a guy who was an executive for EA for a brief period of time during their Dead Space and Mirror's Edge period. He was a fairly old guy who'd grown up before video games were even really a thing and had never touched a video game in his life and didn't really care about them either.

>Game releases
>It's actually good

Highly unlikely but a man can dream. Is it going to be on Windows 10?